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Thursday, May 20, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Pressure barrel stained line

Posted: 20 May 2021 04:32 PM PDT

I have a pressure barrel as well as some cornys. I've just finished a brew in the PB and am cleaning it out but the line for the float is stained.
I have used Vwp and plenty of hot water but this is still stained. Presume this is never going to to be clear like my beer lines to the corny?

Anyone mad enough to grow their own hops?

Posted: 20 May 2021 03:52 PM PDT

Hey folks.

I live in the UK and had a crazy idea to grow my own hops for brewing.

Has anyone else done this, is it a common thing? I get that it's a lot of effort to DIY, but wondered if the quality might be better?

Crazy idea or not?

Lagering advice

Posted: 20 May 2021 03:40 PM PDT

I'm making my first lager, which is also my first all grain brew, and am wondering about the lagering process.
It finished fermenting, since which it has been in the conical at 6C for coming up to 4 weeks. I dumped the yeast a couple of weeks ago.
I just tried a sample and it tastes very nice, but as you can see is still quite cloudy

I am itching to get my conical back into use and just purchased a second hand fridge yesterday so I have the opportunity to...

Lagering advice

Fitting in AG brewing around life

Posted: 20 May 2021 03:34 PM PDT

I've been brewing for about 4 years now (mostly with kits), and last year dabbled with All Grain and was pleased with the results. I am in the process of gathering the necessary equipment to up that to 23L, but the only thing I am worried about is how to carve out time. I'm looking for tips on how to fit this around the rest of my life. I generally work from home now and that won't change. I usually finish at 4pm and do nursery pick up at 5pm, bath time at 5.30pm (for the baby, not me) which...

Fitting in AG brewing around life

Change one letter. (5 letter)

Posted: 20 May 2021 02:58 PM PDT

As members will be staying off work i thought reintroducing this game would pass a bit of time.

Change one letter to make a new word -

I will start with -


Bruphoria James Blonde Ale

Posted: 20 May 2021 02:49 PM PDT

I don't believe a review has been done yet on this Kit. I enjoy a Blonde Ale and decided to give the James Blonde Ale from The Homebrew Company a try. It is a two can kit, 3.0 kg of premium liquid malt extract with Mangrove Jacks US West Coast M44 Yeast, and I believe a mixture of Nugget, Summit and Sorachi Ace hop pellets for dry hopping. This was my 6th brew and I started it on the 06/03/21. OG =1.040 and yeast was pitched at around 23 degrees C. I was worried that fermentation had stalled...

Bruphoria James Blonde Ale

Ball lock disconnect o-rings

Posted: 20 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

All the ball lock posts on my corny kegs have two red o rings on them, as per the piccy. Anyone know a good supplier of them in bulk? I've brought a corny keg rebuild kit, and they don't appear to come with it. A pack of 100 would be great.

What kit beer are you drinking tonight?

Posted: 20 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

As the title says - What are you drinking tonight?

C02 Bottles and Refills West Yorkshire

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:51 PM PDT

I'm wanting to make the leap to kegging, but before I buy any Cornies, would anyone know where I might be able to buy C02 in West Yorkshire.

I have googled a few places, but they dont really want to talk to you unless you run a pub. I live in the Wakefield area, but i'm willing to travel further afield if I can get a regular supply.


Best Beer Names

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:49 PM PDT

I think I've seen references to this in other threads with people mentioning the great names that some beers have. A couple of examples I recall seeing on this forum are an NEIPA called "Juice Forsyth" and a Brut IPA called "Brut Reynolds".
What prompted me to post this is that I've just seen that a local brewery to me have a hazy Pale ale called " Is Citra way to Amarillo" which I thought was brilliant. There must be so many other good ones.

Add yeast after 4 to 6 days? Bad Wilko!!!

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT

I saw a question about this elsewhere and thought the person must have read it wrong. However, Wilko instructions do seem to advise people to add yeast to their beer kit after "After 4 – 6 days" ashock1

How to make beer with a 40 pint beer...

Add yeast after 4 to 6 days? Bad Wilko!!!

What's your favourite wine kit?

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:20 PM PDT

I've done the Solomon Grundy Platinum Rose a few times and it's turned-out pretty good. The reason I picked that kit is because (1) no sugar added and (2) no one ever says "don't buy a rose that's too expensive".
So I gave it a go and never looked back. I just wonder if anyone else has made what I made and has done better with something else? Looking to expand and need a bit of help from those who've experienced a bit more.

Forum T-Shirt - SECOND RUN -

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Hi everyone.

It seems a bit odd starting a thread for a second run of the T-shirt's/ Polo shirts when the first lot are still yet to be sent but I have had a few requests so a new thread will make it easier for me to keep track of things. Printing of the first run is well under way and I expect these to be shipped mid week next week. The second run will probably be shipped 1st week of June. If you missed out on the first run and would like one on the second run, please reply to this thread...

Forum T-Shirt - SECOND RUN -

No More Hangovers!

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:14 PM PDT

Clean Wine's special formula treats wine in a way which reduces, and even eliminates, the effects of a hangover after drinking it. And what's better still, it does this at a minimal cost of just 7 pence per glass of wine, with one Clean Wine bottle treating around 100 glasses of wine!

It works by a process of "cleaning" the wine by safely removing chemical compounds that are known to aggravate hangovers. The chemicals are found, to a...

No More Hangovers!

Bat Cave brewing

Posted: 20 May 2021 01:10 PM PDT

After much reading of sound sages advice here I did my first beer brew today, went for the standard Wilko Wherry.
Cleaned everything in the kitchen that didn't legged it!. And didn't leave a mess (higher authority is very pleased)
Followed the advice about the 1/2 campden tablet in the water (we have a distinct Chlorine smell in the tap water) in one FV while I mixed the cans and boiling water into the other. Moved the FV to the bat cave ( lord 23lts of waters heavy!) and...

Bat Cave brewing

Covid the jab and the final stage.

Posted: 20 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:


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