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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

St Peters IPA Kit Trouble/Mistakes

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 06:46 PM PDT

Hi guys, I am new to this community as well as the whole brewing adventure!

I bought the St Peters IPA brew kit as my first venture into home brewing. I made a few mistakes which I will detail out here and hope some of you could provide some tips/advice.

First of all, I made a very bad mistake of following general instructions on the website I got the kit off of, instead of the kit on the beer kit box. I only realised after I had finished, which was too late to make any adjustments.

St Peters IPA Kit Trouble/Mistakes

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 05:12 PM PDT

Just wondering what people's experiences of MJ M15 Empire Ale yeast are?

Used it a few times in the past and, being a medium-attenuating yeast, it always finishes a bit high. But just bottled a Porter and FG was 1025 (OG1051). So my expected 5% beer has turned out a measly 3.4% with a yeast attenuation figure of 51%: that's the lowest-ever by a long way, in 197 brews.

So I'm wondering what went wrong? The brew was under temp control, and in the FV 20 days, and definately seems finished...

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

Here's something to get your blood boiling...

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

Instant pot wine

Not sure why the instant pot part is even added???

Personalised Beer Mats/Coasters

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:59 PM PDT

During lockdown my wife and I splashed out on a heat press to keep ourselves busy and started selling a few personalised bits and pieces to make up for the forced closure to her main business which is childcare.

She's been creating stuff using heat transfer vinyl and recently moved to cover sublimation. There is such a lot to learn and in doing so we were finding we were ruining about one in three blanks and then ending up with items we didn't want or need even if it did work as planned...

Personalised Beer Mats/Coasters

Problems using ispindel in a fermenting keg

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

So I ferment in a keg and recently bought an ispindel. Using it for the first time and my concerns have come true. The keg acts as a Faraday cage and no WiFi signal escapes. Does anyone know of a workaround? I could have swore I read a thread on the topic and some people having success but can't locate it ATM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sanitising nylon straining bags

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:43 PM PDT

Quick one gents:

how long to sanitise a straining bag in boiling water


First Time Kveik - any tips?

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT

As per title really. I'm having a go at Vienna Lager and intend to follow a Brewfather recipe by @David Heath, but I've never used Kveik before and need to know if there's any gotchas that are likely to trip me up. Should I make a starter (nutrients? pitch time?) or just rehydrate?

On a related note, I couldn't find the Norwegian Farmhouse Kveik by Sigmund Gjernes that's recommended in the...

First Time Kveik - any tips?

Keir Starmer: one year in, Labour leader's popularity has plunged

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:23 PM PDT

I didn't want him to get the job and i am not surprised to read this -

The first anniversary of Keir Starmer taking the reins of the Labour party comes at a very awkward moment considering his standing in the polls.

His approval ratings have tanked from record highs to his first negative ratings in the last few weeks...

Keir Starmer: one year in, Labour leader's popularity has plunged

Wilkos Feeling Hoppy , fermented out in less than 5 days

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:07 PM PDT


I've done a 2 can feeling hoppy brew , 1kg of LME and both sachets of the supplied yeast.

Seems to have stopped fermenting or hopefully fermeted out after 5 days, no activity through air lock.

My home is warm throughout the day and perhaps drops to 15c at night.

It's 8 days in now so my thoughts are I'm going to drop in 50g of Williamette, leave another week , take some gravity readings and see what's what !

Am I on the right track ?

Thanks all

iSpindel - low cost data logging/display gadget

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:59 PM PDT

This one - Repetidor iSpindel con Display Oled - (in Spanish, use Google translate)

Is anyone else using one please?

It's like the iSpindel Opensource, runs on adapted Brewpiless firmware. It powers via USB C, includes a display of all of the iSpindles instantaneous data and acts as a repeater access point, to relay data from the iSpindel. to your wifi router, or it can stand alone just displaying...

iSpindel - low cost data logging/display gadget

Mj juicy ipa

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:56 PM PDT

Just opened a 500ml pet bottle of juicy ipa that was carbed with 2 brew2bottle carb drops, finished it's 2 weeks warm conditioning yesterday and put in the fridge overnight.
It had a good head to start with but soon lost it also it does not have a strong hop taste it's still has a citrus taste, I take it this will all improve with age

Soda stream

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

Hi all,

I have read somewhere that soda stream cylinders can be used to inject co2 into pressure barrels, is there anybody here using this method and is it easy and what do I need.


Why does Youngs America IPA take so long?

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:11 PM PDT

It seems to be generally acknowledged that the Youngs America IPA kit can take a while (often more than two weeks - sometimes much more) to finish fermenting. Does anyone know why? Is it the yeast strain or something else?

I've got one on the go and after about 6 days airlock activity had slowed significantly. On day 11 now and it's bubbling occasionally with a hydrometer reading of 1014 (started out at 1060) so it's mostly there but I have a feeling it may take a while yet to reach around...

Why does Youngs America IPA take so long?

The Malt Miller AG Kits help please

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

Hi, I've done loads of kits, done a couple of partial mashes and now I have bought 3 AG kits from The Malt Miller

Summertime Kolsh

Soophop American Style Lager

Punk IPA 2010 (1 Gallon)

I understand the instructions but I don't know how much water to use, can someone help me please.
I have a 36 litre pot, a 30 litre pot and an 11 litre pot for the 1 gallon kit. I intend to do biab so I...

The Malt Miller AG Kits help please

Have a go at simple AG

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 01:19 PM PDT

If you've made a few kits and/or extract brews, why not have a go at a simple AG brew, to see the difference it makes? A small batch of AG beer is not difficult and you will discover the difference and feel the joy and pride of making it from scratch. All you need for 5 litres is 1kg of Maris Otter, or other pale malt, a packet of hops, and a sachet of yeast. You just need a thermometer, a decent sized pan and something to strain the grain from the wort. A big sieve, or a piece of cloth in a...

Have a go at simple AG


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