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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Hop Raffles (4 Winners!!)

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:31 PM PDT

Here is the link for the next hop raffle.

£2 to enter
100 entries, 4 winners!!
Pick up to 10 different (or the same) 100g packs of homebrew hops. These will let you experiment with different brews

Comment below when done and leave username as special instructions.

In the next raffles going to have to raise price to £2.20 to enter due to there being a lot of work involved and sometimes you are getting £60+...

Hop Raffles (4 Winners!!)

Euro 2020, who's watching?

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:40 PM PDT

Just settled down to watch the opening match of the 2020 (2021) tournament. I'm not a huge football fan but I do like a good international comp.

Ideal accompaniment to a good beer acheers.

Mj juicy ipa

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:49 PM PDT

Just opened a 500ml pet bottle of juicy ipa that was carbed with 2 brew2bottle carb drops, finished it's 2 weeks warm conditioning yesterday and put in the fridge overnight.
It had a good head to start with but soon lost it also it does not have a strong hop taste it's still has a citrus taste, I take it this will all improve with age

Numpty! Beer in my regulators

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:27 PM PDT

Aghh :eek:
Numpty numpty and oh you plonker!

So I've been really worried about getting beer back into my regulators since I didn't have a check valve on the gas passthrough on my secondary regulator. So I purchased said tap and backflow check valve and was going to fit them this afternoon after work. However: I did not disconnect the overfilled keg which was on for carbonation, when I turned down the gas pressure and promptly sprayed beer all over the garage through my two regulators😢...

Numpty! Beer in my regulators


Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:25 PM PDT

For those that have Fermzillas - when it was new out the box, what did you clean it with before first use?

Forum Activity email.

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:26 PM PDT

I received a message from a member earlier saying he did not receive his usual "yesterday's Forum activity" Email this morning, if other members are having the same issue could you post below so @Angie can look into it, thanks.

Young's New World Saison stuck on 1009.

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

Instructions say to hop at 1008 and bottle at 1006, but hasn't moved for a week so doubt it'll go to 1006.
Do you think it's finished at 1009 which would be 5.91ABV instead of 6.3?

Company closing offering clearance sale

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:00 PM PDT

Thought some may find this site of interest as they are offering special discounts on a closing down sale

Hop pellet residue

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:34 PM PDT

Quick question guys. Just done a mash and boil BIAB method. Used hop pellets. Should the residual hop slurry be left in the brew for fermentation or removed? I have just transferred the brew from stockpot to FV using the bag as a sieve to filter out the hops but now I'm wondering whether I should've left them in? Or does it not make a difference now the boil has finished?
Any pointers welcome, thanks

Souring beer

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

I'm wanting to try to do a post boil sour and I was wondering whether you can do this by adding Lactobacillus or Bret when bottling.

I'm trying to avoid contaminating any of my gear unnecessarily and I was wondering whether this would be a possible method.

I am planning a kettle sour very soon, but I was wanting something which would require more aging, something slightly less 'contrived'.

June 2021 Competition - Dark Beers

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:07 PM PDT

Time to get your Dark Beers sorted for the June competition

Judging will hopefully take place around 7th July but may be over a few days if there are a lot of entries.

PM (start conversation) me for address and try to get the entries to me by the end of the month as this will allow time for them to settle before judging.

Any style of dark beer welcome. Please ensure bottle is marked with the style, ABV and your forum name.

Anyone not sure the rules see the...

June 2021 Competition - Dark Beers

Fun with Opshaug Kveik

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:58 AM PDT

I've now got a couple of brews with the same Opshaug under my belt, each time top-cropping, saving, and growing the yeast before pitching it on brew day. It's been an interesting learning experience and actually way easier than I was anticipating - kudos to the kind folk on 'ere who answered my endless barrage of n00b questions.

Right now I'm fermenting two vessels with Opshaug and thought I'd share some observations. One is a kit beer, Bure Gold, and since my ferment fridge is tied up with...

Fun with Opshaug Kveik

All in one system vs Biab?

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

Hi, has anyone on here used either of these all-in-one systems? Been looking at these two from
Up to now, I've just been doing all grain biab action but want to upgrade a bit. Are these systems worth the cash? Is there that much difference between just boiling it on a hob?

Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

It's maybe time to start my own brewday thread. Today I do my 15th all-grain brewday, and what better time to consider doing a write-up than when I'm already half way through. That'll probably be typical of how things will be around here - sporadic, messy and nonsensical.

So here goes...

It's roughly a Best Bitter by the numbers. And it's had 45 minutes in the mash tun. Time to remove the freshly poured Brown Porter (AG14), and get sparging under way.


Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Wheat beer idea

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:33 AM PDT


I'm new to brewing, i have a Bavarian wheat beer kit which started for 3 days already and everything seems to go fine until now. I have read a lot in the past weeks and i would like to try also the BIAB method for a small batch to test things.
My preferred beer always have been the Paulaner weissbier.
I would like to try something similar to this beer, but not necessary to replicate it, i think i like wheat beer (i'm also in love with bread, baking my own bread for years).

Wheat beer idea

Two seals on a ball lock post.

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT

Hi guys, I hope this isn't a stupid question...

Got a new corny keg today and there are two seals on each post. Haven't seen this before...


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