Common word pairs. Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here. It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post. I will start it with - Kings Head (pub) |
How long to leave in primary fermentation? Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:34 PM PDT Hi all, My first brew ( Muntons West Coast IPA) is in its primary fermentation stage. Thanks to my lack of planning (!) I have a few trips coming up around the 14 day mark (when the kit instructions says to move to secondary fermentation). I've outlined a timeline below: 21/07 - Started brewing 31/07 - Will add hops (as per kit instructions) 03/08 - 7/08 - Trip away. During this trip is 4/08 = 14 days fermented 07/08 - 09/08... How long to leave in primary fermentation? |
Get 'Er Brewed Lupomax Citra IPA Beer Kit review Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT Recently started looking at some of the homebrew shops own offerings in terms of beer kits and decided to try this one. Kit contents 2 x 1.5kg of Super Premium Light Liquid Malt 1 x Isomerised hop extract to create 60 ibu's 3 x 20g hop tea bags for dry hopping of the new Lupomax 1 x Lallemand Premium Verdant IPA Kit started 20th April 2021 - made up to 23L with Tesco Ashbeck mineral water. Fermented in brew fridge at 20.5°C. Kit hops (tea bag form) added on 2nd May. Bottled on 5th... Get 'Er Brewed Lupomax Citra IPA Beer Kit review |
Digiboil 35L and BIAB bits Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:29 PM PDT Hi all, im selling my digiboil that I used for BIAB before I got my brewzilla plus some other bits that go with it. It's the 35l Digiboil Robobrew neoprene jacket Biab bag Mash spoon Helix coil thought maybe £130 for the lot. I'm based in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. |
Can you mix John Guest and duotight fittings Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:46 PM PDT Hi, I'm trying to set up a kegerator but I can't find any duotight 3/8 to 3/16 reducers only John Guest. Can you mix them? I'm going to order some Eva barrier from AE, I've looked an there but I can't find any keg disconnects with 3/16 fittings but I have found a JG 3/8 to 3/16 reducer in the UK. I'm just trying to have as few connections as possible to reduce leaks. Any advice please. |
Got strawberries, what to use with them for wine? Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT Some weeks back I had the opportunity to pick some garden strawberries and froze them (about 700g) with a view to making wine. I was told I could come back and pick more, but apparently since then the supply of strawberries has not replenished, with hungry birds being blamed (there was no net or other protection over the strawberry plants). I've also been keeping an eye on the reduced fruit and veg section in the supermarket but not managed to snap up any reduced... Got strawberries, what to use with them for wine? |
Fermented garlic honey Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT Has any tried fermented garlic honey? Isit as simple as peeled garlic covered in honey? |
JJSH's brewdays Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT I thought I would start one of these posts to document my journey from kit brewer to all grain. I'm going out will also encourage me to blog more frequently. |
Hyundai and KIA Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:06 PM PDT Remember when they used to make cheap boxes and like Skoda back in the day were laughed at by badge snobs. The VW GTI killer - |
Bottling a Triple NEIPA Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT Okay so I've made a Triple 10% New England IPA BIAB as my second brew ever. I know I know I went in at the deep end but go big or go home! I just thought I would keep a record of any change in colour and oxidation on here and if you're interested just follow along. Ask me any questions! The picture is an undercarbed (4days 30mins in the freezer test PET bottle) sample of the beer and my god if it stays like this for 2 weeks with a little more carbonation I'm a happy boy! |
Barrel testing Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:13 PM PDT Just going to check the pressure on one of my King Kegs, I think I have a leak, I haven't done this before, but I thought I would fill the keg up to the tap(top tap) with water, fit the top cap tighten and the pressurise with small cartridge and then use a spray bottle to check for any leaks, has anybody done this, this way, or do you have any better ideas to check the barrel for leaks, thanks guys |
My Brewdays Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT Thought I'd keep all my brewdays on one thread from now on Purchased a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone from The Malt Miller. First brew using my SS Brewbucket, thought I'd chuck a kit onto the order too. Service from TMM was excellent Brewed this on 23rd Jan. 5.45kg lager malt 450g pale crystal malt. 30g Northern brewer @60m 30g Cascade @ 30m Protofloc@15m 70g Cascade @ 0m 1/2 Camden, 1tsp gypsum & 25ml CRS added to mash water. 5ml CRS added to sparge water (7l) Heated up 27l of water in... My Brewdays |
Greetings from Bratislava :) Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:00 AM PDT Hi everyone, my name is Alan, currently living in Bratislava, Slovakia. I've been into home-brewing for a couple of years already, but there's always room for improvement, especially on these forums where I've found helpful advices almost all the time :) Cheers! |
So who's growing chillies 2021? Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:56 AM PDT I am! But then I do every year  . It's always tough to select what to grow but I've got Dorset Naga, Michael's Magic, Turtle Claw, Jamaican Jerk (all capsicum chinense), Tropical Orange (capsicum pubescens), and Madre Vieja (capsicum baccatum) in the propagator with reasonable germination so far. I'll get my capsicum annuum sown at the start of March (they don't need so long a growing season) but haven't quite decided what I'll grow yet. What are you growing / will you grow this year? |
New Year - Slid Brewday Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:26 AM PDT Not brewed for a month or so, but drunk plenty. Looking forward to tomorrow's Golden Ale, which is heavily borrowed from the Cornish Tin Miners Ale recipe courtesy of Greg Hughes. Have weighed out the Grain in advance: MO 4.9kg Wheat malt 220g Biscuit 250g Crystal 40 500g Hop schedule is planned as per yer man, Greg, with First Gold and Bramling Cross. S 04 this time, I think, as US 05 dries it out a bit. |