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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Out of date WLP 570 free

Posted: 16 May 2021 09:50 PM PDT

I bought this yeast in error for a Belgian beer I brewed last year and just found it in one of my fridges if anyone would like it's yours, pickup in Diamond Creek Vic, 3089, otherwise it's in the bin on Thursday

Dry hopping set up

Posted: 16 May 2021 07:53 PM PDT

Hi there, What is the most popular method of dry hopping in the Allrounder? I have seen a couple of posts using two red posts and a ball valve with at T piece. A couple of pics. Which method? What is the purpose of the second red post?



Bavarian Weissbier Tips

Posted: 16 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

Guys, I'm having another crack at a Bavarian Weissbier (such as Schofferhofer, Franziskaner etc) and to date I haven't been able to get it just how I like it, so I need your help!
I like it a slightly leaning toward banana, cloudy, and a full mouthfeel. I do BIAB and usually no chill. I don't make water additions but my water is pretty good and balanced.
I was thinking of trying Mangrove Jacks M20 yeast.

What are people's thought on things such as:
  1. Yeast strain
  2. Ferment temp...

Bavarian Weissbier Tips

Re-iterated Mash

Posted: 16 May 2021 02:00 AM PDT

I recently did a Barley Wine with a 15kg grain bill. I ended up having to use all my water to mash with, leaving nothing over for sparging, so efficiency was down quite a bit. So I'm about to do an Imperial Stout, and thought this time I would try a re-iterated mash. Haven't done this before but it looks pretty straight forward.

So I divide the malt in half, mash in, then sparge to bring the volume back to the original mash in volume and then dough in the second half of the malt, then...

Re-iterated Mash


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