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Sunday, April 4, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Yesteryear beers and were they as good as we remember

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 07:05 PM PDT

just a topic up for discussion we seem to always get brewers/drinkers asking for the old beers from when we were young and that they do not taste the same or as good.
Now I am not saying its not true but are some of us me included could be stuck in a timewarp of everything was better when we were young or have some beers generally been thrown to the wolves for the sake of commercialism or profit. If so could we have your nearest recipes to the "better" old versions with a appropriate...

Yesteryear beers and were they as good as we remember

Brewer's Invert Sugar

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:42 PM PDT

I've carved this off from another thread (Victorian Mild!) to reach out to a larger audience of contributing folk.

"Brewer's Invert" sugar is hard to get (the manufacturer "Ragus" would like you to buy a tonne! Some bakery supplier's will sell it in 25Kg lots). But we are constantly reminded that "Invert Sugar" adds very distinctive flavours to beers, and if trying to clone recipes (mainly older bitter and mild...

Brewer's Invert Sugar

One step forward, one step backward.

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:12 PM PDT

Just tried one of recent batches of bitter,and although it looks great, yes, it's too bitter again. As was the previous one. The moral clearly is, I wish, I'd had sight of those IBU calculators earlier! Basically, it seems to me, what I got away with with the pretty mild Goldings doesn't work with the same recipe when replacing them with nominally similar hops, and if that's combined with an inefficient brew (this one was well below average for me), I'm going to end up with a pretty bitter...

One step forward, one step backward.

Hazelwood Brewday

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:09 PM PDT

I only joined the group a few days ago and today was my first brewday since joining so I thought I ought to give this a go - at least once.

Starting with the crime scene, I revamped our garden a couple of years ago. My wife wanted decking, a gazebo, and comfortable seating, I wanted a bar, win-win!

So this is where I also brew, at my bar, shown here in winter plumage (clear plastic PVC tarps fitted to two sides).

Burco boiler

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

Hi All,

I've acquired a Burco 30l boiler mainly for brew in a bag brewing anyone got any tips?


How long does active fermentation last in a wheat beer kit?

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:14 PM PDT

The bowl for my blow-off tube has been bubbling away regularly for the past 24 hours. It sounds like an absolute racket when our wee flat is quiet :laugh8:

How long does this phase of the fermentation usually last, and how long after it starts to settle should I begin taking gravity readings? I've heard wildly conflicting times, anything from 3-5 days (wheat beer-specific?) to the full 2 weeks for fermentation to be considered finished.

I was planning on taking readings from around day...

How long does active fermentation last in a wheat beer kit?

Philips beer machine

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:08 PM PDT

Hi all.
my beer machine has stop working. The display isn't on and nothing at all. I've checked the fuse and it's fine. Anyone else had this issue

First Saison

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

My first attempt at a 12 litre batch of Saison. BIAB stove top method.

Crisp German pilsen 1.8kg
Rye malt 330g
Wheat malt 200g
Vienna 200g
Flaked oats 100g
Special b 20g

Whitelabs Saison WLP568 yeast.

In fermenter at 20 degrees and slowly raised after 3 days to 22 degrees.

Starting gravity was 1053 and I have just tested today after first week and it is down to 1006!

Seems very quick? It smells lovely. I am just wondering when it will be ok to bottle it. Appreciate any advice.

Raspberry berliner weisse

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:41 PM PDT

Put this mj kit on last night and thought I had brewed it the same as the last time I did it. Only just realised that instead of 600gr of sugar, I dumped just over 1kg in. Anybody done similar, and if so what was it like?

Yeast taste

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

Quick question. Tried my first pint of my first brew on Friday. It tastes really nice but just has a very subtle yeast flavour on the finish. It is still cloudy.
Info to help.
Pilgrims hope.
Fermented for 3 weeks @ 21C in fermentation fridge
Racked into a bottling bucket with priming sugar.
Bottles had 2 weeks in the fermentation fridge @18C To condition. Then a couple went into the fridge to chill while the rest went into a crate.
After 1 week chilling removed from fridge and allowed...

Yeast taste

Happy Easter lovely people!

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:30 PM PDT

Got some nice chocolates from my wife.


Got a couple of the grandchildren coming round today so the great Easter Egg hunt is afoot.


Not quite so easy...

And sneaky...

What are you up to today?

Badger Golden Champion urghh whats that taste?

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:25 PM PDT

I really enjoy most Badger brewery beers but last night had a bottle of their golden champion.

First beer Ive had to pour away as long as I can remember. There was a smell taste I couldnt place and Id like to know what it is so I can avoid it.

I see it says its flavored with Elder flower but I dont think thats it as I like Elder flower!

Personally I dont like saffron and the taste I was detecting reminded me of that same "old"or "out of date" taste I feel saffron gives.

Any ideas...

Badger Golden Champion urghh whats that taste?

Hibiscus mead

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:10 PM PDT

Hello all,

After a bit of advice, planing out my next adventure, does this recipe look sound to you ?

I've got some dried hibiscus, just had an experimental tea with it, I think the tartness should do well with a mead, so :

3lbs honey
I've got 50 grams of hibiscus, planning to add to boiling water and then let steep for 30 mins.
Mix everything together + water to a gallon.

Then in secondary, mix in some ginger - I've seen 1oz or so recommended, I'm looking for a bit of warmth...

Hibiscus mead

Inkbird heating only for heat pad

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:09 PM PDT

Can the inkbird be used for heating a heat pad with any cooling device connected?

Which Vaccine? [poll]

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

I had the AstraZeneca jab over 24 hours ago and i haven't yet felt any side effects (fingers crossed i wont) ass some members have reported they have had mild and quite serious side effects i thought it worth finding out which vaccine you had and how bad the side effects were if you had any.
I have listed these as they seem to be the ones most of us have had.




Show us your brew space

Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

So as a few people have suggested on another thread I thought I would jump in and get people to show their brewing "space".

Be it your kitchen, back door, stables, shed or home made brewery, show us your space where you brew!

Hers some pics of mine in my brewshed. I will post some more when I finish the brew shed phase 2...

Show us your brew space


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