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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

What BBQ?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 09:57 PM PDT

I'm in the market.

The last couple of days sunshine has just made me realise my shonky 4 year old Aldi special rust bucket of a BBQ is not going to be with me much longer.

Pics and recommendations welcome

4 tap kegerator - what is your target cellar of beers?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PDT

Hi all,
In car worlds people talk of having the "perfect 4 car garage" yadda yadda.
So the beer equivalent:
I have a 4 tap kegerator (not true, it is a 5 tap kegerator but one tap is on sparkling water duty). Currently I have -
Tap 1 - pale ale, moderately hopped
Tap 2 - pilsner
Tap 3 - Scottish 80 shilling
Tap 4 - Honey porter but brewed with a lager yeast

Taps 2,3 & 4 are well stocked. Tap 1 is about to kick so I am thinking of filling the gap with a very hoppy IPA to increase the...

4 tap kegerator - what is your target cellar of beers?

Cask widge venting

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PDT

I recently got a cask widge to use with my pin cask and I'm curious about venting. I know typically casks can be vented for 24hrs give or take when using just a soft peg, but how long does one vent using a cask widge?

Olicana or Waimea?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 05:58 PM PDT

Hi all, just wondered if anyone had used either Olicana (Dual Purpose hop • A lovely citrus hop with Mango, Grapefruit & Passionfruit. More "leafy" than Jester & more vigorous too. Used in Pales )

or Waimea ( A Big dual purpose hop with a citrus, pine needles and tangerine aroma. A good alternative for Columbus and Pacific Jade)

in a pale ale, if they go together or if anyone has had any success using them with any other hop?

I was just going to go for some pale malt and...

Olicana or Waimea?

Ritchies Simply Stout stuck fermentation and yeast type?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 04:57 PM PDT

Hi all,
On my 5th home brew kit and finally hit a problem.
Started the Ritchies Simply Export Stout on 23rd adding 1kg Ritchies Extra Dark with an OG of 1040 (this seemed a little low to me).
It started bubbling away the following morning after just 12 hours and temp has been constant at 22degrees.
Yesterday, 26th the fermentation stopped dead after 48hrs of action and I've measured it at 1018 this morning, 27th.
This seems very quick and not really a gravity I want to bottle at - aiming for...

Ritchies Simply Stout stuck fermentation and yeast type?

March 2021 Comp - Freestyle!!

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 04:30 PM PDT

Good Afternoon Homebrewers!!

Perhaps a little early but buoyed by the beautiful weather and having just brewed a hopefully cracking IPA I thought I'd start the March Freestyle Comp thread!

Judging will take place on either the first or second weekend of April. Covid dependant I may have a friend round to help drink them around a fire in the garden!

Freestyle of course speaks for itself, but i'm looking forward to judging a wide variety of beer, whatever you have, i'll drink and judge...

March 2021 Comp - Freestyle!!

Top Cropping Question

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PDT

Hi all,
I brewed a Landlord clone yesterday using the Wyeast 1469 yeast. I pitched yesterday at 16:30 and by before 22:00 fermentation had started to show signs.
Anyway, it was fermenting really today, so by about 14:30 I decided to top crop the yeast. This is the first time I have done this btw.
I scooped away the top and discoloured compounds and cropped a bit, not loads into a sample jar. Everything sanitised.
Anyway, now the fermentation isn't dropping at the same trajectory as it was...

Top Cropping Question

Yarrawanga Creek - Australian Blend Pinot Grigio.

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:37 PM PDT

I am not a wine connoisseur, but I enjoy a glass of red or white wine, I'm not fussy. To me wine is an alcoholic beverage made from grapes. That's it, some I like, some I don't. I started brewing beer kits in December and had done two beers which turned out lovely. My good wife enjoys a glass or two of wine at the weekends and I usually have a few beers. She likes Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc white wine. So I decided to make her a Pinot Grigio wine kit. I did not know which one to...

Yarrawanga Creek - Australian Blend Pinot Grigio.

Corny lids

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 03:06 PM PDT

Is it just me or is it awful hassle with many attempts to get the lid secure any little tricks ??

Who's having a beer this evening.....

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 02:50 PM PDT

He's not far off! Could get a job as a double for some army mad persons party or something...present them with some original fake Waffen SS submarine jumpers an stuff.

matt76's Brewdays

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Just like the other cool kids, time to move away from individual posts and collate everything from now on into a single thread.....

AG#15 "Podium" Late Hopped IPA ('cos there are 3 kinds of hops, innit)

This is actually a rebrew of my AG#5, probably still my personal favourite brew to date - but there are a few tweaks, oh, and some stuff to make it way more complicated than it needed to be - why can't I just keep things simple! :mad:
  • I had my first go at water...

matt76's Brewdays

Another dreaded "has my fermentation finished?" thread.

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 02:07 PM PDT

Stout started out with OG reading of 1042, a vigorous first few days fermentation followed by steady bubbling slowing right down in the last few days. It's now had two full weeks in the fermenter and today airlock activity seems to have ceased so I took a reading which came out at 1020, which is only about 3% alcohol. I believe 1020 is within the realms of credibility for a final gravity, but I am a bit surprised as 1042 was lower than I was expecting to start with and 1020 is higher than I...

Another dreaded "has my fermentation finished?" thread.

Hop Raffle #15

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 02:06 PM PDT

Hi all heres the next comp 1kg Hop Raffle#15

As per usual please include hbf username in customer special instructions

Good luck!

Please comment below to keep the post fresh when you order a ticket :) Needed to create a fresh post so can edit it

Covid the jab and the final stage.

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PDT

SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:

Sediment in corny

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PDT

I thought u get rid of the sediment at the start of your first few pints
I took out keg to check tonight gave it swirl thought sweet definitely 2 or 3 liters left popped it back in poured a pint of murky madness the one on the left obviously


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