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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Change one letter. (5 letter)

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 07:07 PM PDT

As members will be staying off work i thought reintroducing this game would pass a bit of time.

Change one letter to make a new word -

I will start with -


Blow Off Tube

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:53 PM PDT

Any advise on what the min internal diameter should be for a blow off pipe ?

Just had a near disaster with a brew, (Mangrove Jack Bavarian Wheat) In 28 brews I have never seen anything go as fast as this, went from 1050 to 1013 in under 48 hours. The foaming head on the brew blocked my air lock and built up enough pressure to force the top of the FV off. What a mess with foam everywhere, lost over two pints! 10 days on the beer is still in the FV and smells OK so hopefully not infected...

Blow Off Tube

Mark K’s Brewdays

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

Thought I'd jump on the old bandwagon and make the move on from the "what did you brew today" thread. I suppose that even if no-one reads it I'll have a record for myself 😂 Oh well, here goes 😱

Busy day today. After setting out at kegging my Old Freckled Chicken and being faced with the prospect of having an empty FV I decided today would be my second consecutive brew day.

I'm now on a mission to use up existing hop supplies with a 25kg sack of clear choice pale malt but didn't have enough...

Mark K's Brewdays

Newbie Recipe - Advice Wanted!

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT


Still very new to the whole brewing thing! For my fourth brew, I thought I wanted to try making my own recipe for a DIPA. However, I'm finding myself reluctant to do it for fear that it will be terrible. So... in your opinion (if you're into hoppy IPAs) will this be awful:

Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 19.36.56.png

According to Brewer's Friend, the IBUs will be too high. But, will this be offset by the relatively high OG? Or is this just too much hops and the beer will be offensively...

Newbie Recipe - Advice Wanted!

Greg Hughes recipes

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:44 PM PDT

I see various threads all over the place about Greg Hughes recipes. He seems to be held in high esteem and all my AG brews have been from his book so far.

Thought maybe it might be an idea to have a thread where folk can discuss a GH recipe they have brewed and give it a bit of a rating to help others (like me) select what to brew.

So I have done;

Milk Stout. I liked this one but I am loathe to offer too much of a review because it stopped at 1.030 and would not move again. I bottled it...

Greg Hughes recipes

Temp in Garage

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:44 PM PDT

Hello from the very sunny south coast,

Absolute newbie advice (not even got the kit yet but the shopping list is growing), higher authority has said I can brew my own beer (only if I make her some wine...seems fair), however I can only do it in the bat cave (aka the garage). Even on the south coast the bat cave will have large fluctuations in temps during the day.

I have spent sometime reading the forum posts, but would like some advice on keeping the temp with the fv...

Temp in Garage

Flagg Ales Brewday

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:41 PM PDT

So, this being my second ever brew and my first attempt at All Grain I thought I may as well record it here, for posterity if nothing else. I'm not sure how these things go but here goes.

Old Hooky Clone (Graham Wheeler)
Target: OG 1.045 FG 1.008 ABV 4.9% IBU 33 EBC 31
Batch Size 21L, Boil time 60 mins

Im not too fussed as long as it is the general vein of an Old Hooky not going for an exact replica

3Kg Maris Otter Pale
400g Flaked Maize
200g Extra Dark...

Flagg Ales Brewday

R.I.P Thread.

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:36 PM PDT

We had a request earlier form a member asking if we could have a forum in General Discussions specifically for posts of peoples/celebrities passing (including forum members where appropriate and permission granted) it has been decided that the topic is not big enough to warrant its own forum so we have decided to make this pinned thread instead.

Could i ask members to quote the post they are answering or the thread could get a little confusing if more than one person dies in a short period...

R.I.P Thread.

Pilsner Fermentation (or lack of?)

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:28 PM PDT

I brewed a Pilsner two days ago for the first time.

Following a recipe, I pitched Wyeast Pilsen Lager 2007 and started in the fermentator at 10C.
Yesterday morning it was just about bubbling - a small bubble about every 45 seconds or so, by yesterday evening it had stopped and today nothing's happening.

Should I start to panic (something which I'm quite good at!)


BIAB - Mash temperature

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT


I was brewing a recipe from a local brew shop yesterday and encountered the first time I needed to raise the mash temperature.

The recipe said to bring 19L of water to 50*C. Stir in the grain slowly and let it sit maintaining 50*C for 45 minutes. Then raise the mash temp to 68*C for a further 75 mins.

I have a variable voltage controller on the boiler. It's a full bottom enclosed element (Tea Urn style). So I don't mind running it at very low voltage if I seen the temp drop below...

BIAB - Mash temperature

St Peters IPA Kit Trouble/Mistakes

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:21 PM PDT

Hi guys, I am new to this community as well as the whole brewing adventure!

I bought the St Peters IPA brew kit as my first venture into home brewing. I made a few mistakes which I will detail out here and hope some of you could provide some tips/advice.

First of all, I made a very bad mistake of following general instructions on the website I got the kit off of, instead of the kit on the beer kit box. I only realised after I had finished, which was too late to make any adjustments.

St Peters IPA Kit Trouble/Mistakes

Letting CO2 into a 5L mini-keg (on the cheap!)

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:00 PM PDT

For folk on a tight budget, the 5L refilling the steel mini-kegs of the type that most prepackaged beer comes in (the ones made by Huber) can be an attractive option.

One factor when dispensing from these is that once you've let the air in via the top valve, you've got to finish the keg off relatively quickly before it goes off. Whether you view that as a problem or an opportunity is up to you ;)

For folk who would prefer a little...

Letting CO2 into a 5L mini-keg (on the cheap!)

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:31 PM PDT

Just wondering what people's experiences of MJ M15 Empire Ale yeast are?

Used it a few times in the past and, being a medium-attenuating yeast, it always finishes a bit high. But just bottled a Porter and FG was 1025 (OG1051). So my expected 5% beer has turned out a measly 3.4% with a yeast attenuation figure of 51%: that's the lowest-ever by a long way, in 197 brews.

So I'm wondering what went wrong? The brew was under temp control, and in the FV 20 days, and definately seems finished...

M15 Empire Ale Yeast

How do you find your recipes?

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:12 PM PDT

Hi everyone, another wierd question here but where do you find your recipes? I'm about to do my first 5l AG brew but I'm already ready thinking about the next one. I've seen a few recipes on the maltmiller and a few other online shops but theyre all bigger batches and I don't really want to pay the delivery cause I live in Germany. Could I basically copy that recipe and order my own ingredients over here and use their directions for the brewday or don't they put up all information I need...

How do you find your recipes?

Batch priming

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT

Evening all
Hope you are all well.
Looking for advice, please
Ready to bottle my latest batch of Pilsner ( 5 gallon ).
My first batch was far too carbonated as I previously posted, and having got some amazing replies, realised I had added way too much sugar to each bottle.
Would it be a good idea to make a sugar solution and add it to the barrel? And if so, what would you advise?
I am looking for a gentle fizz.
Unlike the last time, where I was getting approx 1 pint per two 500ml bottles...

Batch priming


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