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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Supercharge Your Yeast With A Stir Plate

Everybody needs a little exercise now and then. We get plenty, thanks to special moves like the Modified Stein Hoist, the Beer Run, and the OMG, Is This Brew Kettle Made of Lead?

We've even gotten our brewing yeast into the act. Ever since we switched to using yeast starters, we've been helping our lil' fungal fermentation specialists get into fighting trim with a stir plate.

Whirling around in a suspension not only keeps yeast on their toes (or whatever yeast have instead of toes), but improves oxygenation and overall health. Twice the yeast thanks to a few hours on the tilt-o-whirl? Yes, please.

You can stir up amazing starters with commercial yeast, or go full-on
Pokemon Go and catch your own. And if you want to work up some homebrew worthy of a sommelier, try using wine yeast in your next batch.

9 Best Stir Plates For Yeast Starters
Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of Brew Cabin
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