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Sunday, June 27, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Irish Red Ale for camping weekend.

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:08 PM PDT

A mate has just booked camping for 1st weekend in August, so I've 6 weeks to turn around something to put into a minikeg before then. 1st problem, he has some sort of reaction to wheat beer so thats the hefeweissen out. Second problem, I'm away weeks 3 and 4 which is inconvenient from a timing point of view. Here's the plan.

4.5kg MO
150g Crisp Light Crystal
150g Crisp Medium Crystal
100g Roasted Barley
Balanced water profile, 60 minute mash at 67C...

Irish Red Ale for camping weekend.

Where is Strange-Steve?

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

He hasn't, to my knowledge, been very active lately.
Any idea where he is???

Fermentation going as it should?

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 09:21 PM PDT

Hi brewers, I'm new here and English is not my first language, so sorry in advance for any mistakes!
I have little experience with brewing, so any advice would be highly appreciated :)

5 days ago I made 30L of elderflower champagne, but I think the fermentation is going too slow.
The process if making the champagne ( if anybody needs more info ) :
  1. Boil elderflower, lemon, sugar, white wine vinegar with 10L water
  2. Add water/sugar mixture until the hydrometer gave a gravity...

Fermentation going as it should?

How many litres of home brew have you made 2021.

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:19 PM PDT

Last years record has been smashed was Covid part of the reason, did you make more in 2020 than you would have had covid not happened?

2020 total - 33156

2019 total - 22,170

2018 total - 15337

Cheap kits sub 14£, never again !!!

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:18 PM PDT

Tried pimping them up , extra hops , dextrose etc end results poor

Not very good even free 6 weeks in bottle

Too thin , too much alcohol taste despite max of 5,5%

I'll stick with premium kits in future

Soft drinks in a keg

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:07 PM PDT

I've got a four-tap setup each with a corny keg, and as I've only got two beers on the go currently thought I'd put some lemonade through one.

initially seemed great - 9x 2 litre bottles of Lidl lemonade at 19p ago - £1.71 for a keg of lemonade. Put it on a low serving pressure and all seemed fine.

but now it seems all the carbonation is going into the pour - it fires out as if it's at 1,000psi then once it settles down it tastes moderately flat. It's like the lemonade is dispersing all...

Soft drinks in a keg

Excessive sediment in bottles / Morgans Ultra Premium Pacific Pale Ale

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:10 PM PDT

I made a Morgans Ultra Premium Pacific Pale Ale as follows:

Morgans Pacific Pale Ale 1.7KG
Mangrove Jacks malt extract 1.2KG
Brewing sugar 0.24 KG
21 litres brew length
OG 1050
Dry hopped with Summit

It seemed to get a bit stuck around 1014 so I turned up the heat pad and left it fermenting for a full 3 weeks (hops added for the last 4 days) and bottled it with a reading of 1010 a week ago. The bottles have firmed up nicely, but checking today they all seem to have a considerable amount of...

Excessive sediment in bottles / Morgans Ultra Premium Pacific Pale Ale

June 2021 Competition - Dark Beers

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

Time to get your Dark Beers sorted for the June competition

Judging will hopefully take place around 7th July but may be over a few days if there are a lot of entries.

PM (start conversation) me for address and try to get the entries to me by the end of the month as this will allow time for them to settle before judging.

Any style of dark beer welcome. Please ensure bottle is marked with the style, ABV and your forum name.

Anyone not sure the rules see the...

June 2021 Competition - Dark Beers

foxbat's brewdays

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 01:53 PM PDT

I thought I might as well join the fun and post my own brewday log here in the forum. Today is an experimental bitter with the following recipe. I've never used Northdown before but Fullers use it and I very much enjoy a pint of Pride. I've also never added Chocolate malt to a bitter before but it's there in one of my favourite bitters of late: Darkstar Partridge so I'm putting the two together and doing this today:

85% Pale Malt
10% Munich Malt
3% Crystal 240 EBC
2% Low colour chocolate...

foxbat's brewdays

Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 01:27 PM PDT

Supermarket Juice Wine how to guide plus Recipes.

Edited 29/9/2020 -
Its generally agreed Orange Wine isn't very nice and few make it a second time the good news is the method used in the videos below is the same for all supermarket juice so if you are not keen on the sound of orange wine read on -

Some members are finding their supermarkets are not stocking White grape juice but have Red grape juice, Red grape juice goes well with apple, cranberry, pomegranate or raspberry...

Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

Time to Upgrade?

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Hi Brewers,

Just canvassing people's opinions on whether or not I should/need to upgrade my brewing equipment.

Currently I ferment my beer in a plastic bucket, and then transfer my beer into a bottling bucket, before bottling. This method has worked really well so far, I have mainly brewed Belgian beers, traditional English ales - nothing with tons of hops.

I'm wanting to start brewing hoppier beers - experimenting with dry hopping and having a go at brewing NEIPA style beers.

I've read...

Time to Upgrade?

Not one single bubble...

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 12:30 PM PDT

Hi all. Apologies for jumping straight into a question but I've been a member for a couple of weeks and not yet found a solution to my "issue" despite searching this forum.
Having bought a complete and new Ballihoo brewing kit (with extra bottles and a keg, thank you Emmaus) I started to brew again after very many years of buying beer in cans and bottles. At Circa £5.30 a pint in the local pubs it seemed like the right time to to brew my own again.
So far I have brewed 1: Wilko triple hopped...

Not one single bubble...

Bat Cave brewing

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:55 AM PDT

After much reading of sound sages advice here I did my first beer brew today, went for the standard Wilko Wherry.
Cleaned everything in the kitchen that didn't legged it!. And didn't leave a mess (higher authority is very pleased)
Followed the advice about the 1/2 campden tablet in the water (we have a distinct Chlorine smell in the tap water) in one FV while I mixed the cans and boiling water into the other. Moved the FV to the bat cave ( lord 23lts of waters heavy!) and...

Bat Cave brewing

Windows 11 is Coming.

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:44 AM PDT

They said in 2015 windows 10 would be the final version it looks like they changed their mind.

Cider kit

Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT

Hi, I have a wilko cider kit fermenting and it's been in the bucket for 14 days and is still bubbling away, the temperature has been steady from day one. Any ideas why and shall I be patient. Thanks


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