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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

When to replace co2 bottle?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:21 AM PDT

Just checked my co2 bottle and it looks like the needle is about to hit the red segment on the gauge.

When do you guys refil, when it's just about to run out, or play it safe and refil with some left in the bottle?

Kegerator Gas Supply - on or off?

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:20 AM PDT

Hi All,

I have build myself a kegerator out of an old larder fridge with a 6kg CO2 gas supply and it is mostly working well. My first cylinder of gas was empty after less than two weeks having been on constantly since set-up to supply approx 12 psi pressure to one keg. I am assuming there was a leak in one of the JG fittings and took it on the chin as part of the learning process. Having got a gas refill, I checked all of my gas pipework using a leak detector foam and it all looked ok so...

Kegerator Gas Supply - on or off?

Turning ferrous metal to non ferrous

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 12:11 AM PDT

I won't bother you with the details but if you had a piece of ferrous metal and dipped it in candle wax, would it be safe to use with beer?

Large PET bottle source?

Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:37 PM PDT

I'm looking to increase my AG BIAB batch size from circa 10ltrs in a stove top pot to around 20ltrs as i've realised that the effort to brew is identical :)

I don't like bottling, particularly cleaning so am looking to reduce how many bottles I need to store everything. I currently use PET bottles and having young kids would like to stick with plastic as they are a lot safer and also tend to be pretty cheap.

I'm trying to source some amber PET bottles in larger sizes, 2ltrs and up as I...

Large PET bottle source?


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