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Monday, April 19, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Is Hopcat legit?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:25 PM PDT

I'm thinking of getting a Hopcat MK2 but considering the low price of it, the accessories included in the price and the fact that I haven't see a lot of reveiws of it I'm starting to question wether the buissness is legit or not. Do you guys have any experience with the Hopcat? Is it a good system and can you be sure to get the brewing system after placing an order? It would be quite ***** to order something for 400 pounds plus shipping to my country and then recieve a bad/non...

Is Hopcat legit?

The stash is almost finished

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:13 PM PDT

I ran out of beer twice with my first 2 kits. I drank them faster than I made them. So decided to take a break from drinking them and build up a stash. I collected enough bottles for 5 brews. So started building up a healthy inventory of homebrew kits.
I bottled the Juicy Session IPA this evening. In 4 weeks I'll be enjoying the fruits of my labour.
1. Mangrove Jacks Pink grapefruit IPA
2. Festival Oaked Apple Cider
3. Bruphoria James Blonde Ale
4. Mangrove Jacks Bavarian Wheat beer

The stash is almost finished

What did you brew today?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:01 PM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

A good Mild ( Malt Extract ) Kit

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

Any ideas on a a good basic Mild Kit ... that is fairly fast to make.?!
Have tried Simply & Youngs Harvest , & Coopers Dark Ale ....
Advice welcome !!

Mangrove Jacks Bavarian Wheat 1st try

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:58 PM PDT

Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie in Homebrewing and i am doing my first try with a bavarian Wheat of Mangrove Jacks. I have done whole the process correct i believe and i want to ask some questions.
I am in 13th day of fermentation. I still have bubbles (1 every 10 minutes).
Are the bubbles a criterion for the completion of the fermentation?
Is this the time to take a SG reading in order to check if i am in the desired one? If i am not mistaken the SG reading should be the same for 48 hours...

Mangrove Jacks Bavarian Wheat 1st try

Coopers Lager - any tweaks?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

I was hoping to start an EKG smash this weekend, but the lhbs closed early so I'm 2kg short of pale malt. I do however have a tin of Cooper's lager so could make that, but have no malt extract. I could mash the small amount of M.O. I do have (about 2.5kg) and add some hop pellets (EKG, first gold, challenger, saaz, Perle, mittelfruh) but have no idea how to plug those into a brew calculator for 22L.
Any ideas ? (it doesn't have to end up as a lager)

Hey, from Glasgow, Scotland

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

Hey, im Steven, and new to the forum.

Im just starting out in one gallon (4.5L) brewing. I have all the equipment i need, and im going to start off with a simple recipe using DME and a 15min boil, which i saw on youtube.

After that, i'll be moving to all-grain brewing. Im wanting to do single hop beer and maybe SMaSH beers. I mostly drink Belgian beer, German beer, and non-alcoholic beer, which is getting better these days.

Im here to learn more about small batch brewing, and how to...

Hey, from Glasgow, Scotland

European Super League

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

20 European clubs have "signed up" to join the European super league including 6 English teams. For me this is a terrible idea driven purely by greed. It could be a negotiating ploy of course but I'm not so sure. The European Cup was devalued when the 4th played team could enter the Champions League so you had Lverpool vs Spurs in a final where neither had a league title in almost 80 years combined.
I hope the whole concept is scrapped ASAP what's other people's views?


Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:49 PM PDT


Added dry hops 5 days ago and everything appeared fine, was going to transfer to PB today and found this.
Also cleaned out dregs of PB I finished this weekend and found similar.

I guess a deep clean is required- what is the best way to go about it.

Brewing with old grains & hops

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

I've been home brewing for many years, originally with kits & extract but All-Grain for the last 10 years.
Whilst 'working from home' due to the corona virus, my brewing has picked up & I decided to look at my stocks of grains & hops, as I have been known to buy grains & hops to match specific new recipes.
All my grains/malts are pre-crushed & stored in cool air-tight, water-tight, light-free barrels - not in fridge or freezer
Most of my hops are still vacuum packed & stored in cool...

Brewing with old grains & hops

Mini Kegs

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:21 PM PDT

@Fireside Ales Homebrewery I thought I would take this off the other thread as perhaps it detracts.
A quick question re those 5 litre mini kegs if I may, how long does a 16oz CO2 cartridge last?

Jose Mourinho: Tottenham sack manager after 17 months

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:11 PM PDT

I see he is favourite to go to Newcastle i feel heartily sorry for them if he does get the job.

Jose Mourinho has been sacked by Tottenham after just 17 months in charge.

The Portuguese replaced Mauricio Pochettino as Spurs manager in November 2019 and guided the club to sixth in the Premier League last season.
They are currently seventh, having picked up two points from their past three league games, and were knocked out of the Europa League in March.

Spurs face Manchester City...

Jose Mourinho: Tottenham sack manager after 17 months

Using CO2 for conditioning??

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:04 PM PDT

I have moved 20l of dark strawberry Belgium style beer kit to the pressure barrel to condition.

Yeast needs oxygen to condition the beer, improving flavour, etc.

Will putting extra CO2 into the pressure barrel kill off the yeast and stop conditioning the beer??


Bottle swap.

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:02 PM PDT

I didn't get any takers when I posted this in the- What are you drinking thread, so will try here.

I recently kegged a riwaka pale ale.

Recipe is in my brewday thread. Think heavy hopped hazy pale.

I am happy to bottle a few this week to send for a swap. Particularly looking for a Belgian pale, dunkelweizen or Baltic porter in return. Why those, well they are planned brews and I would like to try some before building a recipe. I am happy to send the beer first so the box can be returned...

Bottle swap.

Drinker's Den Newsletter

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:46 PM PDT

If you haven't already (and why wouldn't you?), sign up to our Drinker's Den Newsletter and not only will you get 5% OFF your next order but you will also be the first to know about any of the offers and savings to be made when you shop with us.


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Drinker's Den Newsletter

When do you start drinking a new brew?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:56 PM PDT

I brewed a landlord clone 30/3 and racked to brite tank 11/4.
It's carbed up and I was planning on serving through a beer engine.
When would you think this is ready? I usually drink early but not sure I should be for this style.
Is there a rough idea, 3/4/5 weeks?
OG was 1.044.

Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:53 PM PDT

Supermarket Juice Wine how to guide plus Recipes.

Edited 29/9/2020 -
Its generally agreed Orange Wine isn't very nice and few make it a second time the good news is the method used in the videos below is the same for all supermarket juice so if you are not keen on the sound of orange wine read on -

Some members are finding their supermarkets are not stocking White grape juice but have Red grape juice, Red grape juice goes well with apple, cranberry, pomegranate or raspberry...

Supermarket Juice Wine How To guide and Recipes.


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