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Friday, April 30, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Amarillo Simcoe & Citra

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:05 PM PDT

I've just ordered 3 Kg of Amarillo, Simcoe & Citra from Get 'Er Brewed.

Need to get a brew on!!!

Would appreciate your input of any tried an trusted recipes...

Has anyone been brewing a SMaSH

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

As the title says, anyone been doing a Single Malt and Single Hop brew of late??? Or perhaps some hop water for example too?

I've recently been reading about this stuff and wondering how often you guys do either of these and what are you or have been doing?

I do like the idea of the hop water that makes you feel buzzed or slightly drunk but has no alcohol in it hehe =)

Tap tower

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:04 PM PDT

Anyone built something like this?

keen to do one myself but I'm wanting 6 taps and don't wanna spend the money that the people who make them want to charge.

the pipe etc is easy enough. Just the correct threaded part into the tap I can't find

Saison, unsure what taste is like ??

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:05 PM PDT

Can I buy "saison" from a supermarket in can / bottle ?

Can anyone recommend something , apart from stout / porter , perhaps only one I've never brewed , would taste the style

Social media boycott

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 04:39 PM PDT

I don't use social media much so a question to those here that do will this boycott have any effect whatsoever its pretty obvious these companies could have done a lot more a long time ago to get on top of racism but they always seem to come out with excuses every time the finger is pointed at them, i have mentioned this before i have an account in a totally made up name that i used to use to wind people up in football discussions back in the day why do they not insist on proof when a person...

Social media boycott

What kit beer are you drinking tonight?

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:11 PM PDT

As the title says - What are you drinking tonight?

So who's growing chillies 2021?

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:04 PM PDT

I am! But then I do every year 🙂.

It's always tough to select what to grow but I've got Dorset Naga, Michael's Magic, Turtle Claw, Jamaican Jerk (all capsicum chinense), Tropical Orange (capsicum pubescens), and Madre Vieja (capsicum baccatum) in the propagator with reasonable germination so far.

I'll get my capsicum annuum sown at the start of March (they don't need so long a growing season) but haven't quite decided what I'll grow yet.

What are you growing / will you grow this year?

Peco EB1B boiler

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Does anyone have one of these? I'm starting in all grain for the first time and this was going cheap and I got one, however there are no controls, you just plug it in. As such, I'm not really sure how to best use it when making the wort. Can anyone provide an explanation for best use?


Show us your Pushbikes

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

I think, in fact I know I am not the only member here who does a bit of cycling, maybe not all as obsessed as myself but nevertheless I thought anyone with an interest could post pictures of your bikes, it doesn't have to be an £10k super bike as long as you enjoy riding it, perhaps with a little bit about it or how you enjoy cycling.
So I have a few bikes and here is a handful of them..........

First my pride and joy the Ridley Noah SL, this aero bike took me to 10 race wins last year and...

Show us your Pushbikes

How long can leave cider before carbonating

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:35 PM PDT

I wonder if someone could help have searched Google and this forum before posting..

I was wondering once I have brewed the cider.. How long can I leave it before carbonating it...

I have a batch bottled now (carbonated in the bottles) but ideally I'd like to start another and leave it in a carbouy (maybe even to settle and flavour?speed up process once bottled?)... Until I get through some of my stock then transfer it to the bottles and carbonate

How long could I leave the cider in the...

How long can leave cider before carbonating

Is my fermentation fridge safe?

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT


I've managed to get hold of an old fridge to use for fermentation. I've taken the shelves and replace the glass bottom with a bit of wood to take the weight. There is space on both sides to let heat up from the heater tube. although I might stick with the belt for now as it has been good so far.

I have a 33 litre bucket for brewing 23l batches, but to get it to fit I had to remove the plastic housing on the side containing the thermostat, bulb etc. It looks like this at the minute...

Is my fermentation fridge safe?

April Competition - Lagers/Pseudo Lagers/Kolsches etc

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:02 PM PDT

Hi everyone, If you'd like to take part in April's competition it's lagers and lager style beers. Judging will probably take place first weekend of May so plenty of time to get your entrees in.

Send a PM if you'd like to enter or ask any questions here.


EDIT: the full list of styles is lager/kolsch/pseudo lager to include European and American styles

Better Brew Czech pilsner

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:38 PM PDT

Started this kit last night , not done one of this brand before but the 2.1kg of pre hopped malt comes in a handy easy to use pouch with a screw cap fastened to it, an impressive 10g satchet of yeast(ale yeast). I added 500g Light DME and 500g table sugar, I've started using water straight from the tap where as I used to add a quart crushed campden tab but stopped as our water tastes great and not noticed any difference. OG 1047 ,placed in water bath in garage and shall leave it now for 2 weeks.

Belgian Ale success!

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:37 PM PDT

AT the end of September I decided to make my first attempt at a temparature stepped mash. I used a recipe for De Konick Belgian ale, which uses lager ingredients but a top-fermenting ale yeast. Here's the recipe (from Wheler and Protz). I got 9 litres out of this (I was hoping for 10 - 12 litres), partly due to syphoning and general incompetance problems:
2kg Lager Malt
650g Vienna Malt
30g Chocolate Malt
30g Saaz hops (start of boil)
Irish Moss
1/2 sachet Mangrove Jacks M41 Belgian Ale...

Belgian Ale success!

Forum T-Shirt.

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:14 PM PDT

New members may not be aware that we have in the past had 4 runs of forum T-Shirts (two are pictured below) thanks to member Dan125, new forum sponsor Benfleet Brewery said he may be interested in making a run so if you would be interested please add your name to the thread.

Designs can be discussed but this predominantly to see if there is enough interest so no need to give sizes just say how many you would like if it goes ahead.


Forum T-Shirt.


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