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Monday, August 16, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

12L Corny Kegs

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 03:26 PM PDT

The clear out is nearly there and I've got two 12L kegs.

These have had a Porter in since Christmas and hold pressure without issues.

At the moment I'll struggle to post as I don't have a box that fit.

Collection would be from Melton Mowbray, LE13 0PJ

£60 each or £110 for the pair?

black grape wine

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT

Good evening, I have just been given approx 2 1/2 pounds of black grapes. Is this amount enough to make a demi john of wine? If so is there a decent recipe to make this?

scaling a recipe from 19l to 23l

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:01 PM PDT

My next brew is going to be a Dunkleweizen ,the recipe i would like to use is for 19l and i would like to brew 23 ,to keep things simple for brewing purposes ,this is roughly 20 percent more ,so my question is ,can i just add 20 percent more of each ingredient to scale it up ?

New range of kits from Muntons arriving in the spring

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

I was contacted recently by Muntons to see if I would be prepared to brew one of their new kits that are due to be launched in spring 2021. I agreed and will be starting the brew this weekend and then supplying feedback to Muntons.

All of the new kits are 2 x can malt extract kits, with yeast and hops, and Muntons describe them as 'kits with modern flavours and styles'. The range is as follows;

American Pale Ale – 4.5% ABV
West Coast IPA – 6.5% ABV
American Amber Ale 4.5% ABV
New England...

New range of kits from Muntons arriving in the spring


Posted: 16 Aug 2021 01:20 PM PDT

Morning guys!

We have a slight blockage problem when we brew, and I wondered if you could suggest some kind of filter to put over the pump hole in the bottom of the brewzilla please?

We think it's the plate chiller that's causing the problem, as we found lots of hop junk in there last brew day, despite using the hop spider (plate chiller completely clogged). So we thought the only way we could keep using the plate chiller is by stopping as many bits getting into it. What does everyone...


Which pump - March May 815 or Chugger??

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 12:36 PM PDT

I am looking for a pump to use for CIP and then later to transfer hot wort.

The pumps I am looking at are the Chugger or March May. Any advice?

The specs are very similar on them, the March May is £210 and the chugger is £175.

The chugger has a stainless pump head and the MM has a Polysulfon pump head.


Sodium Percarbonate as a no rinse steriliser?

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 12:30 PM PDT

I have always used Sodium Percarbonate as a no rinse steriliser with no bad results. Today, I was informed that this is only a cleaner. In order to sanitise I must use Starsan. Any thoughts on this?

Have a go at simple AG

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:58 AM PDT

If you've made a few kits and/or extract brews, why not have a go at a simple AG brew, to see the difference it makes? A small batch of AG beer is not difficult and you will discover the difference and feel the joy and pride of making it from scratch. All you need for 5 litres is 1kg of Maris Otter, or other pale malt, a packet of hops, and a sachet of yeast. You just need a thermometer, a decent sized pan and something to strain the grain from the wort. A big sieve, or a piece of cloth in a...

Have a go at simple AG


Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:54 AM PDT

Hi folks
I am thinking of using 'Harris pure brew ' as an additive in my brews , due to a chlorine issue with my water at home . Has anyone tried it , and what did you think . Does it work ? , is it worth it ? , any feedback would be gratefully recieved folk athumb..


Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:56 AM PDT

I've just been prescribed varifocal after only wearing glasses for reading, I can see my wrist watch and the telly but struggle to view my Ipad, does this get better and if so how long does it take to get used to them.


Nicks90's Brewdays

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:26 AM PDT

Far too many of my brew posts now - so time to consolidate them all in to one thread!

AG#1 - Best Bitter

Boil Time: 30 min
Batch Size: 16 liters
Boil Size: 19 liters

3 kg - Maris Otter Pale (93%)
0.2 kg - Crystal 60L (4.7%)
0.1 kg - Crystal 140L (2.3%)

20 g - Challenger, 30 min,
10 g - East Kent Goldings, 5 min,
10 g - Fuggles, 0 min,

Ended up with OG of 1.058 so diluted with 2l to bring it down to 1.048 and ABV of 4.8%

bloody marvelous pint. Maybe a...

Nicks90's Brewdays

Twitter Chirp.

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:16 AM PDT

I don't use Twitter much but can see why regulars are moaning, the font was fine before why did they decide to change it its awful.

Twitter's new font, Chirp, is apparently giving some users headaches
Twitter changes Twitter, and Twitter users complain on Twitter.
Does Chirp make you feel like a woodpecker is pounding on your skull?

Change is never easy, and Twitter users aren't afraid to complain. Those two truisms combined on Wednesday when...

Twitter Chirp.

What did you brew today?

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:52 AM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

Titbits from my Brewery Log

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:44 AM PDT

I thought this page from my Brewery Log might be of interest.

August 1995. BAD NEWS. PLYMPTON BREWERY CLOSING. Allied Breweries decided to close this excellent small brewery after some 11 years. Idiots. Heard this when leaving tub for yeast. All 3 employees, Ian, Stefan & ? given 90 days notice. 'Dartmoor Bitter' being made after October by St Austell – who can't even make their own beer properly. (Hicks used to be excellent. I now avoid it). *

Collected 3lbs Goldings and 2lbs Fuggles...

Titbits from my Brewery Log

Proper scrumpy, not TC, or sparkling stuff?

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:18 AM PDT

I have been given 2 small fruit presses and have access to a lot of apples. Being a drinker of proper farmhouse scrumpy (dry, still, warm, bits in, etc), I want to make my own but have a few questions:

I have seen details of people using a cleaned garden shredder to mash the apples before they press - has anyone seen or done this?
I dont want to use demi-johns, could I use 2 fermenting buckets for each fermentation before bottling the final cider?
Does anyone know where to get those plastic...

Proper scrumpy, not TC, or sparkling stuff?


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