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Saturday, May 8, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

The Homebrew Twang experiment.

Posted: 08 May 2021 07:53 PM PDT

Well the Gauntlet has been thrown...
I am now to make a simple Liquid Malt Extract Brew to see if, for once and for all, LME is responsible for the Home Brew Twang.

Indeed, there is an offer at Holland & Barrett and I have this afternoon purchased a couple of jars. 2 x 650g jars £4.99 each Discounted... £7.48!

From the photo you'll see the ingredients...
1 x 650g jar of Potters Liquid Malt Extract - (I assume this equals to 1kg of Crushed malt.)
Will use 15g + 20g East Kent Goldings...

The Homebrew Twang experiment.

A Year of Brewing - My own scores

Posted: 08 May 2021 05:12 PM PDT

It is a year to the day that I started my first cider brew, not the least with some excellent advice from others on this forum. MANY THANKS!!!

Since then I have tested a number of kits and even tried my own apples (not a great success due to them not being the right apples for the purpose). Unless someone somewhere launches a new kit I am done with trying out, so here is my list with individual scores. NB: the ranking goes from top to bottom with the worst coming...

A Year of Brewing - My own scores

Victorian Porter

Posted: 08 May 2021 05:03 PM PDT

Well, what did you expect! I've done Victorian Bitter, Victorian Mild, and now ....

This is actually hastily summarised from my ramblings om "Jim's" forum, but I wasn't going to miss the opportunity of possibly being scrutinised by @patto1ro if he's still nosing in on this forum (but I've already made the mistake of thinking he was a one-day fleeting visit). But even without his input, I think there's plenty of folk here that can make useful additions.

Note, this is...

Victorian Porter

Wooo hooo first brew bottled

Posted: 08 May 2021 04:58 PM PDT

MJ Irish red ale bottled today, and MJ juicy session brewed 😁😎😁
also just ordered a coopers premium Irish stout. IM HOOKED😂😂😂

Pros & cons between 30 & 50l allinone?

Posted: 08 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

Hi everyone, like the title says what's the pros and cons of 30 or 50l all in one? The obvious thing is the 30l is 150 euro cheaper and that's the one I think I'm leaning to.But then I think it's not much more for the bigger one and will I regret not getting the 50l in a few years time? Then I think am I really gonna brew that much at a time and could the extra money be used towards something else like kegs maybe.? Whats the average batch people brew do many people brew that much at a time...

Pros & cons between 30 & 50l allinone?

Is partially filling bottles ok?

Posted: 08 May 2021 04:25 PM PDT

Got a Belgian blonde on the go that I'm expecting to have a relatively high ABV. My bottles are all 500ml, but I'm wondering about the possibility of only putting something like 330ml into them. I guess if I was to move the bottles around too much, they'd be at higher risk of oxidation due to there being more oxygen in the bottle getting mixed into the beer. But does anybody know what happens if I were to handle them very carefully so they don't splash around inside - would that mean only...

Is partially filling bottles ok?

Reusing yeast with hop bits in it

Posted: 08 May 2021 04:20 PM PDT

I'm assuming that pitching yeast from a previous brew that contain the remnants of dry hopping is not a good idea. If it's fine, then please tell me now!

Otherwise, can you just filter the hop bits out? For example scoop up a jar of yeast when you have emptied the fermenter, then pour it through a sieve/put a nylon stocking over the mouth of the jar to filter out the bits when you pitch it into the next brew. Presuming there isn't an obvious flaw with this would a sieve or something finer...

Reusing yeast with hop bits in it

Show us your Pushbikes

Posted: 08 May 2021 04:03 PM PDT

I think, in fact I know I am not the only member here who does a bit of cycling, maybe not all as obsessed as myself but nevertheless I thought anyone with an interest could post pictures of your bikes, it doesn't have to be an £10k super bike as long as you enjoy riding it, perhaps with a little bit about it or how you enjoy cycling.
So I have a few bikes and here is a handful of them..........

First my pride and joy the Ridley Noah SL, this aero bike took me to 10 race wins last year and...

Show us your Pushbikes

foxbat's brewdays

Posted: 08 May 2021 03:29 PM PDT

I thought I might as well join the fun and post my own brewday log here in the forum. Today is an experimental bitter with the following recipe. I've never used Northdown before but Fullers use it and I very much enjoy a pint of Pride. I've also never added Chocolate malt to a bitter before but it's there in one of my favourite bitters of late: Darkstar Partridge so I'm putting the two together and doing this today:

85% Pale Malt
10% Munich Malt
3% Crystal 240 EBC
2% Low colour chocolate...

foxbat's brewdays

Hudson1984 Homebar Build

Posted: 08 May 2021 03:14 PM PDT

So, perhaps some of you will have seen the tap tower plan. Well that's now become a complete rebuild of my home bar....





So this is where I've started. The bar is normally a bit tidier, but this was the only picture I had before I've ripped it out.

The Kegerator has gone, the worktop and cabinets have gone and in it's place is the beast:

Hudson1984 Homebar Build

Head retention.

Posted: 08 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

My barreled beer forms a nice head immediately after pouring, but very soon disappears before the last drop from the glass is drunk. Is there something that I can add to my kit brews to help retain a nice beer hugging glass froth. When I drink beer bought in a pub, the head clings to the glass right to the last drop. I would like to emulate this with my brews.

Smash kings

Posted: 08 May 2021 02:33 PM PDT

I love the sound of smash beers something I tried when doing extract
When going ag I think I got carried away adding everything thing I could so next couple of brews will be singles
Anyone ever do one that stood out I remember comet and Columbus being good

Another Energy Source

Posted: 08 May 2021 02:22 PM PDT

I've been struggling with fossil fuel usage and thought I had that moral dilemma conquered. I was wrong.

Converting 72 pint ale cask

Posted: 08 May 2021 02:00 PM PDT

Hi folks,

I acquired a 72 pint ale cask from a friend's wedding. They said they didn't think the brewery would return their deposit because they'd let it sit for a couple of years and so they gave it to me. I'm not quite sure what to do with it, though. On first inspection, it doesn't appear that it will be easy to clean because I can't see any opening other than the for the tap and the hole in the middle to let air in.

I'm not planning on using it as a keg, because I only brew 19L...

Converting 72 pint ale cask

mm for grain crusher - where to start?

Posted: 08 May 2021 01:41 PM PDT

Hi all,

I've recently bought a grain crusher and have set it up ready for my brew day this weekend. I know I'm going to have to dial in the crusher for my particular setup (35L brewzilla) but I was wondering what I should start with?

The gradent goes from 0.64-2.41mm. The exact crusher is a brewferm grain gorilla like this: Brewferm Grain Gorilla Malt Mill With Adjustable Stainless...

mm for grain crusher - where to start?

EC118 suitable for bottling big imperial stouts?

Posted: 08 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT


When brewing imperial stouts (around 8-10% strength) in the past I've stuggled with carbonation. Normally I've overpitched with US-05, but I've read that EC118 can help with strong beer carbonation due to its 18% alcohol tolerance. I bottle condition and dont have the ability to keg.

Would EC118 be useful to add to the bottles for conditioning, or to even replace the US-05 with initially?



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