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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Fermzilla 30L All rounder ?

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:38 PM PDT

Evening all!

what are folks thoughts on the Fermzilla 30L All rounder?

I have it in mind for fermenting under pressure and for NEIPAs to keep out O2 while transferring to keg under pressure.

it's on my list for Santa. Should it be?

No covid jab

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:21 PM PDT

Hi all was talking to people in work today both around the 40 year old mark
And told theres not a chance in hell they will take the vaccination
Just wondering is there many more like this
I have it and I'm happy I got it

RO Water Sample Testing

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:26 PM PDT

Hi All,

I have an RO system, and I love it! Adjusting water chemistry has given me so much more control over my beers! I use Bru'n'Water for my water chemistry, and I'm currently using the RO profile in there set to 100% dillution. However, I am really interested in finding out what the mineral make-up of my RO water actually is!

TL;DR: Can anyone recommend a UK based water testing lab who can test a sample for mineral content, alkalinity and pH, inexpensively?


Brewing at room temperature

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:02 PM PDT

I don't have a brew-fridge, I daresay like a lot of posters, and I doubt I'll be getting one anytime soon. Likewise I don't have any external heating facility. So this is effect seems to mean that certain times of beer are probably not suited to what I have., I see recipes where the fermentation is kept very warm, and, more commonly, brews where the temperature is maintained quite cool. So I'm really only interested in brews that will be behave at normal room temp (say 21 deg in the...

Brewing at room temperature

Brew_Dave Brew Days

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:00 PM PDT

Hi All,

Over the weekend I made my very first beer using my Grainfather. I decided to make a Timothy Taylor's Landlord clone, the real thing is one of my all time favourite beers, lets hope I do it justice!

For the recipe I used:
  • Golden Promise Pale Ale (4250g)
  • Crisp Pale Wheat (50g)
  • Crisp Black Malt (30g)
  • East Kent Goldings pellets (30g)
  • Celeia Styrian Goldings pellets (70g)
  • Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire (1 pack)
I was aiming for a batch size of 19 litres and...

Brew_Dave Brew Days

Dipping my first toe into all grain brewing.

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:55 PM PDT

Decided to get a small number of Hops and malts to have a play around with all grain brewing. I got the following :

Black malt.
Cara malt.
Maris otter pale malt.

Citra hops.
Challenger hops.
Fuggles hops.

Irish moss.

I wanted to be able to have a play around and make some different beers with few items since its my first go.

Any ideas?

Definitely an ale. Maybe an Irish Red or an IPA.
Obviously dark malt is very dark and heavy so it was just to mess about with rather than...

Dipping my first toe into all grain brewing.

Belgian Tripel Recipe

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Hello Brewers,

Like many I'm a big fan of the Belgian beers, particularly the Trappist beers. Up until now I've used all grain kits and recipes that I've found online, for my next brew I want to have a go at writing my own recipe.

After watching David Heath's videos on YouTube and other online research I've decided to have a crack at a Belgian Tripel. Please could you take a look and let me know what you think? I've basically no idea what I'm doing, so any advice would be excellent.


Belgian Tripel Recipe

How many litres of home brew have you made 2021.

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:39 PM PDT

Last years record has been smashed was Covid part of the reason, did you make more in 2020 than you would have had covid not happened?

2020 total - 33156

2019 total - 22,170

2018 total - 15337

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT

I'm a bit of a cinephile, movies are probably my second love after brewing, I have a "watchlist" which is almost as long as my "brewlist" and I try to watch a couple of films off it each week.

I'm always open for suggestions and love hearing what people have watched recently, what their opinion was and why.

With such a melange of people on the forum I'm sure I'm not the only one, so what are you watching, or have you watched recently?

I'll go first, last night I watched...

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

matt76's Brewdays

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:12 PM PDT

Just like the other cool kids, time to move away from individual posts and collate everything from now on into a single thread.....

AG#15 "Podium" Late Hopped IPA ('cos there are 3 kinds of hops, innit)

This is actually a rebrew of my AG#5, probably still my personal favourite brew to date - but there are a few tweaks, oh, and some stuff to make it way more complicated than it needed to be - why can't I just keep things simple! :mad:
  • I had my first go at water...

matt76's Brewdays

Bottled water

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

In an attempt to improve my beer my next one will have bottled water but I have noted greatly differing levels of chloride in them...what is an acceptable level and what is the difference between chloride in bottled water and what's in the tap.

One that is "bottled at source" has 15mg per litre but asdas cheapest has 11mg. I'm just wondering how low this figure should be to make it worthwhile?


Foam still on top after 14 days in fermentation bucket.

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

Brewing a MYO Irish stout now. It has been in for 14 days and it still has a thin layer of thick foam on the top. I was always planning to leave it in for more than the 10 days kit suggested. I tasted a sample for first time today and it does taste like a stout and very pleasant.

The bubbles in foam are small and tight but are bursting slowly.

What am not sure about is any harm leaving it a few more days to see if foam will go, I see it slightly breaking up today.

Any advice to bottle or...

Foam still on top after 14 days in fermentation bucket.

What did you brew today?

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

Overrated beers

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:28 AM PDT

I just wonder what beer styles or individual beers you find overrated.
Mine would be NEIPA's which I find cloudy and flat.


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