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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

KegKing now at

Posted: 02 May 2021 10:50 PM PDT

Received an email from advising that their domain name has changed. Surely enough, no longer reaches their website.

The fact that a redirect from to their new URL doesn't exist tells me they probably forgot to renew their domain name and someone else grabbed it.. I can't see any reason for them to elect to change it on their own. Chucking in a hyphen just confuses people.

ed: A WHOIS lookup of has the domain name registered to...

KegKing now at


Posted: 02 May 2021 10:48 PM PDT

Just to keep on the Guten hijack I found Murphy China freight the cheapest
all up under the $500 for the 30L but never went ahead

So WEAL how is it you might have to start a new thread because some people will get the sh&*ts for some reason

You said the boil started straight away after the mash was that youre mistake or ???
feed back would be great

If I had a BRAU or a GF it wouldnt worry me as I would be set for making wort just more options now

Have been tossing up making my own Q Kev...


bench + HLT with heating element + fermenters

Posted: 02 May 2021 06:03 PM PDT

Selling due to move (leaving in 1 week !). Located in Sydney (inner west), NSW.
$180 Brewing bench
Painted steel with marine grade aluminum sheet (resistant to corrosion). The top aluminum sheet stands on welded plain bars, so it is ultra resistant. I used the bottom sheet to hold my pumps, my counterflow chiller etc. There is a side bench on which I put the burner (seen on the right side of the pictures). This bench will last longer than you :) Comes the half-full gas...

bench + HLT with heating element + fermenters


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