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Monday, June 28, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum


Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:54 PM PDT

Just to show you don't necessarily need a secondhand fridge to cool your beer down, here's a photo of the @TETB chiller cabinet - based on a modified and re-purposed portable A/C unit (£35 off flea-bay) and a box made from marine ply and expanded polystyrene building insulation.
Gets down to -2ºc in about 5 mins, and it's got space for 8 full-sized Cornies so it might even keep up with @Hazelwood Brewery :laugh8:


New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:40 PM PDT


The lucky winner will be able to choose a kit from these 3 new Kits.

goose   Love Brewing.png

American Goose...

New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Some football fans are morons.

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:38 PM PDT

Most football fans are decent people who enjoy the game then there are the morons who do stuff like this -

I believe it wasn't his house where they left it. aheadbutt

Police investigate as threatening banner left near home of Rafa Benitez following links to Everton manager job


A threatening banner left near the home of Rafa Benitez is being investigated by police.

The Spaniard is expected to be announced as...

Some football fans are morons.

Beerworks Redneck Double IPA is on

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:29 PM PDT

This brew caught my eye when the competition started on the forum to win a kit. Myself and a mate have bought one each and started it yesterday, I attach pictures of the contents.

The instructions say to add the hop packet on day 5 after making a tea with 500mls of boiling water, then bottle on day 10. This seems a bit short for a kit that should finish around 7% so intending to put in the hops around day 9 and leave for another 5 days.

I made it up to 24ltrs, not 23 and pitched the (huge...

Beerworks Redneck Double IPA is on

Mark K’s Brewdays

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:22 PM PDT

Thought I'd jump on the old bandwagon and make the move on from the "what did you brew today" thread. I suppose that even if no-one reads it I'll have a record for myself 😂 Oh well, here goes 😱

Busy day today. After setting out at kegging my Old Freckled Chicken and being faced with the prospect of having an empty FV I decided today would be my second consecutive brew day.

I'm now on a mission to use up existing hop supplies with a 25kg sack of clear choice pale malt but didn't have enough...

Mark K's Brewdays

Hop flavour

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:39 PM PDT

Not an important question, just more a "Is it just me?" question. I'm a new convert to hoppy IPA American style beers and have a question for those more experienced.

Was drinking very hop forward beer all day and then had a bottle of my favourite West Indies porter. It tastes totally different and the only way I think I can explain it with limited beer vocabulary is that I can taste malty flavour from the porter but nothing else. Do the American citrussy hops cancel out the hops used in...

Hop flavour

Joke of the day.

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

A joke to take the minds off the worriers and whittlers, who think we are all going to be wiped out with plagues pestilence and the off chance of a collision with a asteroid.

In a small village in Russia the village milking cow dried up, the villagers were panicking wondering what to do. A village elder suggested they go and see the wise man of the woods, so they traipsed up to where the wise man of the woods lived. They explained the problem they had with the cow and he told them they...

Joke of the day.

Closed Transfer From Bucket to Corny Keg

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:36 PM PDT

I thought I'd add this here as a work in progress. After brewing for nearly 3 years I'm now in the process of getting started with corny kegs and I was struggling to find a "how to" on the web to do a closed transfer from a bucket without a tap at the bottom.

I'll state for the record that I'm learning/figuring out as I go - if there are any obvious better ways to do stuff, suitable gadgets or gizmos, or obvious problems I've not thought of then all input is welcome! Currently...

Closed Transfer From Bucket to Corny Keg


Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:28 PM PDT

Being a truck driver in the lakes can be frustrating especially in summer when tourists are everywhere, cyclists can be a real problem in the narrow lanes but being a considerate driver i always give them plenty of room and many wave (no not with clenched fists) or shout thanks as i pass leave them plenty of room (which for any cyclist reading is appreciated), when i see pictures like this it makes my blood boil too may impatient drivers on the road only thinking about themselves...


Collaborative Malt Group Buy - September

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:26 PM PDT

Euro 2020, who's watching?

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:10 PM PDT

Just settled down to watch the opening match of the 2020 (2021) tournament. I'm not a huge football fan but I do like a good international comp.

Ideal accompaniment to a good beer acheers.

If only one malt

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:06 PM PDT

If u only had one malt to use what would it be for all the pale ale and ipa heads

Common word pairs.

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:21 PM PDT

I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here.

It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post.

I will start it with -

Kings Head (pub)

Dried elderflower

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:07 PM PDT

Seem to be able to find lots of reference to fresh elderflowers, and use of elder in wines etc but just wondering about the use of dried elderflower in beer.

I think I have 150g of it, which is for use in a pretty standard summerly blonde ale type deal. Admiral for bittering, late additions of EKG and honey amd elderflower. Just wonderi g when and how is best to add it? And also dosage rates. I dont know if I need 150g or 15g to make it come through.

Any advice appreciated.

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:40 PM PDT

This is the first time Belgian beer's have been allocated its own monthly competition slot. I am really looking forward to judging this, judging will be on the last weekend of July starting on the 30th. I am hoping for a good wide variety of styles, this could be anything from a single up to a quad, pale or IPA, Saison, sour, biere de grade, Belgian strong, Belgian speciality beer, Brett beer. The list is almost endless
Please follow the competition guidelines if you are new to entering the...

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

High Fg and sickly sweet Porter

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

I brewed Geterbrewed London Porter AG kit recently and it's disgusting, sickly sweet.
I have brewed this several times with stunning results, but this one finished at 1020, despite, shaking, raising the temp and waiting an extra week so I kegged it a month ago, it also has zero carbonation despite being on gas all that time.
It was Lalemand Windsor Ale yeast, any advice much appreciated, I tried the Imperial Stout recently that was kegged 5 months ago and that has the same ultra sweet...

High Fg and sickly sweet Porter


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