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Saturday, April 17, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

When do you start drinking a new brew?

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:06 PM PDT

I brewed a landlord clone 30/3 and racked to brite tank 11/4.
It's carbed up and I was planning on serving through a beer engine.
When would you think this is ready? I usually drink early but not sure I should be for this style.
Is there a rough idea, 3/4/5 weeks?
OG was 1.044.

Quick Question. Kolsch - fermenting under pressure

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:06 PM PDT

10psi or 15psi with WLP029 kolsch yeast?

You're stuck in quarantine with only one group / composer.

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:04 PM PDT

All credit to Dorst for this one. So we're stuck in quarantine with our favourite beer, but there's only one group or composer you can listen to. Favourite beer's good since if your drink enough of it you can nicely collapse into the arms of Morpheus, but too much of the wrong music can do your head in. If there was only one band you could listen to, in all its manifestations and lineup changes, who would it be? Let's say you've got to listen for at least four hours a day for every day of...

You're stuck in quarantine with only one group / composer.

Muntons premium gold yeast

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:00 PM PDT

Has anyone used this

I'm making a Northern brown ale today and I have this yeast I got a few weeks back as a just incase. Would it be any good or is it worth me going and getting a safal s04. No brew shops near by so it would have to be boyes or wilkos.
Any reviews or thoughts welcome

Force carbonating

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:57 PM PDT

Using a keg for the first time. Just got a 5 litre keg and transferred some beer to it this morning and purged the air. The beer has a some conditioning time to go so was looking at the force carbonation charts to carbonate over a 5 to 7 day period. At my fridge temp it says about 10 psi. Do I need to keep the CO2 line hooked up all the time or just unhook once I've set the pressure in the keg? At the moment I've got the CO2 line hooked up and regulator set to 10psi in the fridge.

I'm also...

Force carbonating

Temperature controller

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:11 PM PDT

Hi all , i'm thinking of getting an Elitch stc100 pro Temp controller for my fridge , can anyone reccomend them , I have chosen this model as there is no wiring connections to be made as its all done for you . Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome , cheers all

How do you listen to music

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:59 PM PDT

At the moment I listen to cds on my Nad seperates but will be getting a Naim MU-SO so I'll be streaming via Spotify.

Golden Stag (Festival) kit form Brew UK

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:41 PM PDT

Hi All,
I was given a gift of a festival ales golden stag summer beer kit from brew Uk, with FV, keg pressure barrel, tap, syphon etc. Very happy, so I started the brew almost straight away and all seems to be going ok .
Initial OG 1.044, after 1 week 1.010 when I added the hop pellet pouch , so this weekend will siphon to the keg pressure barrel (after checking for stable hydrometer readings)
- now here's the questions and I have 2
1 hydrometer readings, does everyone sterilise a jug...

Golden Stag (Festival) kit form Brew UK

Jeff from sunny Bognor

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:06 PM PDT

Hi all
i used to make kit beers many years back, in the days of Geordie and Tom Caxton kits boot in Boots, thought I'd give it another go, looks like a lot more choice now, Mangrove Jacks Irish red ale on order. Will report back on my efforts in due course.

Anyone tried both the MJ wheat kit and the Festival German Weiss?

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

Just had both delivered and will be starting one on Friday when my Cooper's wheat kit is ready for kegging.

Thoughts on them? Does either stick out?


24l coolbox for £4.50 in argos

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:42 PM PDT

24l coolbox

don't know how good it would be but must be worth a punt

What did you brew today?

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

I blew my top last night

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:37 PM PDT

My first keg of ale, woodfordes wherry kit. Had a nice bit of carbonation to each glass. Third glass poured from the barrel and the pour slowed right down and stopped so I thought it needed a little gas to re pressurise. So I twisted the little gas bottle onto the keg. It made me jump as it hissed for literally a second as I released it off in shock. I gave it a second twist and boom the top of the barrel blew off into my hand. Still in total shock over it and cant believe I still had beer...

I blew my top last night

Clearing TC with gelatin

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:31 PM PDT

Hi . Sorry if this post has been discussed a million times ,I've been offline a couple of years and just got back into brewing .made a couple of turbo ciders ,aaand ..they look like soup!!
Been reading that it can be cleared with gelatin ,but I have no way of cold crashing .
I'm also wanting to bottle the brew and carbonate it . Is there a way I can clear,carbonate and bottle this brew successfully without the cold crash .


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