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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

AG Ginger Beer...?

Posted: 11 Aug 2021 03:33 AM PDT

Hi all,

I'm considering brewing a ginger beer with a malt base. Before you slander the examples of "beers with ginger" compared to "all ginger" brews, hear me out.

I'm thinking of doing an all pilsner + some carapils mash to around 3.5% alc, but mashing high (maybe 69C or 70C) for body, sweetness and head retention. I'm also going to add roughly the same amount of ginger that all-ginger brewers seem to add (in the ballpark of 1kg to 1.5kg per 20L) AND local honey around 1kg/20L. I'm hoping...

AG Ginger Beer...?

What are you listening to

Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:03 AM PDT

last year we had quite a thread going on grumpies about music people are listening to and everyone had a good go at paying everyone one else out for there music.
mind you i think i copped most the flack.
no tangent i don't drive a valiant or where flannies.
(what happened to our mate tangent anyway)

anyway you all know iam a led zepplin freak.
but i can't pick a best zep tune its impossible.
but i think my vote for all time greatest tune goes to the stones for sympathy for the devil.

What are you listening to


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