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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Hi all

Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:40 AM PDT

I am looking at purchasing a 30l beer me boiler for BIAB. As this has no temp control i am using my inkbird 308. I know i could get a digiboil 35 for the same job but as i am looking at between 15 and l8l using my fermenter king junior i feel this is a waste. My question is profile set up. I will determine the boil of rate by boiling water for 60 mins. As there is a space under the tap is this mash tun deadspace. Or should i use this as trub chiller loss as i no chill.

23L Mytton Rodd kegs and CO2 bottles for sale

Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:13 AM PDT

Hi all,
I'm starting process of selling off my gear gear as not brewed in quite a while.

I've got 6 x 23L Mytton Rodd kegs for sale. Sometimes called Firestone Racetracks or Schweppes kegs etc. Ball lock posts. All had all seals replaced a couple years ago, a few posts replaced and a lid replaced also. All work seamlessly.
IMO they are the cream of the keg crop. Almost bullet proof.

2 x 6kg CO2 bottles for sale. In as new condition.
1 is fully charged $140
1 empty $110...

23L Mytton Rodd kegs and CO2 bottles for sale

2x stainless fermenters, a 23L kegt, Mash paddle and ferment fridge. Sydney/Eastlakes.

Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:47 PM PDT

I have some stuff that I no longer have room for (down-sizing at the decree of SWMBO). I'm located at Eastlakes in Sydney.

I have 2 of the Mangrove Jacks craft series stainless steel fermenters (like this LINK). Will be selling both without the taps or air locks. Will sell at $75 for each (or $130 if you take both).


2x stainless fermenters, a 23L kegt, Mash paddle and ferment fridge. Sydney/Eastlakes.


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