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Monday, July 5, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Hi all

Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:03 AM PDT

I am looking at purchasing a 30l beer me boiler for BIAB. As this has no temp control i am using my inkbird 308. I know i could get a digiboil 35 for the same job but as i am looking at between 15 and l8l using my fermenter king junior i feel this is a waste. My question is profile set up. I will determine the boil of rate by boiling water for 60 mins. As there is a space under the tap is this mash tun deadspace. Or should i use this as trub chiller loss as i no chill.

What are you listening to

Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:58 AM PDT

last year we had quite a thread going on grumpies about music people are listening to and everyone had a good go at paying everyone one else out for there music.
mind you i think i copped most the flack.
no tangent i don't drive a valiant or where flannies.
(what happened to our mate tangent anyway)

anyway you all know iam a led zepplin freak.
but i can't pick a best zep tune its impossible.
but i think my vote for all time greatest tune goes to the stones for sympathy for the devil.

What are you listening to

Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit

Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:22 PM PDT

Hi Guys,
I had a bit of a search and didn't see any threads matching my questions. (Not to say there were not there)

Yesterday i did 2 coopers pale ale kits. Stock standard approach as i just want to see what its like before i play with it.
I used the Brew Enhancer 2 and added 400g Dextrose (To make up for the bottling sugars in my keg.... and up the ABV a little)

SG 1.049
Yeast: Supplied on the can

I did consider US05 as majority reviews online were that they didn't like the supplied...

Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit

Advice on All Grain equipment

Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:54 PM PDT

G'day Brewers!

I'm looking to make the leap from extract brewing to all grain brewing as well as increasing the overall volume that I'm brewing and I'm looking for some advice on the right kind of brewing gear to get.

I think I've got a handle on the fermenters and the fermentation process as that's something I've been working on a lot with extract brewing, though I'm unsure if I should go with something like the Guten from Keg King, the BrewZilla or Digiboil from Kegland, or whatever else...

Advice on All Grain equipment


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