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Monday, May 17, 2021

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The HomeBrew Forum

RAFFLE #18 Grainfather Advanced Brewery Set Up

Posted: 17 May 2021 05:58 PM PDT

Hi guys!

I thought this might be an exciting one!

190 tickets at £10 each - The Grainfather advanced brewery setup. RRP £1900

Link to raffle ->

Comment below when done :)


Unpredictable efficiency on all-in-one system

Posted: 17 May 2021 05:10 PM PDT

Hi all,

I used to brew with separate vessels - a HLT, mash tun and separate kettle. I would batch sparge and achieve around 80% efficiency fairly consistently.

In the interests of space, I moved to an all-in-one system - a Klarstein Brauheld Pro. I have been having wildy varying efficiency with it, which is incredibly frustrating. When I brew smaller grain bills, I get pretty decent efficiency - high 70s. A little over 4kg, and it drops to low 70s. Today, I brewed with 6.5kg and if my...

Unpredictable efficiency on all-in-one system

Wineworks Wine kit is this normal.

Posted: 17 May 2021 05:05 PM PDT

I've just done my first wine kit, a wineworks red wine (rioja supposedly), made to 23l i got 28 bottles out of it, which came with the equipment kit, i bottled it 3 weeks ago after 2 weeks fermenting and around 10 days clearing and conditioning at 12°c. The kit had 5litres of juice and 500ml of concentrate as well as oak chips and the finings solution, I added all as instructions said and de gassed with a wand after I'd syphoned from fermenter to demijohn. I thought I'd try a bottle...

Wineworks Wine kit is this normal.

Mushroom / coffee / chocolate stout

Posted: 17 May 2021 05:01 PM PDT

I fancy doing an experiment with a stout.
I have enough grains left for a single 16l brew made up of MO and munich dark and a whole bunch of chocolate malt and black patent. I've done a few before, variously adding lots of oats or doing it 'straight up' and so far I've been pretty happy. But I think with the huge flavour profile, it's got the scope to carry some additional flavour

After much reading I fancy doing a 4 way experiment.
16l brew and let the first primary fermentation do its...

Mushroom / coffee / chocolate stout

New Vine Co wine kits

Posted: 17 May 2021 04:43 PM PDT

So currently sipping a 24hr vintage of Wine Expert Tempranillo and can say it is very good.
So much so I went online to.find another only to discover all out of stock
Then looking at KenRidge to see if it is in that range- no and lots out of stock.
Only to discover from Brew2Bottle that Kenridge Classic has been rebranded Vine Co original. Except its gone from a 10l kit down to 8l.
Vinecowines website the new range is a result of a new process.
So it looks like gone are California...

New Vine Co wine kits

Add yeast after 4 to 6 days? Bad Wilko!!!

Posted: 17 May 2021 04:24 PM PDT

I saw a question about this elsewhere and thought the person must have read it wrong. However, Wilko instructions do seem to advise people to add yeast to their beer kit after "After 4 – 6 days" ashock1

How to make beer with a 40 pint beer...

Add yeast after 4 to 6 days? Bad Wilko!!!

Cyclists! Can I watch the Giro free?

Posted: 17 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

As per title, ITV4 not showing, I think?

Belgian Pale Ale/Blond kits and the Brewferm version

Posted: 17 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

New to the forum and fairly new to brewing. I have made two batches of the Festival Belgian Pale Ale and it just goes in our house because we love it! Now seems to be out of stock everywhere. I have had some recommendations for other types e.g. Muntons, but they are all very, very strong. I am seeking something no more than 6% (like Brugse Zot, which we love). I was looking at the Brewferm Belgian Saison one can kit and wondered if anyone could comment on its quality and style please? I...

Belgian Pale Ale/Blond kits and the Brewferm version

Burco tap problem

Posted: 17 May 2021 02:31 PM PDT

Hi, any idea how I get a 1/2" 3 piece tap kit to fit a burco boiler which has a hole that measures 22mm? Thanks in advance

Is Search Broken?

Posted: 17 May 2021 02:16 PM PDT

Have just done a few searches and had no results, so began working done to searches that I would have expected to yield results "Beer" 1 result, "Ale" 0 results.

Wilko Express Wine Yeast

Posted: 17 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

Would this be ok for a WOW supermarket wine ? and if so any idea how long it would to take to ferment out ? :)
Many thanks in advance folks so glad I found this forum

Nicks90's Brewdays

Posted: 17 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT

Far too many of my brew posts now - so time to consolidate them all in to one thread!

AG#1 - Best Bitter

Boil Time: 30 min
Batch Size: 16 liters
Boil Size: 19 liters

3 kg - Maris Otter Pale (93%)
0.2 kg - Crystal 60L (4.7%)
0.1 kg - Crystal 140L (2.3%)

20 g - Challenger, 30 min,
10 g - East Kent Goldings, 5 min,
10 g - Fuggles, 0 min,

Ended up with OG of 1.058 so diluted with 2l to bring it down to 1.048 and ABV of 4.8%

bloody marvelous pint. Maybe a...

Nicks90's Brewdays


Posted: 17 May 2021 01:51 PM PDT

Looks like labour will lose hartlepool and are not doing well elsewhere.

'Some evidence' Madeleine McCann is dead, say German authorities

Posted: 17 May 2021 01:48 PM PDT

While i feel sorry for the McCanns losing their daughter it must be upsetting for people who have lost their own kids seeing this in the papers and on the news sites every 6 months when i bet their loss never made the news.

German authorities have said they have "some evidence" that Madeleine McCann is dead but are appealing for more information in order to bring a suspect to court.

The investigation into Madeleine's disappearance in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2007 has attracted...

'Some evidence' Madeleine McCann is dead, say German authorities

Crossmyloof hop extracts

Posted: 17 May 2021 01:46 PM PDT

Has anyone got experience of the Crossmyloof hop extracts? I was wondering what they are like, how to use and general thoughts to mix up pale ales and ipas to add variety.


Help with Yeast needed

Posted: 17 May 2021 01:45 PM PDT

Newbie here but i'm learning !!. I fancy making some WOW Ribena wine 5 litres.
Question :I have a spare 7 day Yeast and nutrient sachet for 23 litres from a winebuddy 30 bottle red kit .Do I add the whole packet to make 5 litres or do I measure out approx a 6th of the packet .Sorry to be so dumb so please forgive me but as I said Im learning :)

Pressure barrel cleaning

Posted: 17 May 2021 01:34 PM PDT

How do you all clean your pressure barrels. I plan on using it as a bottling barrel for my next brew as it's the only one i have with a tap on at the moment and i want to batch prime, but with such a small opening at the top I've found it a nightmare to clean. At the moment I've put about 5 litres of hot water in with some washing up liquid and swilled it around for 5 minutes and managed to reach where i can with a wash wand thing but can't be 100% sure I've managed to reach everywhere properly.


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