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Saturday, May 29, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Adding sugar in stages, how do you calculate the ABV?

Posted: 29 May 2021 05:13 PM PDT

I'm a little stuck on figuring out how strong this liquor is going to be by compounding. I'm using a high alcohol yeast that can get up to at least 20%.

1kg of jaggery in 4.5l of water produces an OG of 1.092 as only 0.878kg is sugar.

After this has fermented out I'm left with 4.5l of liquor, with an FG of 1.000. Meaning of which ~12% is alcohol by volume

I then add another 1kg of sugar to put the OG back up to 1.092

Assuming this ferments out again to an FG of 1, what will the ABV be...

Adding sugar in stages, how do you calculate the ABV?

5L pressure barrel

Posted: 29 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT

H guys, getting a bit bored with washing bottles so looking for a small pressure barrel, 5L? I've seen the steel ones but a bit concerned about cleanness after a while, so anyone know if there's a plastic one on the market? I don't want full size as I don't really want to have to drink it all at once, and also a small one will fit in my fridge. Thanks

Bung for Boot’s pressure barrel

Posted: 29 May 2021 03:25 PM PDT

The bung in the lid of my trusty Boot's pressure barrel (where the S30 valve would go) is cracking (see attached picture) and no longer holds a seal. Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement? HB suppliers that I have checked under barrel spares don't have anything like this. If not, I'll just get an S30 valve. Thanks in advance.


New Vine Co wine kits

Posted: 29 May 2021 02:42 PM PDT

So currently sipping a 24hr vintage of Wine Expert Tempranillo and can say it is very good.
So much so I went online to.find another only to discover all out of stock
Then looking at KenRidge to see if it is in that range- no and lots out of stock.
Only to discover from Brew2Bottle that Kenridge Classic has been rebranded Vine Co original. Except its gone from a 10l kit down to 8l.
Vinecowines website the new range is a result of a new process.
So it looks like gone are California...

New Vine Co wine kits

Lunch atop a skyscraper.

Posted: 29 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

Is this picture real. I seen some debate on it. I would be physically sick if I was up that high. Holding on like a cat crying my eye's out


Summer Breeze

Posted: 29 May 2021 02:21 PM PDT

I just tasted my Summer Breeze Ale. It's 3 days conditioned and already exciting me so I've made a rash decision to post the recipe.

If you try it you MUST like hoppy beer.

4.5Kg Vienna malt
250g Caramalt (EBC between 30 and 80)
125g Torrified wheat (for head retention)
Mash for 75 mins at 150F
500g sugar
Bring wort to the boil and add:
10g Citra pellets (60 min)
10g Galaxy pellets (60 min)
40g Citra pellets (15 min)
40g Galaxy pellets (15 min)
Protofloc tablet (15 min)
24 litres into FV...

Summer Breeze

C.D.'s Brewery.

Posted: 29 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

I enjoy seeing pictures of other people's set-ups, so thought my own slightly odd one might be of interest. The reason it is different, is that it is built around an impulse-purchase I made in 1984 of a couple of stainless steel gas-fired boilers that were in the Government Surplus store I'd gone into to buy some rope. They'd come from a school kitchen I was told, were of 30 and 38 gallon capacity, and cost me a hundred quid the pair.


The smaller one...

C.D.'s Brewery.

Dry hopping experiment - good or bad idea?

Posted: 29 May 2021 01:45 PM PDT

I made a Bulldog Brews Premium IPA kit. The fermentation went well (based on hydrometer readings the ABV is 5.8%) and the beer looks good in the bottle, however it lacks taste and is a frankly underwhelming experience. In fact the best way to drink it seems to be to treat it like a lager and have it cold with some spicy food.

It appears to be a kit that cries out for a bit of pimping, which has me thinking about experimenting with some of the bottles as follows:

1) Chill bottle
2) Open...

Dry hopping experiment - good or bad idea?

Coffin Dodger's Brewday

Posted: 29 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

Brewed Gyle 310 yesterday, counting from my first all grain brew. 34 ½ gallons of Premium Bitter with an OG of 46, which I am calling 'Double Celebration', as it is my son and daughter-in-law's Silver Wedding Anniversary and her 60th Birthday today.
Only difference with this one is 204 gms molasses added instead of 250, as my assistant brewer ate some! and Safale US 05 yeast used as my friendly brewery is using it now having been told it is top fermenting, which it isn't.


Coffin Dodger's Brewday

I think I've killed my yeast!

Posted: 29 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

One of my more recent ordering ingredients while hammered cockups has come back to bite me.
I thought I had ordered the all the stuff for an amber ale brew, but accidentally re-ordered the grains, hops and wy2308 for a German lager brew instead.
This was then left in the kitchen for 4 days before I opened it and discovered my mistake. The yeast has been in the fridge for 2 months now, I smacked the pack 2 hours ago, but there's no sign of swelling up to indicate viable yeast activity. On the...

I think I've killed my yeast!

Bottling a Triple NEIPA

Posted: 29 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT

Okay so I've made a Triple 10% New England IPA BIAB as my second brew ever. I know I know I went in at the deep end but go big or go home! I just thought I would keep a record of any change in colour and oxidation on here and if you're interested just follow along.

Ask me any questions!

The picture is an undercarbed (4days 30mins in the freezer test PET bottle) sample of the beer and my god if it stays like this for 2 weeks with a little more carbonation I'm a happy boy!

Fruit Tea Bag disaster

Posted: 29 May 2021 12:50 PM PDT

Tried to make a batch of fruit tea wine tried n tested recipe20 fruit tea bags from Lidl but ............. started out out ok was fermenting nicely for about a week .Fermentation suddenly stopped .Used Youngs super yeast compound first reading was 1100 now 1070 .Did 2 batches of 4 litres 1.250 kilos sugar in each both stopped .Wrongly or rightly added another spoonful of yeast but still dead Temp was a steady 24 % .Any ideas ?

Problems using ispindel in a fermenting keg

Posted: 29 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

So I ferment in a keg and recently bought an ispindel. Using it for the first time and my concerns have come true. The keg acts as a Faraday cage and no WiFi signal escapes. Does anyone know of a workaround? I could have swore I read a thread on the topic and some people having success but can't locate it ATM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unusually large forum text

Posted: 29 May 2021 12:30 PM PDT

Is it just me or is the forum rendering very large text all of a sudden? It's happening in Avatars and new post / reply text.

Edit by Admin - If members could try logging out then back in and if that fails clear browser cashe it will help the technical team, thanks -

EDIT 02:55 -
@cushyno has come up with this fix -
What fixed it for me...

Unusually large forum text

Champions league free and legal stream.

Posted: 29 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

Free and legal stream -


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