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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Simple Ingredient for Great Beer

Hey there!

The single biggest improvement you can make to your homebrewing process is adjusting the water chemistry. And it doesn't have to be super complicated.

I know, they say if it's good enough to drink, it's good enough to brew. And that's true. But who the hell is drinking shitty water and then using it to brew beer?

That's really not the point. You can adjust the water to highlight different flavors or "feels" in your beer. For example, you can increase the body (mouthfeel) by adding calcium chloride increase the hop punch by add Epsom salt.

This is really just the beginning!

So I put together an easy-to-understand article (and video) all about brewing water chemistry that I think will change your homebrewing game:
The Beginner's Guide to Brewing Water Chemistry.

And if you really wanna dive deep into brewing water chemistry, you should check out my video course called Level Up All Grain. I'll show you how to test your water, filter it, and adjust it for any beer style you wanna brew.
Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of
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