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Thursday, April 1, 2021

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The HomeBrew Forum

For sale - SS Brewtech kettle and induction hob

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:54 PM PDT

selling some of my old kit. A 10gal SS Brewtech kettle with a 3kw buffalo induction hob.
Haven't used them since the back end of last year.
1 cosmetic scratch at the top of the kettle, kettle will need a good pbw clean before use but will come up nice.
Also adding a 5l mini keg and a malt basket for my old ace boiler.
Thinking about £200 for everything.

Calling those fermenting under pressure!

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:54 PM PDT

Hi Folks,

After one too many oxidised brews I've adapted a corny keg to allow for closed fermentation, initially I'd planned to just use a blow of tube.

When I realised you could make a spunding valve cheaply I decided to give fermenting under pressure a go.

I'm reaching out for any information regarding yeast types, psi and temperature ranges as I'm keen to experiment fermenting at higher temperatures.

Do you ferment under pressure? Does it improve your beer? Is it worth it?


Calling those fermenting under pressure!

Wibier bitter orange addition

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:42 PM PDT

We have a Witbier brew planned for the weekend. It's 23 L with 2.6 kg of Pilsner, 2.4 kg of flaked wheat, 120 g of Munich and 30 g of Hallertau Mittelfruh. My question is, how much bitter orange and coriander to add? The recipe says 50 g and 12 g respectively but also talks about the subtle spicing (and therefore potentially invisible to my taste buds). So how much should I add to make them detectable but not overpowering?


Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:36 PM PDT

How long does it take you to bottle, and how can I speed it up

2 days ago I bottled 120 litres, from 6 batches, I didn't start until 10pm,did priming sugar, sanitised bottles, transferred into bottling bucket, capped with bench capper. Finished at 5am. I know I could of done some of it the next day but just wanted to get it done.

so how can I speed it up. One mistake was drinking whilst doing it! My first 2 batches were into 330ml bottles the rest in 500 ml and 650 ml bottles.

Strawberry impulse madness! What to do now?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

Spotted some strawberries this evening being reduced to 5p due to reaching their end date. They look fine, so I blew 40p and bought what seems to be 1.8kg with the notion of fermenting them, but no firm plan as to what to do. So here I am looking for advice please.

1) Is there an acknowledged best/simple way to prepare the strawberries (e.g. just squash them and boil). Will there be a lot of filtering involved?

2) Is it best to wait until they are all really ripe?

3) I'm assuming this...

Strawberry impulse madness! What to do now?

Cost of hops

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 05:56 PM PDT

Just wanted to express my condolences on the cost of citra. I had no idea at the difference in price from the states and the UK even for UK grown hops.....


Posted: 01 Apr 2021 04:39 PM PDT

I can take no credit for this but would like to pass on the info...
Misty Ricardo...and follow!
I mix bits from recipes to get where I want it and add as much heat as you like. Makes "British Indian restaurant" style curries. A bit of messing about to get set up but nothing you can't find at a decent supermarket or Asian store.
This is tandoori chicken Madras..

Sampling beer to find out sg

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 04:09 PM PDT

I have my juicy ipa brewing just now since last Sunday and was going to sample it this weekend to see how it's progressing, I have a coppers fv with a tap, if I take a sample from the tap will it give the same reading as if I took the lid off and sampled it I am reluctant to remove the lid at the stage

Chemsan neutralised by tap water?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

Hi All

Just did a ph paper test on diluted Chemsan using my tap water, not too cloudy but worryingly - shows a 6

I understand Chemsan is only effective at a ph of 3 or below.

What should I do in future? Change to bottled mineral water? Is my equipment UNsanitary?

My beer is near ready to bottle, my equipment was sanitised without realising this issue with the ph. Is there likely to be a problem?

I had a look in fermenter when adding hops, smells okay looks okay.

Am I being a paranoid...

Chemsan neutralised by tap water?

Kegerator Gas Supply - on or off?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 03:42 PM PDT

Hi All,

I have build myself a kegerator out of an old larder fridge with a 6kg CO2 gas supply and it is mostly working well. My first cylinder of gas was empty after less than two weeks having been on constantly since set-up to supply approx 12 psi pressure to one keg. I am assuming there was a leak in one of the JG fittings and took it on the chin as part of the learning process. Having got a gas refill, I checked all of my gas pipework using a leak detector foam and it all looked ok so...

Kegerator Gas Supply - on or off?

Rento’s Brew.....evening!

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 03:23 PM PDT

I've only done a few all grain (BIAB) after years of messing with kits, but thought I'd share my setup and fast 3 hour brew day as it's my 2nd batch of a fab cascade pale wife and neighbours forced me to do another batch!

10l batch
2kg Maris otter pale
200g Crystal 70
20g Cascade at 30
10g cascade at 15
15g cascade at 0
half pack of US-05 yeast at 19c

I'm really happy with my setup so wanted to share as it may help or inspire others.

my Kit is:
cygnet 30l urn wrapped in foam...

Rento's Brew.....evening!

Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

It's maybe time to start my own brewday thread. Today I do my 15th all-grain brewday, and what better time to consider doing a write-up than when I'm already half way through. That'll probably be typical of how things will be around here - sporadic, messy and nonsensical.

So here goes...

It's roughly a Best Bitter by the numbers. And it's had 45 minutes in the mash tun. Time to remove the freshly poured Brown Porter (AG14), and get sparging under way.


Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Desktop, Phone or Tablet. [POLL]

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

I was looking at browser stats on StatCounter Global Stats - Browser, OS, Search Engine including Mobile Usage Share and while using the site found the info below which surprised me, i am predominantly a Desktop user but do use my phone for moderating etc when away from home i have a Tablet but use it less because i prefer the Desktop, i thought the Tablet figure would be much higher as i imaginer the younger generation wouldn't use a Desktop/Laptop...

Desktop, Phone or Tablet. [POLL]

Hello from Germany

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 02:30 PM PDT

Hi everyone, I'm from Liverpool living in Germany. I want to start brewing because I can't really get any British beer over here so I thought I'd try and brew my own. In the past I've done a few kits but nothing serious. This time round I'd really like to get into all grain. I've got no brewing kit at the moment. I'm just reading all I can before I take the plunge. Cheers.

Quickie: do I really need two packets of WLP001?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 02:27 PM PDT

I'm planning a session IPA based on a recipe in Brewfather for something called Twisty Listy. Among other ingredients the recipe calls for one packet of expensive liquid yeast from White Labs, WLP001. It's a 23 litre Grainfather batch recipe and uses a lot of generic malts which I don't have access to, so I plugged in my own hardware profile (B40pro) and substituted the ingredients one by one for similar stuff that I do have, adjusting...

Quickie: do I really need two packets of WLP001?


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