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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Equipment help. New to all grain.

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:51 PM PDT

Quick question. I want to do a few small runs BINB to ferment 4 litres in demijons. The problem I have is the largest pot i have is about 6 litres.
Now am I right in thinking I will need a minimum of 10 liters due to water boil off?

Free demijohns for collection in Milton Keynes

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:05 PM PDT

Available in Stony Stratford - 3 dark, 2 clear.

German drinking songs LP

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:08 PM PDT

Spotted in a shop window in Harrogate - must track down a copy!

The 'Recommend me a TV series' thread

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:00 PM PDT

Just one episode of series 4 of The Americans left to watch before moving on to series 5.

For anyone that hasn't seen it, it's set during the cold war and is the story of two Russian agents living a 'normal' family life in America.

The pace has never dropped over four series and I've enjoyed every episode. Brilliant TV. Oh, and Keri Russell is absolutely gorgeous, which also helps.

Which TV series would you recommend?

Red and White currant.

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:34 PM PDT

I picked 3 1/4 lbs of redcurrants and whitecurrants from our bushes this evening, about 70% red and 30% white. Stripped them off their twiggy things and poured a gallon of boiling water over them in a fermenting bucket.
The recipe says leave the bucket in a cool place for a week and don't worry if there is mould on top of the must. Now I don't like the sond of mould, so I've crushed up a campden tablet and stirred it in. Hopefully, that will keep mould at bay.

Worthwhile visit to my local brewery this afternoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:30 PM PDT

It's only a small concern, their website only mentions 'opening times', so I assumed there'd be a shop of some sort...

I poked my head round an open door. Piles of 25 kg malt of all types on the floor, large fermentors, piping... There was a guy there. I said, can you sell me some beer? Aye, ask in the office.

Anyway I walked away with an assortment of beers, principally the Pudding Shop Milk Stout, which I know is very nice. For twenty quid. I was pleased to see that most of their beers...

Worthwhile visit to my local brewery this afternoon

Joke of the day.

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT

A joke to take the minds off the worriers and whittlers, who think we are all going to be wiped out with plagues pestilence and the off chance of a collision with a asteroid.

In a small village in Russia the village milking cow dried up, the villagers were panicking wondering what to do. A village elder suggested they go and see the wise man of the woods, so they traipsed up to where the wise man of the woods lived. They explained the problem they had with the cow and he told them they...

Joke of the day.

This may not look much.......

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:59 PM PDT

....but it signals my return to the brewing hobby after many years absence. A gallon of turbo cider is on and already bubbling away like a good un after 15 minutes.

Morrison's 100% juice from concentrate
1/3 pint of ultra strong tea
Youngs cider yeast
yeast nutrient.

Elderflower Cider

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:45 PM PDT

A colleague as a few elderflower trees on his family farm and as enquired about doing a elderflower cider with me.

Anyone got any recipes?

Help! my hand slipped with the last 10 mins hops - boil longer, or drain immediately?

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:40 PM PDT

My hand slipped with the last 10min hops during the boil... should I continue boiling hard to remove some of the bitterness - or run off immediately please?

Greg Hughes American IPA

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:36 PM PDT

Intend to try this recipe from the new edition of the book.

2 questions:

1. Anyone tried it and if so what are your thoughts ?

2. Doesn't mention any timings for dry hopping in the recipe. Was thinking of throwing the dry hops in on day 3 or 4 of fermentation but what duration should they be left in for ?


Mangrove Jack Brut IPA

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:35 PM PDT

Just finished off my keg of this, was my first try at a 'big' brew after a few ones done in the Pinter and was ok-ish, I think the 'ish' was probably down to my mess-ups, I accidentally dropped half the hops in at the beginning of fermentation when trying to jerry rig something with bags and magnets!

It remained cloudy for a few weeks but the keg cleared reasonably for the last gallon or so. Was very 'brut', fermented out to 1.004 from an initial 1.052, with a pretty bitter finish (possibly...

Mangrove Jack Brut IPA

PilgrimHudds Brewdays

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:15 PM PDT

Thought i'd bring all my brewdays together in one thread.

Had a day off today and because Foxbats Mainline beer seems to have been the most popular amongst my friends, alongside GH's Paterbeir I thought I would brew it again.

Looking for somewhere between 17-20l for the FV and am still finding my way around my cygnet water boiler so using fag packet maths I used

300og Maris Otter
120g Caramalt
40g Chocolate Wheat
100g Crystal that I found at the bottom of the box and decided to get...

PilgrimHudds Brewdays

Icemaster G20 glycol chiller

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

I am planning a unitank and glycol chiller as my next big brew kit purchase later this year. I just spotted an add for a new glycol chiller from kegland - IceMaster G20 - Glycol Chiller - Digital Fermentation Control - (with 2 integrated pumps for dual temp)

So far...

Icemaster G20 glycol chiller

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

This is the first time Belgian beer's have been allocated its own monthly competition slot. I am really looking forward to judging this, judging will be on the last weekend of July starting on the 30th. I am hoping for a good wide variety of styles, this could be anything from a single up to a quad, pale or IPA, Saison, sour, biere de grade, Belgian strong, Belgian speciality beer, Brett beer. The list is almost endless
Please follow the competition guidelines if you are new to entering the...

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

My Brewdays

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

Thought I'd keep all my brewdays on one thread from now on

Purchased a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone from The Malt Miller. First brew using my SS Brewbucket, thought I'd chuck a kit onto the order too. Service from TMM was excellent

Brewed this on 23rd Jan.

5.45kg lager malt
450g pale crystal malt.

30g Northern brewer @60m
30g Cascade @ 30m
70g Cascade @ 0m

1/2 Camden, 1tsp gypsum & 25ml CRS added to mash water.

5ml CRS added to sparge water (7l)

Heated up 27l of water in...

My Brewdays

Recirculate during mash?

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

Hi, Quick question from a newbie: During the mash stage do I recirculate the liquid? I'm using a 35L Brewzilla that came with a recirculation pipe.

Hi from East Anglia

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

Hi all, thanks for letting me join. Currently I'm firmly in the 'all the gear, no idea ' camp having invested in a grainfather and associated stainless steel bin. First Brew is in the fermenter now. Looking forward to learning and one day contributing here. Cheers Adam


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