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Thursday, June 3, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

New Forum member map. (3-1-2021)

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:17 PM PDT

The new map is here -

If you would like to be added please post your details in the thread.

Zoom Level - The standard zoom level is 9 (see end or page URL) at this level you should see most of the town/city names next to the markers if...

New Forum member map. (3-1-2021)

Brewing first lager unprepared!!

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:23 PM PDT

This lagering thing seems a bit complicated. Alot of varying advice around the place. Its an all grain kit from the Malt Miller - an intensely hopped lager. It uses the Mangroves Jacks M84 Bohemian lager yeast.

Firstly it says to start fermentation at 10 - 15 degrees C according to the MJ website so I assume I need to chill the wort as much as I can post boil and cool in the fridge until it reaches 10 degrees before pitching yeast? This wont take too long as I have a good fridge for my...

Brewing first lager unprepared!!

Looking to discuss yeasts and starters [Shower thought I'd like to discuss]

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:38 PM PDT

[Insert salutation appropriate to time of reading] All,

I've recently had a shower thought I'd like to share and discuss.
After watching several videos on making sour dough (yeast) starters for breads and reading that a starter can be spooned out thinly on a baking sheet and then dried to create dried yeast it struck me that it may be possible to do this with a wine yeast, so I thought I'd come here and get discussion going as to whether this is possible with wine yeast. Just for fun here's...

Looking to discuss yeasts and starters [Shower thought I'd like to discuss]

Bread Porn

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:21 PM PDT

Nothing special a wholemeal bread with pumpkin seed and caraway seed, family get together tomorrow will be making some cheese and onion bread, maybe even some tomato and basil.

Beer line

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

Trying to get the pressure right out of a corny keg, we currently have a beer tap directly out of the top of the corny , would it be better if we had a few metres of beer line between the two?

Beer line

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:55 PM PDT

When i bought keg kit it came with a party tap, the beer line is i think 3/16th from the disconnect to a connecter with about 4'' of 3/8th to the tap, i have played around with it and made 3/16th bit shorter down to 2 meters and it poured fine for 3 glasses at 2 to 3 psi then flat as a pancake i turned it up to 10 psi no joy, my question is is the 3/8th making it lose all the pressure to get a head on the beer, all help appreciated

Fridge for corny kegs

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:39 PM PDT

Hi, now I have space I am looking for some tips on fridges that can take 2 corny kegs.
Got a fermentation fridge which is a small form fridge at 48cm across, can only be counter height not the larder style.

What do people recommend please.



New Vine Co wine kits

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:12 PM PDT

So currently sipping a 24hr vintage of Wine Expert Tempranillo and can say it is very good.
So much so I went online to.find another only to discover all out of stock
Then looking at KenRidge to see if it is in that range- no and lots out of stock.
Only to discover from Brew2Bottle that Kenridge Classic has been rebranded Vine Co original. Except its gone from a 10l kit down to 8l.
Vinecowines website the new range is a result of a new process.
So it looks like gone are California...

New Vine Co wine kits

Throwback Photo

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:01 PM PDT

Which of you old-timers can tell me what this pic represented back in the day? If you know, you know. :laugh8:


Fermenter to keg transfer.

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:32 PM PDT

Two years kegging and tonight I decided I would try using the beer in port and wow how easy it is.

Equipment : Syphon hose, beer in post connection with barb and a corny keg.

Simply setup transfer as normal but rather than place the tube directly into the fermenter connect start the syphon with beer in the line then kink to stop the flow momentarily whilst you connect the hose end to the barb connection and its done.
Simples as the only thing left is to wait until keg has filled leaving...

Fermenter to keg transfer.

Cantina wine kits

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:31 PM PDT

Has anybody had any experience with these kits. How much juice comes with them, at 7kg pack there must be at least 5litres with it.

One for the dog lovers.

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:03 PM PDT

Malic acid

Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:00 PM PDT

The recipe I'm following has malic acid in it but I was thinking of adding Bramley apples for flavour would there still be the need for the malic acid? or is it a case of one or the other?


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