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Winning Homebrew

How To Flavor Moonshine With Extract: Practice Infusing For New Recipes

Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:53 AM PDT

When I hear the word "moonshine," I am immediately transported back to the '20s. It was the Prohibition Era in the USA with all the shushing, illegal booze, and speakeasies. I wonder what it really was like because it seems all so glamorous now! 

One component of that era that has survived to today is moonshine. You just might be curious about moonshine. You could also be trying your hand at DIY projects. Either way, you want to know how to flavor moonshine. My article today will show you everything about moonshine and how to flavor it with extracts. 

What Is Moonshine?


Years back, a friend and I went to some local bar. It wasn’t really in our neck of the woods. We went anyway because we were exploring places in the town. Walking into the bar and ordering their moonshine is the last thing I remember to this day.

Moonshine, aka bootleg or corn liquor, as it is sometimes called, is an alcoholic beverage. It is homemade, unaged, high-proof whiskey made from corn mash. Being high-proof means that it has a high alcoholic content. I'm talking up to 190 proof (95% v/v)! That’ll get your taste buds begging for mercy!

History has it that Scottish and Irish immigrants brought the beverage to the United States. It steadily gained popularity among citizens and with the government. When I say the government, I mean they started taxing it. Hence, any untaxed production of the drink was deemed illegal

Its clear color marks moonshine. Legend has it that whiskey drinkers and makers used the veil of darkness and the moonlight to conduct business. This sneaking around was to evade taxation. The clear color of the drink under moonlight gave it its name, get it?

Typical whiskey manufactures age their spirit in oak barrels, but moonshine is not aged. Usually, this flavored spirit is produced in a homemade still and bottled in a Mason jar. This immediate bottling means no process will correct the clean moonshine taste or the harsh flavor notes.

Here’s Why Moonshine Is Illegal

In 1920, the United States government declared war on alcohol. Production, importation, distribution, and sale were illegal. Moonshine went dark but continued to thrive. Till today, moonshine is still illegal in the United States and most parts of Europe–excluding registered distilleries.

Moonshine is illegal mainly because:

  • Most makers have no fuel-alcohol or distilled spirit permits; hence, their products can’t be traced.
  • Producers without permits do not run quality checks on the moonshine.
  • Distilling is dangerous, and untrained hands could poison the drink.
  • The distilling vats are highly flammable.
  • A lot of bottled hooch is highly flammable.
  • Possible lead and antifreeze poisoning from distilling equipment.
  • People can fall sick, go blind or die from bad moonshine.

Despite all these reasons, moonshine consumption and production are becoming increasingly popular again. So, you are probably about to ask me how this happened. The answer is government regulation. Also, flavor-rich moonshine recipes have been tweaked and yield more refined flavorful drinks.

How to Flavor Moonshine with Extract

There are several ways to flavor moonshine. Some people like fruit-infused moonshine or honey moonshine. However, today, I will focus on flavoring using extracts. The first time is usually the hardest, but you will get better with more practice and come up with your own distinct moonshine whiskey. 

Vanilla Moonshine

Vanilla Moonshine

Things You Will Need:

  • 12 to 14-ounce amber jar with a lid
  • 2 or 3 top-quality whole vanilla beans
  • A sterilized scissors or knife
  • 12 to 14 ounces of high-grade moonshine

Step 1: Prep your vanilla beans

With my sterilized knife or scissors, I cut up each vanilla beanstalk into pieces that are half an inch in length. Some folks like to desert their beans, but I think this is unnecessary and stressful. The seeds contribute to the vanilla flavor profile.

Step 2: Add the chopped vanilla beans to the jar

After cutting up the beans, I add the pieces into the jar. I always make sure that my jar is clean and devoid of contaminants. I don’t want anything affecting my final results. 

Step 3: Fill up the jar

Having put the vanilla beans in the clean jar, I fill up the Mason jar with high-grade moonshine. I ensure there is about half an inch of airspace at the top of the jar.

Step 4: Stopper and store

I place the lid or cork over my jar opening and tighten it properly. Then, I store it in a cool, dark place. I prefer amber jars to the clear ones because it keeps the light out. Keeping the light out helps to preserve the quality of my cocktail.

Step 5: Shake well

Just before hiding it away, I give my jar a good shake. I also repeat this shake once a week during the 6-week infusion period. 

Coffee Moonshine

If you have ever tried any coffee-flavored alcohol, you will know they are really enjoyable. Coffee fiends need to be careful with this one.

Things You Will Need:

  • 8 ounces high-grade moonshine
  • 4 ounces real chocolate syrup
  • 1/4 cup premium coffee Beans
  • 6-ounce amber Mason jars
  • Pouring bowl or glass

Step 1: Mix the moonshine and the real chocolate syrup 

In the pouring bowl, I mix the moonshine with the organic chocolate syrup. The chocolate syrup I use has a thin consistency like Italian syrup.

Step 2: Fill up jars

I fill the two clean 6 oz. Mason jars with 1/8 cup of coffee beans each. A little trick of mine is grinding the coffee beans a bit. It helps to increase the surface area for the process.

Step 3: Pour in the chocolate-moonshine mix

With a steady hand, I gently pour the chocolate-moonshine mixture into the two jars. I eyeball it so that I get equal portions over the coffee beans. 

Step 4: Cover and shake

I cover the jars with their lids. Then, I shake them well.

Step 5: Store

Finally, my jars are ready to be stored in a cool, dark place. I leave them for about 4-6 weeks, giving a good shake once a week. Once infused, strain out the coffee beans and enjoy this rich, exotic drink.

Butterscotch Moonshine

There is just something about butterscotch. I have yet to see one person who does not love its butter-sugar flavor. Now, what if I told you that you could have the best of both worlds? Yes, moonshine plus butterscotch equals a sweetly-flavored moonshine you will want to share!

Things You Will Need:

  • Heating source
  • Pot
  • Mixing spoon
  • Glass jar with lid for storage
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup moonshine
  • 1/2 cup brandy
  • 1 tsp Butterscotch extract

Step 1: Add sugar and water to the pot

I place a clean pot on my heat source. It could be a hot plate or gas burner. I add the sugar and water into the pot and apply heat.

Step 2: Heat sugar-water mix

I cook the sugar-water mix over medium heat to dissolve the sugar in water. It usually takes about 30 minutes. Don’t add any additional sugar, even if you think you need to. Keeping a close eye on my pot prevents the sugar from burning. Trust me. You do not want a bitter syrup.

Step 3: Cool the syrup

I remove the sugar from the heat once it is completely dissolved. Then, I let it cool down. Cooling the syrup takes about 30 minutes too.

These steps have made a 'simple syrup.'

Step 4: Add food coloring (optional)

Once my simple syrup has cooled completely, I add food coloring. This step is optional, and I sometimes skip it. If you use raw sugar, your syrup will come out with a lovely brown hue. However, adding coloring will give a deeper brown shade.

Step 5: Fill up the Mason jar

Once my syrup is thoroughly cooled, I pour 1 cup of high-quality moonshine into the jar.

Step 6: Add syrup, brandy, and butterscotch 

I add the simple syrup to the Mason jar content. I follow up by adding ½ cup of brandy. Next, I add 1 teaspoon of butterscotch extract.

Step 9: Cover and shake

Once all the ingredients have been added to the jar, I cover the jar securely with a lid. Then, I shake for about 20 seconds. I let the moonshine sit for 48 hours. Voila, it is ready. 

A simple syrup is the base for this moonshine recipe. You can substitute the raw sugar for brown sugar. I am fussy about this because it gives the butterscotch moonshine its distinct color. 

Apple Pie Moonshine

Apple Pie Moonshine

Apple pies are a decadent treat enjoyed as a dessert or whenever you want! We are about to bottle this dessert. Don’t worry. There will be enough to go around as this recipe makes for several servings. It even makes a great addition to a gift basket.

Things You Will Need:

  • 1 liter of apple juice
  • 1 liter of apple cider
  • 4 cups of brown or white sugar
  • 6 cinnamon sticks or more to taste
  • 1 teaspoon apple pie extract
  • 750 milliliters of moonshine
  • 750 milliliters of spiced rum
  • A large pot
  • Hot plate or stovetop
  • Amber Mason jars 

Step 1: Mix all ingredients except the rum

I combine the apple juice, apple cider, brown sugar, and cinnamon sticks in a large pot.

Step 2: Apply heat

I turn on my heat source. Over medium heat, I bring the pot and its contents to a near boil.

Step 3: Cook mixture for one hour

I lower the heat and cover the pot with its lid. I let the mixture steam for about 1 hour.

Step 4: Cool mixture

I turn off the heat and take the pot off of the heat source. Then, I let the syrup cool down completely. 

Step 5: Add the alcohols

I carefully remove all the cinnamon sticks. Next, I stir 750 milliliters of moonshine and 750 milliliters of spiced rum into the syrup.

Step 6: Add the apple pie extract 

Here, I add one teaspoon of apple pie extract to the mixture.

Step 7: Fill up jars and shake

With a steady hand, I fill up the amber jars with apple pie moonshine. I tighten the lids on the jars and give them all a good shake. I load all the jars into the refrigerator. I enjoy it best when it's cold with some cheese on biscuits or crackers. 

This recipe will give you a large quantity of apple pie moonshine. If you would prefer a smaller amount, you can halve or quarter the recipe. 


What Is Foreshot?

Foreshot is the first liquid by-product in the production of moonshine. It is also called the head. Foreshot usually contains methanol which starts to boil at 148F, lower than ethanol (174F). Skilled bootleggers always discard it in the first bit of shine for every batch when making moonshine. 

Why Is Lead Solder Not Used in Moonshine Stills?

Lead solder is not used in moonshine stills because it can leach into the moonshine during distillation. It is very dangerous as this can cause lead poisoning. Moonshine stills should be made entirely from copper or stainless steel. 

The majority of old, handmade stills contain vehicle radiators. These vehicle radiators are bound to have lead, which would contaminate the moonshine. The old vehicle radiators may also contain remnants of antifreeze glycol products which could also add toxins to the hooch.

How Do I Test For Purity in Moonshine?

You can test for purity in moonshine by smelling it and doing the spoon test. You should smell your moonshine before drinking it. If you perceive a weird, chemical odor, I strongly suggest you don’t drink it and try the second step.

Old folks claim the best test for the purity of moonshine is to pour some onto a metal spoon and light it up. If your moonshine burns with a blue flame, it is safe to drink. If your hooch burns with a red flame, it suggests lead and can cause death. 

If your moonshine burns with a yellow flame, it most likely contains methanol or lead. Methanol in moonshine can kill you. If you don’t die, you could end up blind or brain dead

But the spoon-burning method is not entirely reliable. For one, it does not detect other toxins in the drink. Another problem is sometimes methanol burns with a light blue flame, mimicking ethanol.

The post How To Flavor Moonshine With Extract: Practice Infusing For New Recipes appeared first on Winning Homebrew.

Beer For People Who Don’t Like Beer: Other Carbonated Options

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:09 PM PDT

The weather is warming up, and it’s time for barbecues and picnics, and nothing refreshes the average beer drinker more than a nice cold lager. Not everyone enjoys beer, but you’ve taken it on yourself to convert your beer-hating friends into beer lovers. Where do you start on your beer adventures?

If you’re looking for a beer style for people who don’t like cheap beer, you have to understand what it is about beer that they don’t like, so you can find a beer that counters that challenge and overcomes their beer avoidance.

Studies by beer experts show that people typically don’t like beer because of its bitter taste. Our taste buds flag anything that tastes bitter as potentially dangerous. Not all taste buds are created equal, and the trigger can be more potent in some than in others.

Another reason why some people don’t like beer is because of carbonation. If you’re not sure what carbonation is, it’s that cool sensation you get when you eat a mint and the warm feeling you get when you eat something with cinnamon.

While the sensitivity levels to carbonation vary, it may be another reason why those who don’t like getting that cold feeling don’t like beer.

The good news is that there are ways to counter the bitter receptors. You can do it with sweet or salty foods. In the list below, you’ll see some creative ways to minimize activating the bitter receptors.

So, never fear, beer lovers! We’ve put together a list of ten beers that can win over the people in your life that don’t like beer. They aren’t in any particular order. This list aims to suggest some beers for your friends and family who don’t like beer.

Tank 7

The winner of the 2020 Great American Beer Festival in American-Belgo Style Ale, Tank 7 is considered by some to be less of a beer and more of sparkling white wine. It has the aromas of Belgian yeast esters, citrus hops, and floral scents. The casual wine enthusiast might just love this beer.

This beer has a sweet flavor with a blend of citrus and grapefruit, and its finish is peppery and dry. In the world of craft beers, this one really stands out.

The perfect tank that held the blended beer was the inspiration for the ale’s name, Tank Number Seven. 

The alcohol content in this beer is 8.5%, and you can purchase it on tap, in a 750-milliliter bottle, a 12-ounce bottle, or a 16-ounce can.

This Belgian farmhouse beer has a straw color and has a light-medium to medium body.

If you know someone who likes citrus-flavored drinks like orange juice, you might be able to win them over with this beer.

Blue Moon Belgian White

Blue Moon Belgian White is a Belgian wheat beer brewed with a Valencia orange peel that provides a subtle sweetness, a bright citrus aroma, and a smooth finish. You’ll often see this beer garnished with a slice of orange to boost the citrus taste and smell.

If you’re wondering about the alcohol content, it’s 5.4%, and it’s a beer that pairs well with marinated chicken dinners, Pad Thai, and grilled shrimp.

Did you know that there’s a beer equivalent of a wine sommelier? They’re called Master Cicerone and the Manager of Beer Education at MillerCoors, Blue Moon Belgian White’s brewery, which is one of 16 in the world.

Depending on the time of year, there are seasonal versions of this beer. Keep an eye out for raspberry cream ale, summer honey wheat, and mango wheat flavors.

If you fall in love with this beer, you don’t have to worry about doing without it when you travel. Blue Moon Belgian White is available in 25 countries.

If you suggest this beer to someone who doesn’t like beer and they’re a bit skeptical, you might convince them when you tell them the brand was the only beer sponsor of the Food and Wine Classic in Aspen. You can also sell it by asking them to think of it as a fruity cocktail with bubbles instead of beer. And this 170-calorie beer won’t leave them bloated.

Terrapin Moo-Hoo Chocolate Stout

Terrapin Moo-Hoo Chocolate Stout is the drink for the chocolate lovers and beer beginners in your life! Cocoa nibs and shells from the Olive and Sinclair Chocolate Company give Terrapin Moo-Hoo Chocolate Stout its chocolatey flavor.

People who have had it say that it tastes a bit like chocolate milk and gives you the feeling of drinking a dark beer as well. You can buy this beer in a six-pack of 12-ounce cans or on tap where available.

The alcohol content in this drink is 6%. When you pour a can of Terrapin Moo-Hoo Chocolate Stout, you’ll see a beverage with a black to dark brown color, and you’ll smell the chocolate. 

Since it is a stout, it is a heavy drink, but a milky stout may win over someone who isn’t a fan of beer. It’s almost like having a beer snack.

The chocolate isn’t the only flavor you taste when you sip this drink; it has hints of caramel and dark roasted malt.

If you’re serving this drink at a party, you might consider pairing it with some aged gouda or aged Sonoma jack.

Abita Strawberry Lager

If you love strawberries, you’re going to love this lager. Louisiana’s best strawberries go into this lager. These strawberries get picked in peak season for the ripest, juiciest berries. 

The berries are juiced, and that juice is added to the lager after filtration, maintaining the strawberry smell and aroma.

Abita Strawberry lager is a perfect beer for beer aficionados who don’t like the taste of traditional beer because the sweet juice from ripe strawberries will counter the bitterness in beer.

The alcohol content in this beverage is 4.2%, and you can buy it in a six-pack of cans or bottles, on tap, or individual cans.

If you’re wondering what you could pair this drink with, you might want to try a strawberry shortcake and take your strawberry flavors to the next level.

Anderson Valley Briney Melon Gose

For anyone unfamiliar with the term gose, it’s a warm fermented light body beer with its origins in Goslar, Germany. It’s a drink known for its tartness and saltiness. The salt flavor may make this drink an excellent option for people who don’t like traditional beer.

This melon gose has a refreshing, tart taste with a hint of melon. This gose is the Goldilocks of beers because it isn’t hoppy like an Indian Pale Ale, and it’s not as watery as a Pilsner.

It’s not hard to believe that the makers of this gose were looking for something that will win over the person who doesn’t like beer. The presence of sea salt creates a beautiful partnership with the fruit’s sweetness and acidity, giving beer drinkers something with a clean taste and a dry finish.

This melon gose is a great summer drink because its tartness quenches your thirst, but it’s not overpowering since the flavors and aromas of watermelon balance it out. 

In addition to the notes of watermelon, this beer has hints of pear, lemon, and sea salt, as well as sourdough and coriander.

The alcohol content in this drink is 4.2%, and it pairs well with chevre, salad, or grilled fish or chicken.

If you haven’t tried this beer before, we warn you that it may ignite a journey to discover what other refreshing sour beers are out there for you to try.

Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy

If you like the idea of an alcoholic lemonade and Mike’s Hard was a bit too sweet for you, this may be what you’ve been looking for. Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy is a light, white beer with a natural lemonade flavor, making it a perfect drink for the summer.

This shandy comes from a brewery with a long history. The Leinenkugel family founded their brewery in 1867 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. The family had a long history of brewing beer before this, going back to their German roots.

Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy was a silver medal winner at the Great American Beer Festival in 2012, in the Fruit Wheat Beer category.

This shandy has a gold color and aromas of wheat, cereal, biscuit, apple, and lemon. If you’re wondering what you could pair it with, this light beer goes well with freshly caught grilled fish, watermelon, fruit salads, and barbecued chicken. The alcohol content for this beverage is 4.2%

Shiner Ruby Redbird

If you, or the person in your life who doesn’t like beer, love the taste of grapefruit or ginger, then this might be the drink for you. This is a lager with grapefruit and ginger, a combination that is bound to be refreshing.

Shiny Ruby Redbird is a relatively young lager. Shiner Brewery brewed this beer for the first time in 2018. While the drink may be young, the brewery that it comes from has a long history. Shiner brewery was founded in 1909 by Kosmos Spoetzl, who was Bavarian.

His love of beer carried him around the world, including Egypt, before he landed in Shiner, Texas. Kosmos is known to be the first brewmaster in Shiner, and he filled the role for almost fifty years.

This beer has 4% alcohol content and is great for anyone looking for a low-calorie and low carbohydrate beer. Shiny Ruby Redbird has 95 calories and 3.1 grams of carbohydrates, making it an excellent summer beverage for those who want to be health-conscious.

You can buy this beer on tap at your local bar or restaurant, in bottles and cans. Combining grapefruit and ginger provides you with a refreshing lager that you can enjoy any time of the year.

Southampton Publick House Pumpkin Ale

Most of us have heard about pumpkin lattes and pumpkin-flavored desserts when the fall season hits. This ale takes it to another level by offering non-beer drinkers something with a pumpkin kick.

If you have a friend who gets excited about autumn because of all the pumpkin-flavored foods and drinks available, you’ll want to have them try this ale. Its aroma has hints of vanilla and nutmeg, cinnamon, and, of course, pumpkin.

This pumpkin ale is a full and sweet ale with a hazy blood-orange color and an off-white head. As far as the alcohol content is concerned, this ale comes in at 5%. You can buy this ale on tap, in a can, or in a bottle.

Give this one a try at your next Thanksgiving feast, especially if you plan to serve pumpkin pie. What could be a better pairing with pie than a dessert beer?

Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier

This beer was the winner of a silver medal at the 2019 World Beer Awards in Germany. Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier is a white beer with a sweet taste and none of the bitterness you experience with traditional beer.

When you drink this beer, you’ll taste clove and banana. It’s an excellent beer for the summer since it isn’t too heavy.

The alcohol content of this beer is 5.4%. As of this article’s writing, you can buy this beer in bottles of .33 liters or .5 liter.


We thought you might like another berry-flavored option on this list of beers for people who don’t like beer. This is the perfect beer for any raspberry lover. Rubaeus is another drink where you don’t have to worry about the bitter taste of traditional beer.

This beer is red, thanks to the fresh juice in it from real raspberries. It’s a perfect blend of refreshing, tart, and sweet, making it a great summer drink.

The alcohol content for this raspberry beer is 5.7%. You can purchase this beer on tap or in a six-pack.

Rubaeus is another beer that you may want to offer amateur wine connoisseurs who aren’t usually beer fans but enjoy colorful wines or cocktails.


There are lots of beer options out there for people who don’t typically like beer. Since bitterness is one of the key contributors to people’s dislike of beer, beer makers have tried different things to win over those who don’t usually choose beer as their beverage of choice.

As you can see by the beers listed above, fruit or some other type of sweetener is frequently added to the beer to lessen the drink’s bitterness. Whether you like berries or chocolate, there’s a beer that might change your mind if you have refused beer in the past.

If you want to drink some beer with friends and family, you can invite everyone to bring their favorite beer for people who don’t like beer and have a beer tasting and evaluation. Or get real adventurous and whip up your own beer cocktails for them to try. If you want some tips on how to do this, check out this article.

The post Beer For People Who Don’t Like Beer: Other Carbonated Options appeared first on Winning Homebrew.


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