Get In Touch With A Low Wage Teleporter

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer


Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:43 AM PDT

Hello all,
Im a new member, I have done a handful of extract brews over the years, but nothing for 15 years. I am getting back into it with AG BIAB, and will do my 3rd pale ale mash this weekend.
Really enjoying the process so far and am looking forward to learning more as I continue with brewing my own.
I am a devout Coopers pale ale drinker and am presently trying to get a brew similar drinking to this. I honestly think this is Australia's best commercial beer and feel it would be a great...


New to cider making

Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:27 PM PDT

Hi all,
i am completely new to cider making (not cider drinking). I just got a mangrove jacks starter kit which came with a sachet of apple cider. I have made this up but I am already researching my next brew. I've heard that using apple juice and yeast is the way to go rather than the concentrate packs from mangrove jacks. I want to get a cider similar to a mercury draught cider. Does anyone have any suggestions on type of yeast etc to use? And also how much to use, I have a 30 Litre...

New to cider making

The Castle north Melbourne

Posted: 07 Apr 2021 08:34 PM PDT

A mate of mine just found a Belgian beer tasting night going on here, has anyone been to one of these and what was it like?

Continuing Jokes Thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2021 12:34 PM PDT

Ok I'll kick off with a couple.

Did you hear about the masochist who loved to take cold showers so he didn't.


Paddy and Seamus had missed the last bus and were walking home at midnight, when they passed the bus depot. A window was open so Paddy hopped in to steal a bus. After much banging and crashing Paddy came back out through the window.

"We're out of luck, Seamus, there wasn't a number 153 in there"


Continuing Jokes Thread


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