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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

British Octopus.

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:41 PM PDT

I am no veggie but must admit he has a point and as he says later in the thread at the close of play it will be in the bin, what a waste.

Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:05 PM PDT

Hey there folks.
I just started my first grow of the plants i purchased from essentially hops. At the start i have to mention that i am really pleased with the grow. The plants arrived wrapped in separate packages surrounded by moss for keeping them moist. The plants were labeled and had a instructions included clearly saying what soil to use and etc.

The rhizomes were planted on the day they arrived...

Hop plants/rhizomes - growing report

Welsh water

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:58 PM PDT

Hoping for some advice. I've been brewing one gallon all grain recipes for a while and have mostly been using bottled water. This appears to work fairly well with darker beers due to the levels of bicarbonate but fails with light Belgium beers and hoppy pale ales. I'm wondering if I can use the soft tap supply from Welsh Water? From their website I have the following:
HCO3 31.1
Calcium 21.3
Chloride 6
Magnesium 6.4
Sodium 4.7
Sulphate 20.5

I have purchased gypsum, Epsom salts and calcium...

Welsh water

Shelf Life of Malt.

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:38 PM PDT

Hi all. As I move into the world of AG brewing I'm looking at getting a 25kg sack of crushed Maris Otter. Postage charges are a crippler to here but Amazon have it for £44.99. But it'll take me a while to use it all. Will it store for a year or so?

Red and White currant.

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:21 PM PDT

I picked 3 1/4 lbs of redcurrants and whitecurrants from our bushes this evening, about 70% red and 30% white. Stripped them off their twiggy things and poured a gallon of boiling water over them in a fermenting bucket.
The recipe says leave the bucket in a cool place for a week and don't worry if there is mould on top of the must. Now I don't like the sond of mould, so I've crushed up a campden tablet and stirred it in. Hopefully, that will keep mould at bay.

The Chaos that is a Buffers Brewery brew day

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:32 PM PDT

Greetings all. Thought I'd have a go at this brew day blog thread, so here goes...

Some of you know me as a bit of a gadget freak so it should be no surprise that brew days for me are as much about playing with my brewing kit as it is about making beer. So my brewday account will include a lot about my kit including pics, so if that's not your thing, stop reading now! ashock1

As I don't have a dedicated brewing space, brewday is actually brew-two-days. Day 1 involves setting up my kit...

The Chaos that is a Buffers Brewery brew day

Is this a pellicle?

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

Made a 1g batch Flanders red style ale using the roselare blend yeast back in January 2021. Tasted after 3 months (gravity had dropped to 1.004 and had a nice acidity) then a pelicle formed - it's looking more white ropey lava now... Is this looking okay do you think? Sorry for the terrible photos, best I could get.

The Homebrew Forum 'Community'

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:25 PM PDT

Evenin' all.

There was another "I thought this was a homebrew forum" remark (on the guitar for a beginner recommendations thread) that got me thinking. It always amuses me that it seems to bother people that we might dare to discuss other subjects on the forum. But that's not the point of my post.

It seems to me that there are some genuinely splendid people who hang around this forum. Helpful, knowledgeable (might I even say a little geeky?) and friendly. I feel confident asking for...

The Homebrew Forum 'Community'

Hydrometer accuracy

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:53 PM PDT

Just brewing my first beer after a few efforts with wine. Its a Georgie Bitter 40 pint kit. Seems to be stuck at 1012 after a week fermenting - just wondering if its OK to bottle at that - instructions say 1005 or below, which seems unlikely. Temp has been 22 degrees give or take throughout. Cheers.

New zealand pilsner recipe

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:02 PM PDT

Hi, I found a new zealand pilsner recipe on you tube but didn't have exactly the same ingredients. This is what I have, any advice would be greatly appreciated


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