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Monday, May 10, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Brewing kits

Posted: 10 May 2021 06:03 PM PDT

Hi All
I've been brewing lager kits a little while now and was wondering whether it's to come up with your own recipe for brewing might be silly question but I wise man told me once a man who asks a question is I fool for 5 minutes a man who never asks a question a fool all his life!!

April Competition - Lagers/Pseudo Lagers/Kolsches etc

Posted: 10 May 2021 04:39 PM PDT

Hi everyone, If you'd like to take part in April's competition it's lagers and lager style beers. Judging will probably take place first weekend of May so plenty of time to get your entrees in.

Send a PM if you'd like to enter or ask any questions here.


EDIT: the full list of styles is lager/kolsch/pseudo lager to include European and American styles

Electric BIAB upgrade

Posted: 10 May 2021 03:48 PM PDT

Now then brewers,

Hope you're all well.

Just looking for some help with upgrading my electric BIAB system...

I currently use a 30L electric kettle for my mash/boil, 1 x 20L cooler to hold sparge water, 1 x 25L plastic fermenting bucket. With this system, I'm currently making decent beers at around 75% efficiency which seems good for BIAB systems.

The goals for the upgrade would be to:
  1. Have better temp. control - electric kettle seems to be hotter at the bottom (near heating...

Electric BIAB upgrade

Build yourself a cheap digital boiler power regulator

Posted: 10 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT


This digital power regulator is the high power equivalent of a dimmer switch for a light. It regulates the current delivered to your heating element by performing phase-angle control on the mains sine wave. By regulating the intensity of your boil you can control your losses through boil-off, save money on the electricity needed and ultimately produce more beer from your brewday.

To build my power regulator I will use this module from ebay...

Build yourself a cheap digital boiler power regulator

Co-Pitching two dried yeasts

Posted: 10 May 2021 03:21 PM PDT

So a while ago @Northern_Brewer alerted me to the practice of blending different dried yeast strains and I want to tried it out. I'm planning on making a bitter with Lallemand Windsor yeast and then adding Nottingham to get it to flocculate and drop (and stay) clear.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I was planning to pitch the Windsor first and then Nottingham at high Kräusen. Would it make a big difference if I pitched them at the same time? Probably less...

Co-Pitching two dried yeasts

Vienna Lager yeast

Posted: 10 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

After two drinkable attempts at an AG lager, I'm planning to brew a Vienna Lager but not sure of yeast for the recipe.

Wanted a dry yeast if possible and thought about using a MJ M52. Any recommendations?

Hello from the sunny south coast

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:57 PM PDT

Hi all,

Been told to get a hobby to get out from underneath the wife's feet. so something I can do, make and consume in the bat cave is ideal.

Never brewed before so any advice would be well received.

Wineworks Wine kit is this normal.

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

I've just done my first wine kit, a wineworks red wine (rioja supposedly), made to 23l i got 28 bottles out of it, which came with the equipment kit, i bottled it 3 weeks ago after 2 weeks fermenting and around 10 days clearing and conditioning at 12°c. The kit had 5litres of juice and 500ml of concentrate as well as oak chips and the finings solution, I added all as instructions said and de gassed with a wand after I'd syphoned from fermenter to demijohn. I thought I'd try a bottle...

Wineworks Wine kit is this normal.

Keezer insulation question

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:49 PM PDT

Hi all

I'm currently building a keezer so I can switch from bottling to kegging, and have got as far as building and attaching a collar.

I have a question; most of the time people seem to use a foil backed foam insulation board to insulate their collar, which seems like a good idea. When I was in b&q, I could only find super thick foil backed board or thin and cheap uncovered foam insulation board.

I bought the uncovered version, just wandering if anyone else has used this and if it's...

Keezer insulation question

10 Day Fermentation Ending, But I need to Travel?

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

Hello All,

My first post in this forum and I fear may be a stupid question, however I've not been able to find anything relevant online.

I'm very new to brewing and currently have a basic SMASH IPA with a 10 day fermentation under way which is my second brew, it is due to finish this coming Wednesday. Unfortunately I need to travel for work Wednesday-Friday. Equipment I am using is the 25l Grainfather conical fermenter.

1) Will it be ok to leave it until Saturday to bottle it?
2) Are...

10 Day Fermentation Ending, But I need to Travel?

Jon finch oatmeal stout +lactose

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:45 PM PDT

Hi guys, I want to make an oatmeal milk stout but struggling to find a specific recipe.
The jon finch oatmeal stout is as follows
4 kilo pale malt
400 grams crystal
400 grams chocolate
450 grams rolled oats

Does anyone know what the end result would be If I added some lactose to that recipe in terms of the flavour? I'm looking to make a really smooth, slightly sweet stout.

Cheers in advance

First pressure transfer tomorrow...check my process please

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:38 PM PDT

As per title really. seen loads of YouTube vids and there are still a couple of details I'm a bit unsure of so just looking for a check on my process please.
Equipment - Fermzilla 27ltr been cold crashing for the last 3 days (will be 4 or 5 by the time I transfer). Currently purged with CO2 and at a low positive pressure. Looking to transfer into a couple of 5ltr mini kegs with the rest going into bottles.

- mini kegs currently filled with starsan. Connect to CO2 and push out Starsan to...

First pressure transfer tomorrow...check my process please


Posted: 10 May 2021 02:14 PM PDT

Looks like labour will lose hartlepool and are not doing well elsewhere.

Greg Hughes recipes

Posted: 10 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

I see various threads all over the place about Greg Hughes recipes. He seems to be held in high esteem and all my AG brews have been from his book so far.

Thought maybe it might be an idea to have a thread where folk can discuss a GH recipe they have brewed and give it a bit of a rating to help others (like me) select what to brew.

So I have done;

Milk Stout. I liked this one but I am loathe to offer too much of a review because it stopped at 1.030 and would not move again. I bottled it...

Greg Hughes recipes

Poor Clarity with Added Hops

Posted: 10 May 2021 01:46 PM PDT

I have restarted homebrewing this year after an absence of over 30 years.

My first few kits have all been Mangrove Jacks and they have been brilliant. Lovely taste and very clear. However, one of my latest was a Juicy IPA which meant I had to add a packet of hops at the end of it, which I duly carried out. It has now been bottled for the best part of 2 months and although it is a very, very tasty brew, it is extremely cloudy.
I have since made a "Simply" lager and decided to add some El...

Poor Clarity with Added Hops

Watering down beer

Posted: 10 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

Just wondered if there are any views on adding water to fermenting beers?

I've got a couple on the go (Youngs American IPA and my Australian Monster) that are both currently over 6.5% with a brew length of 21.5 litres (I habitually brew a bit short). Is there any reason why adding a litre of water to the fermenter now to slightly nudge them down, would be different to using more water at the start of the...

Watering down beer


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