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Saturday, June 26, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Challenger in a Saison?

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:47 AM PDT

Hey all,

I was thinking about doing a SMaSH Saison with Pilsner and Sorachi Ace to make a nice summer beer.

I've got a bunch of Challenger left over from my last Milk Stout and I was wondering if adding it as a bittering hop would give me better results?


Belgian Witbier

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

I have made a Belgian Witbier for the first time. In fact, I am not sure I have even drunk one before. So, my question is …. Should I agitate the sediment in the bottle and pour it all in the glass like with a hefeweizen, or should I pour it slowly in order to keep it in the bottle?

Hancock's Half Hour

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

I was going to put this in the "You couldn't make it up" thread but i think it deserves its own.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has admitted breaking social distancing guidance after pictures of him kissing an aide were published in a newspaper.

He said he had "let people down" after photos emerged of him with Gina Coladangelo - whom he appointed - and was "very sorry".

Labour urged the PM to sack Mr Hancock, calling his position "untenable".

But Downing Street said Boris Johnson...

Hancock's Half Hour

Dried elderflower

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

Seem to be able to find lots of reference to fresh elderflowers, and use of elder in wines etc but just wondering about the use of dried elderflower in beer.

I think I have 150g of it, which is for use in a pretty standard summerly blonde ale type deal. Admiral for bittering, late additions of EKG and honey amd elderflower. Just wonderi g when and how is best to add it? And also dosage rates. I dont know if I need 150g or 15g to make it come through.

Any advice appreciated.

Kveik Yeast new to me and still chugging?

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:33 AM PDT

Hi I have only just tried Kveik Voss in my latest couple of brews. Now the question is it is 14 days and it is still chugging away as it did on the first brew I did the other week is this normal?
I pitched it high at 38c in both and unfortunately I do not have temp control so it has slowly dropped over fermentation to 25Cish(I have wrapped the fermenters to maintain a higher temp).
Both brews have shown the same characteristics of still chugging away after 14 days. I can tell it is not CO2...

Kveik Yeast new to me and still chugging?

Bottling bucket

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:22 AM PDT

Bottling Festival Founding Father's and silicon washer popped off over the flange of the tap.
Have bottled it having caught it in a clean bucket although it washed over the table (not sanitised)
Guess all to be done is it to sup it up quick,
Question what do others use. This is the soft washer that came with the little bottler. Do you use fiber washers?

Pitched S-33 instead of S-23

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:15 AM PDT

Pitched the wrong yeast for a Vienna style Lager. Used Fermentis Safale S-33 instead of Saflager S-23. Fermenting at room temps instead now. Seemed to finish out in approx. 30 hrs (haven't checked gravity yet). Anyone know what I might expect from this? Could this be a reasonable Ale?
- 80% Vienna malt
- 20% Pilsner malt
- Willamette hops at 60, 15, and 0. Estimated IBU = 32
- OG = 1.052
Mash temp: 65°C

foxbat's brewdays

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:14 AM PDT

I thought I might as well join the fun and post my own brewday log here in the forum. Today is an experimental bitter with the following recipe. I've never used Northdown before but Fullers use it and I very much enjoy a pint of Pride. I've also never added Chocolate malt to a bitter before but it's there in one of my favourite bitters of late: Darkstar Partridge so I'm putting the two together and doing this today:

85% Pale Malt
10% Munich Malt
3% Crystal 240 EBC
2% Low colour chocolate...

foxbat's brewdays

Disappointing efficiency

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:12 AM PDT

I keep a spreadsheet of my brews, and lately I have been disappointed to find that the general trend has been to BHE getting worse, not better. This, despite the fact that I believe I am much more careful and accurate about my work now than previously. So why is this? I considered various possibilities, including maybe the effect of some tannins from scorch marks on the base of the boiler inhibiting conversion? Well I had a good go at that, and I'm really not convinced that that is the...

Disappointing efficiency

Stuck fermentation on a Mangrove Jack's kit?

Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:27 PM PDT

I have set off a Mangrove Jack's Brewer's series Pale Ale. It's a 1.7Kg kit to which I added a 1.2Kg pouch of light liquid malt extract. Normally I would expect that to increase the fermentation potential of the brew. The kit claims to produce a FG of 1.006 and an ABV of 4.4%.
So, I had trouble getting the brew down to 25 degrees in the summer warmth and delayed pitching the yeast overnight until I was sure it was below 25C. I was surprised that the OG was only 1.037 at most (checked with...

Stuck fermentation on a Mangrove Jack's kit?


Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:00 PM PDT

Being a truck driver in the lakes can be frustrating especially in summer when tourists are everywhere, cyclists can be a real problem in the narrow lanes but being a considerate driver i always give them plenty of room and many wave (no not with clenched fists) or shout thanks as i pass leave them plenty of room (which for any cyclist reading is appreciated), when i see pictures like this it makes my blood boil too may impatient drivers on the road only thinking about themselves...


Mark K’s Brewdays

Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:36 PM PDT

Thought I'd jump on the old bandwagon and make the move on from the "what did you brew today" thread. I suppose that even if no-one reads it I'll have a record for myself 😂 Oh well, here goes 😱

Busy day today. After setting out at kegging my Old Freckled Chicken and being faced with the prospect of having an empty FV I decided today would be my second consecutive brew day.

I'm now on a mission to use up existing hop supplies with a 25kg sack of clear choice pale malt but didn't have enough...

Mark K's Brewdays

Slight Acetaldehyde flavour after first Fermentation

Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:33 PM PDT

This is my first home brew attempt so I'm after some advice. I believe I may have made a mistake during first fermentation. My beer when testing after taking the SG reading tastes like it's got an Acetaldehyde type of flavour. I believe this has happened as I wrapped the Fermenter to keep it warm without realising I'd wrapped the top and stopped the Krausen Kollar from working correctly and hence creating a bit of a flavour issue.

I have now bottled, added carbonation drops and plan on...

Slight Acetaldehyde flavour after first Fermentation


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