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Thursday, July 8, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

pennine's brewdays

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:04 PM PDT

163 - summit ipa
as a gift for tying for first on the jan competition i was given a huge bag of summit. found this recipe on hbt a while back and figured to give it a shot. i had bought a pack of summit last year and was really disappointed with it, this one already smells and tastes light years better. is making me thing maybe the summit wasn't bad but was the kveik i was trying out as well?

2.00 kgHook Head Pale (5.0 EBC)74.6 %

AEB Corny Keg

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:57 PM PDT

I am considering buying a AEB Corny Cornelius Keg 10L or something similar and want to know what people think about them other than bottles ? I will probably still use some bottles but the keg might be a good idea to have as well, i have a spare fridge and a cellar i can use in colder months and stock for xmas or birthdays , new or used they seem to be a few refurbished on Ebay with ball lock posts and pressure valve , tap and co2 regulator going for£160.

Brewdog in trouble again

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:11 PM PDT

This time for advertising their competition claiming they had hidden "solid gold" cans worth £15k in their multipacks, when the reality is they were gold plated brass valued professionally by the winners and being worth about £500. Brewdog claim the wording was an "error".

Mismatch in IBU Winter Wassail

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:17 PM PDT

Hi, I'm putting together a brew based on a recipe I have for a winter 'Wassail' beer by the Full Sail Brewing company.
The recipe in the book quotes 56 IBU but I've tried two calculators (Brewfather & Brewer's Friend) both with the original and mine tweaked for the hops I have, and the IBU is half what is expected! I've adjusted the hop quantities for AAs though have slightly increased the Northern Brewer hops. The only thing I can think of is that hops at flame out are being counted since...

Mismatch in IBU Winter Wassail


Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:15 PM PDT

I can take no credit for this but would like to pass on the info...
Misty Ricardo...and follow!
I mix bits from recipes to get where I want it and add as much heat as you like. Makes "British Indian restaurant" style curries. A bit of messing about to get set up but nothing you can't find at a decent supermarket or Asian store.
This is tandoori chicken Madras..

Mango brett beer

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:07 PM PDT


So I'm soon brewing a mango and chilli mixed ferm sour. It'll be soured with lacto for 2 days then fermented 100% with a mixed brett culture I've made.

I am going to ass the chilis and mangoes to the fermenter. My question is about the mango husks and seeds... I'd like to add the mangoes whole or halved, maybe slashing the skin a few times. Does anyone have any experience of what leaving the husks/seeds in them would do to the beer? Would it impart some kind of almond like flavour in...

Mango brett beer

Is it too early to be thinking about a festive brew?

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:19 PM PDT

I've been asked by a friend to do a Corny-full of festive ale for his Christmas party... I've not done anything similar before.
Do they take a long time to condition- and if so, is it too early to start thinking about getting it brewing?

Also if anyone has any particularly good recipes I'd be very grateful for pointers. He wants a malty, spicy dark beer but not too strong (say 5% abv)


Hazelwood Brewday

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:58 PM PDT

I only joined the group a few days ago and today was my first brewday since joining so I thought I ought to give this a go - at least once.

Starting with the crime scene, I revamped our garden a couple of years ago. My wife wanted decking, a gazebo, and comfortable seating, I wanted a bar, win-win!

So this is where I also brew, at my bar, shown here in winter plumage (clear plastic PVC tarps fitted to two sides).

Irish Red, (well almost)

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:28 PM PDT

Tried to stick as close to the Bru recipe from the recent podcast, with the usual issues of malt substitutions arising.

Water - 22L batch
Ca 110, Alk 35, SO4 110, Cl 100

4.5kg Maris Otter
0.15kg CaraAmber
0.15kg Crisp Extra Light Crystal
100g Roasted Barley

60 min 67C
10 min 75C

40g Fuggles 60min
20g Fuggles 15min
Protoflac 15min

Lallemand Winsor

OG 1.048, spot on.
Expecting an EBC of 30, which is top end of style but...

Irish Red, (well almost)

Lager brew

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:42 AM PDT

I am starting off a lager brew and would like to know what fermentation temperatures I should be trying to get ?

Barrel testing

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

Just going to check the pressure on one of my King Kegs, I think I have a leak, I haven't done this before, but I thought I would fill the keg up to the tap(top tap) with water, fit the top cap tighten and the pressurise with small cartridge and then use a spray bottle to check for any leaks, has anybody done this, this way, or do you have any better ideas to check the barrel for leaks, thanks guys

Joe's Bob the Discobrewshed brew days

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:25 AM PDT

Hi all,
Thought I would try and write up my brew days here... This was my second go at an all grain brew - the Malt Miller Elusive Spellbinder coffee porter clone.
Set up was quite straightforward, as I was doing BIAB I decided to mash with 26l and just have 4l sparge water on standby in a saucepan rather than using my HLT as well.

My set up is based on a 27l Burco boiler, a home made PID and one of those cheap 'solar panel' pumps for...

Joe's Bob the Discobrewshed brew days


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