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Monday, April 12, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Wyeast best by date

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

bought a wyeast 1469 but instead of MFG date it now has a best by date. as i want to overbuild this yeast to keep some for next brew anyone know how to do this. The yeast build software i use has the option for mfg date to workout viability so how do i enter this using best by date?the date in question is 09/21 Wyeast say use within 6months but cannot except this as mfg date as this would mean yeast not being made yet!

Experiences with Wyeast 3068

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:08 PM PDT

I'm keen to hear if anyone has some experiences to share with Wyeast 3068 in a Hefeweizen.

A couple of weeks ago I brewed a Hefeweizen and pitched Wyeast 3068 from a smack pack. This is the first time I've ever used a liquid yeast.

Fermentation was for 12 days. Yeast pitched at 19c and fermentation around 22-23c. I was aiming to emphasise banana esters. The whole pack of yeast was pitched into 25 litres. Started at 1046 and finished at 1009 SG.

I kegged on Thursday, into a 19L Corney...

Experiences with Wyeast 3068

Step mashing

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:39 PM PDT

I have a big orange drinks cooler mash tun. I've used it very successfully for lots of AG mashes, but step mashing is hard as it involves hot water additions to get up to various temperatures.
So I wonder... Is it possible to start hotter and step down to different temperatures using cold water during the mash? Or does that somehow scupper extraction?
Thanks in advance

Bread Porn

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:31 PM PDT

Nothing special a wholemeal bread with pumpkin seed and caraway seed, family get together tomorrow will be making some cheese and onion bread, maybe even some tomato and basil.

Grainfather raffle?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:18 PM PDT

Would anyone be interested in a Grainfather G30 Connect connect raffle?

Was thinking 65 tickets of £10 each?

Let me know of any interest below :)


Retailers "own brand" kits

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:20 PM PDT

Hi all

Apart from the likes of love brewing's beerworks craft series kits and the bruphoria range from the homebrew company, does anyone know of other online shops selling similar kits?

Not looking for any inclusions of steeping grains or hops to boil, just plain old mix extract with water, ferment then dry hop when appropriate.

I've scoured the net but those two companies are the only ones I can see that fit the bill.

Cheers. Tom

Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:59 PM PDT

It's maybe time to start my own brewday thread. Today I do my 15th all-grain brewday, and what better time to consider doing a write-up than when I'm already half way through. That'll probably be typical of how things will be around here - sporadic, messy and nonsensical.

So here goes...

It's roughly a Best Bitter by the numbers. And it's had 45 minutes in the mash tun. Time to remove the freshly poured Brown Porter (AG14), and get sparging under way.


Cushyno Brewdays etc..

pennine's brewdays

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

163 - summit ipa
as a gift for tying for first on the jan competition i was given a huge bag of summit. found this recipe on hbt a while back and figured to give it a shot. i had bought a pack of summit last year and was really disappointed with it, this one already smells and tastes light years better. is making me thing maybe the summit wasn't bad but was the kveik i was trying out as well?

2.00 kgHook Head Pale (5.0 EBC)74.6 %

Belgian hops?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT

I received a birthday present of 8 bottles or cans per month of world beers from Beer52 just as Covid started. Although I brew my own ale, I find it interesting to get beers I can't get locally delivered, and it makes me drink ale I wouldn't drink by choice.

This month is Belgian month, and in it is a Belgian IPA , its bloody lovely.

I think it's by Brouwerij Lekker, and it appears to be 50/50 pale and munich malt, with EKG, Merkur, greene bel, and challenger hops.

I was looking to make...

Belgian hops?

Home made pear syrup addition to TC..

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:41 PM PDT

Right, now I've done a few successful TC's after the first disastrous cider vinegar.....I'm thinking of making my own pear syrup from a basic recipe (1 cup pear cubes to 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water) and then adding it to my TC at the bottling stage.
Would I be right in saying that the sugar in the syrup will create the fizz?
Has anyone done this and how much should I add per bottle?
Depending on what I read a cup measure is around 125 to 200grams

4 grams of sugar to a teaspoon. so for...

Home made pear syrup addition to TC..

How to make Turbo Cider.

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:28 PM PDT

Afternoon all,

Negligent of me not to have put this up before now, but here's my take on a straightforward 25L Apple Turbo Cider...

Give me a shout if I'm missed any bits out or if anything isn't clear, I knocked it up quite quickly !

It doesn't paste that well into the new thread window, but there is a Word version of the below on OneDrive using the link below!AqD9OOcGhwessDgrtHSnwAxFhhpY

Recipe for 25L Classic Apple TC (5.35% abv)

These are not...

How to make Turbo Cider.

Boiler query and recommendations for new equipment

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

Hi, I have a Ritchies boiler (quite old) upon which the thermostat failed quite a few years ago (probably around the time I stopped brewing - pics attached). Having gotten back into the habit, I'm looking at going from kits to try AG (I've been reading the excellent Clibit thread). I used to brew by boiling malt extract in the boiler with hops. I've been playing with the boiler and I can't get it to heat above about 85oC without the thermostat shutting off the element.

I'm contemplating...

Boiler query and recommendations for new equipment

Gelatin in FV?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

I was thinking of trying Gelatin as and when needed and trying it in the FV, best technique I believe is to cold crash then add Gelatin (I understand how to mix it) then add to the FV and keep cold for another 48 hours.
The question I have though is will opening the FV and sucking air in to allow adding the gelatin cause any oxygenation problems for bottling?

What did you brew today?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

Easy Keg 5L

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:59 PM PDT

Before I waste 24 quid buying four of these...
Anyone here use them?

If they function OK, they look like a cracking, inexpensive bit of kit for storing a session brew.

Mangrove Jacks Hard Seltzer

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:16 PM PDT

I hadn't heard of it until I read the promotion thread today. It's not to my taste but my dear lady doesn't like beer. She's diabetic and vegan so this is right up her street. I had a browse (nothing on YouTube) and found this...

"Clear in appearance and with an abv of around 4% hard seltzers are made by mixing an alcohol base – usually fermented cane sugar – with...

Mangrove Jacks Hard Seltzer

Saucery - magic rock

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

Fave tipple at the moment and available from Tescos. For a sub 4% beer it really packs in flavour. it manages to balance the sweetness and juicyness with a touch a sour that works a treat.

There are a few hints on their website Saucery - Magic Rock Brewing

Anyone tried something inspired by it? I think acid malt balances out the sweetness from golden promise and the English yeast. Also they must use some...

Saucery - magic rock


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