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Thursday, July 29, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Size of Erlenmeyer conical flask for starter

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:44 PM PDT

Just about to get into making starters and wonder what size of flask I might need. Can I get away with 2L or do I need to get a 3L one, which seems to narrow down the options? Any advice welcome. Thanks.

Renaissance Impressions Nebbiolo

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:37 PM PDT

Thought I'd share a review on this kit as I don't see any at all for Renaissance Kits by Mosti Mondial, a Canadian manufacturer who produce a lot for the USA.

First up, I'm a beer brewer, I used to do wine kits when I was a kid but they were invariably bad so I stopped decades ago. A pal was doing winexpert kits and telling me how good they were and how it all depended on the amount of juice to get the desired body, that got me researching.

Found these kits at spitting feathers homebrew...

Renaissance Impressions Nebbiolo

Brew off 2021 returns

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:31 PM PDT

The next instalment of the 4 way brew off series has been agreed.

@Leon103 @dan125 @dave_77 and myself @Hoddy will be entering into the next round of the brew off series independently judged by @beerison

The next round is simply "uk hops" that's it. No style restrictions or ABV to follow. Just Uk hops only.

Who will triumph this time. Only time will tell.

Storm Evert: South West braces for 75mph winds and heavy rain

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:38 PM PDT

The South West could be hit by winds of up to 75mph (121km/h) later as Storm Evert hits the UK. (BBC NEWS)
The Met Office has issued an amber warning for severe gales across the region, strong enough to damage buildings and disrupt travel.
The storm is also expected to hit the south Wales coast from Monmouthshire in the east to Pembrokeshire in the west.
BBC meteorologist David Braine said it was "exceptional" for this time of...

Storm Evert: South West braces for 75mph winds and heavy rain

lager bottle conditioning

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

After what seems an age lagering I'll be bottling my lager batch in a couple of weeks. I'm wondering if I need to do anything different in bottle conditioning than I would a normal ale? or just batch prime as normal, bottle, wait a couple of weeks for carbonation to occur then drink?


Blackberry wine brewbitz recipe

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:44 PM PDT

Hi all

Have I worked something out incorrectly or does the Brewbitz recipe for blackberry wine turn out at around 16.5%?
3lb of fruit (1.36kg) plus the same weight of sugar in 1 gallon (4.5 litres).
So at about 5g of sugars per 100g from the fruit plus the table sugar gives a total of 1428g of fermentables in 4.5 litres. Works out to 317g/litre.
The hydrometer table here
tells me that comes out at just shy of 16.5% 😮...

Blackberry wine brewbitz recipe

Fermented garlic honey

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:36 PM PDT

Has any tried fermented garlic honey? Isit as simple as peeled garlic covered in honey?

From brew-day to bottling, what's your average elapsed number of days?

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT

I say bottling, because for those who keg their beer, have to some kind of pressure system etc, I'm not sure it's a fair comparison. So really I'm talking about/to fellow members of the English Bottling Collective. 😀

The reason I ask is that I get the sense that others have a longer brewing period than I do, and wanted to see if that was true. Of course, if you ask people when they bottle their beer, they may say things like "When the FG hits its target" or "When the gravity remains...

From brew-day to bottling, what's your average elapsed number of days?

Brewing at room temperature

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:02 PM PDT

I don't have a brew-fridge, I daresay like a lot of posters, and I doubt I'll be getting one anytime soon. Likewise I don't have any external heating facility. So this is effect seems to mean that certain times of beer are probably not suited to what I have., I see recipes where the fermentation is kept very warm, and, more commonly, brews where the temperature is maintained quite cool. So I'm really only interested in brews that will be behave at normal room temp (say 21 deg in the...

Brewing at room temperature

Common word pairs.

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:57 PM PDT

I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here.

It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post.

I will start it with -

Kings Head (pub)

Two seals on a ball lock post.

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Hi guys, I hope this isn't a stupid question...

Got a new corny keg today and there are two seals on each post. Haven't seen this before...

Recommendations for low ABV hoppy/IPA kit? - Hophead style

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:08 PM PDT

I'm a kit-only brewer, I've enjoyed plenty of 5/6%+ brews such as MJ's Red IPA and Youngs American IPA (delicious!); but really I'd prefer to have something with a fabulous bitter and hoppy flavour but below 4% ABV, like Dark Star's Hophead which at 3.8% is a perfect pint for my taste.

Are there any kits that you know of that will produce this result?, or should I be adding more water to a kit's recipe?, e.g. 25L instead of 23L total volume?

Many thanks

Starting HERMS build, guidance before drilling hole appreciated.

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:25 PM PDT

I am starting a HERMS build and am using a 70/50/70 litre setup with 5500w elements in the HLT and Brew kettle. I am ok with electrics and control and am just seeing if there is any practical LFE out there that would help my Mech build. For instance; how high to put the element from the floor of brew kettle to aid whirlpool, pickup placement and whirlpool type and placement. etc.
All advice before i drill holes greatly appreciated.

Heads Up.

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:19 PM PDT


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