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Friday, April 2, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Morgans Royal Oak Amber Ale - problems

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:03 AM PDT

Hello everyone, I'm very new to home brewing and I've only recently started my first brew. I bought the Morgan's home brew kit and my first batch was with the Royal Oak Maber Ale wort kit.

It's been going for two weeks now but the gravity has been at 1.02 for the last week with not activity. I bought a second hand fridge, a thermostat online with a heating pad to regulate temperature.

The instructions say 22 to 30 degrees for 5 days but the brew shop employee said 18 to 20 for two weeks...

Morgans Royal Oak Amber Ale - problems

Strainer too small

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:16 AM PDT

I have a strainer that's too small to sit across the top of the fermenter
so I tie 2 pieces of dowel to it so I can use 2 hands to tip up the pot.


Cara pils malt

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:01 AM PDT

This is a malt addition that is totally confusing. After some research, I got to the important differences. Cara pils is a copyright name in the USA and owned by Briess. The other cara pils or cara foam is weyermann. Both good , but different. Briess cara pils is simply a pale crystal malt with zero enzymes. Great, no mashing required to get body in beer.
Weyermann in USA is known as cara foam. ( copyright issues ) I recently used weyermann cara foam in a pils using extract as a base. Had...

Cara pils malt

Pilsner yeast

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:32 AM PDT

Hi everybody!!

I've been just using 34/70 for years and years and have actually never tried anything else.. I used to be happy with it but the past year or so I've gotten a minute weird almost off taste I think is me disliking that particular strain so have just bought a couple liquid types (WLP850 Copenhagen lager and WLP830 German Bock)

My question is, are these clean lager yeast really that different? What are your experiences?

Why Were Cornflakes Made

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

Now this is not a joke as such .. but then again, its so hard to believe and bloody funny. You just need to enter into Google "Why were cornflakes made" the read the answer. I included the link in case for whatever reason your browser does not get the result. I wonder who of you eat far too much cornflakes!!!

More "Apply" Apple Cider

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:44 PM PDT

Hello Fellow Brewers and Happy Bloody Easter. For the first time I brewed an apple cider using Aldi apple juice as many before me have done. After brewing, I added 500g of lactose to sweeten it up a bit and today is "Test Day" It has only been sitting in fridge gassing up for 2 weeks but this is my findings. It doe not taste "apply" enough compared to commercial apple cider. Is there anything I can add to increase the fruit flavour or should I just go back the the tin method.

Type 30 refill hose

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

Hi All.

I'm new to this forum, and fairly new to brewing, but thanks to Google and YouTube, I'm learning fast. There is, however, one thing that my Google-fu has been unable to help me with.

I plan to hire a 22Kg CO2 bottle from Supagas, and use it to recharge my 6Kg and 2.6Kg bottle as required. The price is pretty nominal - $42 for a full bottle, delivered, and $10 per month rental on the bottle. A small price to pay for not having to dash off to Springvale every time a bottle is...

Type 30 refill hose


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