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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

My new favourite hop.

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:03 PM PDT

I knew it would be good whilst it was still fermenting but now it's ready, just about, to taste. I bittered my 23 l with 20g of EKG and split 100g of my flavouring hop into 4, adding at 15, 10, 5 mins and flameout. If you like citra, Amarillo, centennial and the like you'll go gaga for EKUANOT. Give it a try and don't blame me if you never want to drink anything else😀:beer1:

Unusually large forum text

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:46 PM PDT

Is it just me or is the forum rendering very large text all of a sudden? It's happening in Avatars and new post / reply text.

Edit by Admin - If members could try logging out then back in and if that fails clear browser cashe it will help the technical team, thanks -

EDIT 02:55 -
@cushyno has come up with this fix -
What fixed it for me...

Unusually large forum text

Long time lurker, first time brewer

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

Hi everyone, I've lurked these forums for a while and finally decided to jump in! I'm a first time brewer from the north east of England, and just finished bottling my first batch of a Wilko's IPA extract kit.
Had a little taste and I'm absolutely blown away that I was actually able to produce a somewhat nice tasting grog, even if it was flat and warm!
Now for the long wait for bottle conditioning, so I'll fill my time with posting on here. Cheers everyone :beer1:


Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:48 PM PDT

A brilliant invention.

I rode the DRYCYCLE up the steepest hill in London and this is what happened!

Problems using ispindel in a fermenting keg

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:42 PM PDT

So I ferment in a keg and recently bought an ispindel. Using it for the first time and my concerns have come true. The keg acts as a Faraday cage and no WiFi signal escapes. Does anyone know of a workaround? I could have swore I read a thread on the topic and some people having success but can't locate it ATM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hopsteep Brewing

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:42 PM PDT

Time to join the crowd and start one of these brew day thread things :beer1:

This will be the first brew of 2020.

My parents are coming to stay with us at the end of February so I need to brew something that my dad will actually enjoy. He is a little bit stuck in his ways (it was only recently I converted him from Lager to drinking ales). That said, he has it in his head he doesn't like any grapefruit/citrus flavours in ales which pretty much restricts him to malty beers...

Hopsteep Brewing

£58 for the brewday!!? .......Lets adjust that recipe. Thoughts on adjustments?

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Hi all,
Brewday yesterday and decided to go for a double IPA based on Pliny the Elder. Yes, i know. I have less than 1 years experience and will likely end up tasting like a drip tray. Alas....i priced it up on The Malt Miller website. (btw...i would love to support LHBS but i am in Chester and i have not found one local to me that is any good / reliable / stock decent range of ingredients and hops.

So, the original recipe was below:

13.25 lb

£58 for the brewday!!? .......Lets adjust that recipe. Thoughts on adjustments?

So who's growing chillies 2021?

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:26 PM PDT

I am! But then I do every year 🙂.

It's always tough to select what to grow but I've got Dorset Naga, Michael's Magic, Turtle Claw, Jamaican Jerk (all capsicum chinense), Tropical Orange (capsicum pubescens), and Madre Vieja (capsicum baccatum) in the propagator with reasonable germination so far.

I'll get my capsicum annuum sown at the start of March (they don't need so long a growing season) but haven't quite decided what I'll grow yet.

What are you growing / will you grow this year?

Has anyone been brewing a SMaSH

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:23 PM PDT

As the title says, anyone been doing a Single Malt and Single Hop brew of late??? Or perhaps some hop water for example too?

I've recently been reading about this stuff and wondering how often you guys do either of these and what are you or have been doing?

I do like the idea of the hop water that makes you feel buzzed or slightly drunk but has no alcohol in it hehe =)

Bloktoberfest - Oktoberfest lager

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

Something to tuck away until haloween.

Alk 20ppm, Ca 115, Mg10, Cl 90, SO4 120
23L batch

Munich - Dark 2.2kg
Vienna 2.2kg
Caramunich 0.4kg
Malanoidin 0.4kg

40 min - 62C
20 min - 68C
10 min - 75C

60 min - 28g Hallertau Magnum
15 min - Protoflac
0 min - 15g Hallertau Mittelfruh

Wy2206 Bavarian Larger

OG 1.048 - IBU 25 - EBC 25

23L in fermenter, OG within a point of expected so happy all round. Fermenting at 10C, will...

Bloktoberfest - Oktoberfest lager


Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

Hey guys

I am just starting to get into beer-brewing along with my husband. We are considering an all-in-one machine. However, I am worried about temperature control of the fermentation. Will an inkbird and a heat pad do the job, without having to spend a fortune? I've no idea how they work at all. and I've seen some wiring setups that are quite frankly beyond us.

Not sure what is best to buy. Can anyone help please?

Is there any way to increase the "appleyness" in a TC?

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:46 PM PDT

Over the last 12 months ive pretty much got TC's down to a fine art. Considering the first was vinegar and the next few lacking in fizz im fairly impressed with my skills and help from the good folk here.

Is there any way to get any more apple flavour into a TC?

I use lidl or aldi juices and MJ yeast. Cold tea. Sometimes gervin universal wine yeast. I sometimes chuck in additional sugar depending on how I feel.

I've currently got 2 fruit and a rhubarb on the go. Almost ready to bottle...

Is there any way to increase the "appleyness" in a TC?

Gareth Southgate has named his 26 man squad for this summer's European Championships.

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:45 PM PDT

The 5 live pundits seem to think we have very good chance this time are they just bigging it up?

I don't watch other teams so i can only comment on the City players and if Foden plays like he does for us he will be an asset.

As usual with football threads can i ask members who are genuinely interested in football to post not its haters, thanks.

BBC RM Sport


Gareth Southgate has named his 26 man squad for this summer's European Championships.


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