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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Brew House turns 10


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The Brew House Turns 10

It has kind of snuck up on us that last month we have been in business for 10 years, and the majority of our suppliers have really got on board with some fantastic promos we will be running over the next 4 - 5 weeks. Our first one starts today and it is all about our favourite beer kit supplier Black Rock.


Brew Better Beer with Black Rock


Majority of us started with extract beers and once people get into all grain brewing they scoff at the idea of doing extract again as it is percieved as not as good. But it is!!! Once people brew all grain they upgrade their fermentation equipment with temperature control and most of the time are much more careful with cleaning as well. 

Then there is the Kit and kilo brewer who is there all about cost savings, the beer is thin and lacks backbone. The key to great extract brewing is fermenting well and using all malt. So our BR promo for our birthday is all around all extract brewing




Black Rock Brewing Competition

We've teamed up with a couple of suppliers to run a brewing competition using Black Rock malt. So bottle up your favourite beer(s) and either ship them or drop them in to us.


Below is the link with all the details for the FREE to enter compettion with some great prizes to be won

Black Rock Brewing Competition


We're really keen to get as many entries as possible so if you can tag all your extract brewing mates in our facebook post and share to any brewing pages that would be much apreciated.  And if you don't all ready give our facebook page a like



Gotta have a deal

And of course you need a deal for this great beer you are brewing so 

Purchase any Black Rock Beer Kit


Any Black Rock Extract


Any fermentis yeast

*And Get $10 OFF your purchase (Deal loads automatically at checkout) Deal will only load once per cart. Please choose store pick up for any extra carts


10% OFF Hops

10% OFF Gladfield malts 


*Excludes any all ready discounted Black Rock product



Over then next few weeks we will have many more offers including our biggest all grain brewing competition with over $1000 in prizes


Happy Birthday to us and you!!! 


Happy Brewing


The Brewhouse.


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