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Sunday, May 2, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Stout and coffee

Posted: 02 May 2021 07:37 PM PDT

Hello all, just after a bit of advice please.
My next brew will be Wilko's Chocmeister stout which I have brewed before with Muntons beer enhancer and 50g chocolate malt. It turned out really well but I'm thinking about adding some fresh ground coffee to this next batch. Thing is, I'm not sure how much coffee to add. I don't want to overpower it, but rather a nice background taste behind the chocolate.
Thoughts, comments and advice welcome athumb..

To prune or not to prune?

Posted: 02 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

Thinking about making some fruit juice wine I randomly bought a carton of prune juice. It's described as being 100% juice and I had a vague recollection of it being described by some people as tasting a bit like red wine, so was thinking it would work, probably with some cartons of apple juice. However, I have since come across the following cautionary tale that makes me wonder whether to just abandon the idea of using prune juice entirely!

What do the wise heads of HBF think?


To prune or not to prune?

What do we think about the whole independence thing in general?

Posted: 02 May 2021 04:27 PM PDT

With Wales now really pushing for independence, and of course Scotland waiting for the results of the election. How do we feel about the possible break up of the Union?

Car insurance change could mean your policy is invalid

Posted: 02 May 2021 04:14 PM PDT

Car insurance change could mean your policy is invalid - what you need to know

Drivers across the UK are being warned of a change to their car insurance starting from the end of April.

The move could make your cover invalid if you don't know about the new change.

Measures put in place to protect drivers amid the coronavirus pandemic will end on April 30, GoCompare has warned.

The news comes as the Association of...

Car insurance change could mean your policy is invalid

Beer line help

Posted: 02 May 2021 03:40 PM PDT

Hi all
New to kegs and have my 1st porter ready to go. Temp is 9c and have pressure at keg 10psi. Its about 13 on regulator but have manifold which I believe takes it down a bit. Got 3m of 3/16 beer line and getting really slow pour. If I've done my maths ok, should it be about 3.2 feet?

Citra dry hop - cones v pellets?

Posted: 02 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

I've seen various online articles regarding dry hopping, comparing leaf to pellets in a general fashion. Has anyone done a specific comparison just with Citra? I ask as the Nelson brewery do whole leaf Citra at a good price compared to the cost of pellets.

Converting Aldi tea urn in to small batch all in one

Posted: 02 May 2021 02:45 PM PDT

Hello everyone,

It's been a loooooooong time since I've visited this glorious place. I took a several year hiatus while the kids grew up (I have 4 so it took a while). My youngest is due to start school this year, so feel I may start getting a little time back. I only ever do small 1 gal batches as, to be honest, I don't drink alcohol all that much, but enjoy a good brew day. It also allows for some experimentation.

I've always used the stove top, but I'm looking at ways I can keep the...

Converting Aldi tea urn in to small batch all in one

Mangrove Jacks Beer Kits

Posted: 02 May 2021 02:44 PM PDT

Just looking for some information regarding adding extract to these kits to add some Citrus flavour.
I am very nes to home brewing so excuse my ignorance in any questions.
I recently brewed a Juicy IPA with pretty good results but was looking to possibly add some orange and lemon extract to enhance slightly with summer arriving.
So the question is can the extract be added when pitching the yeast or would this be better during the Dry hops week ? Or add to fermentation bucket prior to...

Mangrove Jacks Beer Kits

Has anyone been brewing a SMaSH

Posted: 02 May 2021 02:21 PM PDT

As the title says, anyone been doing a Single Malt and Single Hop brew of late??? Or perhaps some hop water for example too?

I've recently been reading about this stuff and wondering how often you guys do either of these and what are you or have been doing?

I do like the idea of the hop water that makes you feel buzzed or slightly drunk but has no alcohol in it hehe =)

Bottle Filler

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:46 PM PDT

Don't normally post pictures of my equipment, but just received this yesterday, I've been wanting one for a while now and eventually found someone selling one.

Did a trial run with just water and managed to fill 20 500ml bottles in just over 3 minutes. The challenge will be to get the beer from the fermenter into the bottle filler quick enough

12 ltr keg system

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:43 PM PDT

I have a 12 ltr keg that I'm going to place in my fridge and connect up my co2 cylinder to it for carbing, if I want to move it the my garden if we are having a bbq, what will I need to be able to keep the pressure up in the keg while pulling a pint

Brew boiler

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:43 PM PDT

Can anyone recommend a decent boiler.
Ideally I would like a 30/35l boiler with a hidden element and tap. I have looked at the Ace/Klarstein all in one thingys, but i quite like doing the mash separately.
Any advice would be very helpful.

Nettle wine advice sought

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:38 PM PDT

I have just collected a decent amount of nettles, now it's warm enough to actually leave home :laugh8:

I'm intending to try 2 different recipes - one from Berry, and one from T. Edwin Belt (Wild Plants for Winemaking).

I am well used to Berry's recipes. Belt, however, advises 2 3/4lb of sugar plus "21 1/2 ounces of unsweetened grapefruit juice (1/2 tin)"

a) I haven't any grapefruit juice to hand, and it sounds quite a lot to add to that amount of sugar
b) I do have 1 pint of apple...

Nettle wine advice sought

Does this beer look normal?

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Hi everyone, here's yet another question. This is a week into fermentation it's my first AG's a Belgian ipa. Is that normal? It looks like a brain. I had a google and someone mentioned it's because I used whirlfloc. I'm just checking to see if that's right? And will it clear up. I've got to dry hop in a couple of days so that will probably just sit on top of that stuff. Sorry for all the questions it's getting embarrassing now. Cheers.

Where to buy Star San

Posted: 02 May 2021 01:13 PM PDT

Anybody know where to buy Star San that posts out quickly?


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