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Sunday, June 13, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

How many of you have?

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:45 PM PDT

Given that alot of you here have mastered the dark arts of brewing your own beer - much to the chagrin of your local landlord and his less than full till. How many of you here have actually sacked the pub off and will never step foot in a pub again.

You hear so much about hospitality these days, ie can't get the staff etc. But all of them have inflated their prices rather excessively.

Having been to the pub on a few occasions to meet friends. I am seriously thinking ...f' that. I am...

How many of you have?

Extending my mash time

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:52 PM PDT

I'm thinking of organising my brew day around general life with kids. I've been reading around about extending my mash time (from 60 mins to maybe 2 hrs) and I've come to the conclusion that this will be fine. However, before doing this I thought I'd quickly ask what other think.

My plan of action is to put the mash on around 5pm and leave the grain and water well insulated and alone until around 7pm. The temperature will drop but as it should be within the mash temp. range for an hour...

Extending my mash time

New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT


The lucky winner will be able to choose a kit from these 3 new Kits.

goose   Love Brewing.png

American Goose...

New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Bottle Swap / Tasting Buddy

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:09 PM PDT

Apart from the comps on here I don't have anyone for constructive criticism. Guys at work just 'love it'! Free beer I suppose?

I know a lot of you swap around, but anyone fancy being a regular taster of mine?

Ideally I would get some in return, which would also be useful to me.

I've done 14 brews to date this year with completely different reviews, joint 3rd in one comp and possibly last in another.


Harris Wine Kits

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

Having made most of the 6 bottle Beaverdale range and a few Solomon Grundy fruit wines I thought for my 1st 30 bottle kits I would try the Harris range. I was thinking that the lack of a "brand" may mean that there was more quality to the its.

First up was the Chardonnay (unoaked) which I brewed to the instructions in a temp controlled environment. I kegged and carbonated 17 litres to drink as a "frizzante" and bottled 4 bottles. Been kegged for 2 weeks and it is certainly drinkable but...

Harris Wine Kits

Completed AG Recipe Kits-GEB/MM

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:23 PM PDT

Been a bit slack with posting up my brew day activity etc since I became more active on the forum. So here's a couple of posts on Ag brew kits from Get Er Brewed which have served me pretty well. As a new AG brewer I leaned towards these kits as it takes away a bit of stress regarding recipe creation enabling you to concentrate on your methods/processes whilst getting to know your equipment...
Maybe others can recommend or give feedback on these type of kits. As I've found them to be pretty...

Completed AG Recipe Kits-GEB/MM

Malt Group Buy in London/Berkshire Area

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:17 PM PDT

@chillipickle @Victor.l

I have been approached by a couple of people to see if it would be possible to create a collaborative buying group in the London area to benefit from the low prices we are achieving in South Cheshire

@chopps and I who set the group up here are happy to offer any support we can and whilst the group is being set up, and of course appropriate contacts at malsters. Our view is that there is much more to be gained...

Malt Group Buy in London/Berkshire Area

Low FG (Wilko First Gold IPA)

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:01 PM PDT

I just checked the gravity of my Wilko First Gold IPA and it's down to 1006 - I don't recally ever having a kit go that low before - does it sound right?
It's a 1.5kg kit with 800g brewing sugar added, using the supplied yeast (unsure of weight). The OG was wrong at 1096 (I know for sure I did not stir enough and took the sample from the bottom for that reading). Been sat at a steady 20C for a week or so.
I mean the instructions call for gravity readings to be stable below 1008, and 1006 is...

Low FG (Wilko First Gold IPA)

Leaking CO2 regulator

Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT

So I've had a leaking system for a long time now (since i bought my CO2 equipment actually), preventing me from using kegs. I've emptied six sodastream bottles trying to find the leaks but this time i tested to screw the thing on the back of the regulator. The thing is, since i screwed it back it started to leak from it. It seems like it isn't completely shut but I can't see any springs and it's rock solid.

So now to my question. What even is this thing to begin with? How can I fix...

Leaking CO2 regulator


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