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Friday, June 4, 2021

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The HomeBrew Forum

Cali common recipes

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:55 PM PDT

Hello all!
I do like a cali common but have only ever brewed a part mash version a few years ago that was infected...
So,I've had a quick look round at recipes but there's no better place to get a tried and tested one than HERE!
I use dry yeast.
So...please post your favourite cali common recipe!

Mangrove Jacks Malt Extract 1.2kg - How much do I need to make a batch?

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:05 PM PDT

I have 2 packs of 1.2kg Mangrove Jacks LME. I've only done kit beers so far (4 right now), and I want to make a Pilsner out of these packs.

So, are they the same "density" as the LME you'd get out of a kit? Will for example, 1.2KG make 20 litres (what's the OG)? Would like to know if anyone has tried this, otherwise I'll have to make a mess of it and experiement to find out :laugh8::laugh8:

May Competition - American Pale Ales

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:41 PM PDT

I have had a few enquiries already so I thought I would post. Time to get all of your American type pales - pale ale, West Coast, East Coast etc etc, in for the monthly comp.

I am planning on judging on the weekend of the 5th June.

PM for my address

Very low efficiency..not sure why!

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:30 PM PDT

I'm looking for some advice, I BIAB and usually get fairly good efficiency of between 70 and 80%. I'd did a Hefe clone the other night and only got 60% which is rather low. The recipe was:

1.8kg golden promise
2kg wheat malt
130g Munich malt.

I mashed at around 67c and as I don't take a pre boil gravity I only have the post boil which is 1035 For 21l after an hour boil. My process is the same as usual, mash with 24l of water, drain/squeeze grain bag, then sparge with about 4l with a hot...

Very low efficiency..not sure why!

Tapcooler counter-pressure filler vs. Blichmann beer gun 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

Hi all,
I want to buy a low oxygen bottle filler, preferably with the option to bottle carbonated beer from a keg. My carbonation cap works a treat for plastic screw-tops, but I prefer glass. I can't decide between the Tapcooler, plus ball lock adaptor and keg connector, or the Blichmann beer gun v2. Does anyone have any experience with either of these products, or other low-oxygen bottle filling kit? These aren't cheap, at around £140 for either option.

Daft question about sparging

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:55 PM PDT

I brew with a 3V setup, and recirculate continuously during the mash.
When it comes time to sparge, I do what I believe is a 'fly' sparge: I turn off the pump and allow the liquor to drain slowly into a collector, while feeding in hot acidulated sparge water at about the same rate. Thus I adjust the flow so as to keep the liquor level about the same as during the mash itself; and I continue collecting until either I've got the required volume or the runnings hit 1010 SG (normally both things...

Daft question about sparging

Lemon and Thyme Saison

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:39 PM PDT

All right all….

Fancy knocking up a version of a beer I love. Partizan do a Lemon and Thyme (not lemon thyme) Saison. Anyone have any idea of how to/how much add the lemon and thyme (to be present but not dominant). I brew 10L batches. I'm gonna use my usual saison recipe as a base.

1.8kg Pilsner Malt
500g Flaked Rye
100g Caramunich 3
90g Rice Hulls
5g Saaz 60 Mins
20g Saaz 5 Mins
Lallemand Belle Saison

The usual temp (ramping incrementally) - if anyone has instructions on the best way...

Lemon and Thyme Saison


Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:22 PM PDT

I am listening to 5 live and people are lining up to moan about not being able to now go on holiday to Portugal, I bet many of these are the same people that accused the government of not locking down quick enough 18 months ago.

Funny taste

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

Hi all, I've recently started to use a corny keg, my first batch is disappointing, there seems to be a metallic taste to the brew. I'm using a beer engine, and 19 litres went Into the corny keg and the remainder went into a small barrel. The small barrel was fine...any ideas where I went wrong.

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

Just wondering what people's experiences of MJ M15 Empire Ale yeast are?

Used it a few times in the past and, being a medium-attenuating yeast, it always finishes a bit high. But just bottled a Porter and FG was 1025 (OG1051). So my expected 5% beer has turned out a measly 3.4% with a yeast attenuation figure of 51%: that's the lowest-ever by a long way, in 197 brews.

So I'm wondering what went wrong? The brew was under temp control, and in the FV 20 days, and definately seems finished...

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

PET bottle squeeze

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:25 PM PDT

Morning all,

Very new to brewing and am using kits. I read many of the threads posted and see occasional references to squeezing PET bottles prior to capping when filled.

I can't find a thread that explains why or for what this should be done. I assume it's to remove all oxygen? What benefits are there?

I'm interested as I currently only use PET 500 ml and 1000ml bottles

Many thanks for any replies

DIY help

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:21 PM PDT

Going to paint my pebble dash walls at the weekend
Got a loan of a Wagner sprayer anyone got any tips to help spred up the process please

Plastic coopers brown bottles , crap ?

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

I've had a few cartons of these over the years and I'm gonna chuck them now

Never get cold enough and I often find the taste in them isn't up to scratch, getting the tips off about takes skin off me hands and need molegrips to take the damn things off

More than enough bottles now and swing tops so it's adiós to them

Hi from Bedford

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:17 PM PDT

Hi, thanks for having me as a member.
I'm returning to home brew after a 10 year break (from brewing, not beer).
Things have certainly changed. The girl in Boots thought I was mad.
Anyway, I've started off with a Wilko Thirsty Devil Red Ale kit, a Geordie lager kit 5 years out of date (new yeast though), and 10L of turbo cider following the recipe on here. What could possibly go wrong?
My other project this week is restoring a 1977 Black and Decker Workmate that someone left out for the...

Hi from Bedford


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