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Friday, July 30, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

The Next Dr Who [POLL]

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:09 PM PDT

Jodie Whittaker is standing down as the Doctor and to be honest when i heard i said who? as Its been years since i regularly watched it, 5 live had a bit of fun with the news asking listeners to ring in with their nominations for the next and they also asked who was listeners favourites from the past so lets have your views.

Two votes as like me you may have a favourite old doctor from the early years and recent one.

My vote for the next would be Eddie Izzard.


Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

@Stevieboy has let me know some of the smilies are not working properly so having done a bit of testing we have discovered its the animated ones causing the issue (see two messages below)

These are the ones i sent to Steve :laugh8: asad1:?:clapa😎😀😳😵 if these are not working on your device please post in the thread and if you could give us any extra info (browser. PC, phone etc) it would be a great help, thanks.

My message to Steve -


July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

This is the first time Belgian beer's have been allocated its own monthly competition slot. I am really looking forward to judging this, judging will be on the last weekend of July starting on the 30th. I am hoping for a good wide variety of styles, this could be anything from a single up to a quad, pale or IPA, Saison, sour, biere de grade, Belgian strong, Belgian speciality beer, Brett beer. The list is almost endless
Please follow the competition guidelines if you are new to entering the...

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

Schrader valve

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:38 PM PDT

Does anyone have a link to an appropriate Schrader valve for a king keg cap ?

Beer kit from Amazon, not dispatched yet.

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

I ordered a Woodfordes Wherry kit from Amazon 3 days ago and it still hasn't been dispatched. All the other stuff I ordered has been but the beer kit is showing a message Item not dispatched yet. We will email you with a delivery date when it is dispatched".
Odd, because the kits are showing as in stock. Annoying, because it's to be my first brewing attempt after many years layoff, and I'm keen to get going.
Anyone else have this with Amazon? Did you ever get your beer kit?

Yeast pitching question

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:21 PM PDT

Hi All,

I'm using Brewfather to put together a 25L (because I no-chill in a 25L cube) Proper Job inspired English IPA sort of recipe. The OG is 1.059, FG 1.014.

I'm stuck on how much yeast to pitch; the pitch calculator calls for 272 billion cells - and is happy with 21g @ 13billion cells/g of dried yeast, i.e. 2x 11g packets of dry yeast @ 10billion/g.

The problem is that most dry yeast packs are 10g @ ~6billion cells/g. Adjusting the calculator suggests 5 packets of yeast!!!

I've got...

Yeast pitching question

What did you brew today?

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:07 AM PDT

Some people may not want to write out a full brewday report but just say what they brewed.

So what did you brew today?

I made a 'bit's and bobs stout' to use up the odds and ends of grain I had

Greg Hughes American Wheat

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:05 AM PDT

Following my slightly disappointing brew evening last week with an Apollo/Galaxy American IPA but missed OG by almost 10 points which is very unusual as I can't work out why I have decided to change my planned brews and slot a new one in. I was looking at the GH American Wheat which is like this:

boil 27l, batch 23l, IBU 25, OG 1.058, ABV 5.9%
----1 hr mash
Wheat 3kg
Lager malt 2.5kg
Carapils 300g
----1h10m boil
Citra 17g@70
Citra 26g @0
Wyeast 1010 American wheat

Which I have...

Greg Hughes American Wheat

Ben Stokes to miss India Test.

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:47 AM PDT

England all-rounder to miss India Test series and take 'indefinite break' from all cricket

Ben Stokes "will take an indefinite break from all cricket with immediate effect" and has withdrawn from England's Test squad for the series against India.

The all-rounder will prioritise his mental wellbeing and rest his left index finger which has not fully healed, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) said in a statement.
Stokes, 30, will be replaced in the squad by...

Ben Stokes to miss India Test.

Drink beer if you're vegan

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:18 AM PDT

I've been vegetarian for about 25 years as well as off and on vegan during that time. Recently I've been thinking about committing to being vegan. One of my concerns was about getting all the vitamins and minerals I need to function (and do my 120 mile weekly commute). One type of vitamin that vegans can be deficient in is vitamin B12. . Nutritional yeast is touted as a suppliment that should be taken if deficient in vitiamin B12. But I dont like taking vitamins. Marmite is also a good...

Drink beer if you're vegan

Joke of the day.

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

A joke to take the minds off the worriers and whittlers, who think we are all going to be wiped out with plagues pestilence and the off chance of a collision with a asteroid.

In a small village in Russia the village milking cow dried up, the villagers were panicking wondering what to do. A village elder suggested they go and see the wise man of the woods, so they traipsed up to where the wise man of the woods lived. They explained the problem they had with the cow and he told them they...

Joke of the day.

Crumpled bottles

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:03 AM PDT


I bottled up my kit cider about a month ago, so the other night I put one in the fridge as the bottle was firm and when I removed it from the fridge the bottle was slightly crumpled, and when I opened it there was hardly any fizz and tasted watery.

Any ideas what has gone wrong, I put about 1.5 teaspoons of sugar in each.


A man has been sentenced for assaulting England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty in central London.

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:29 AM PDT

'Wanted a selfie for his mum' aheadbutt
Does anyone else find it unbelievable he got less than a weeks wage fine (a bit of an assumption there) and a suspended sentence for attacking an innocent person in the street.

Lewis Hughes, 24, from Romford, east London, admitted one charge of assault by beating Prof Whitty in St James's Park on 27 June.

He was given an eight week custodial sentence, suspended for two years and a fine of £307.

Jonathan Chew, 24, from Chelmsford, Essex...

A man has been sentenced for assaulting England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty in central London.

Made my first cider....but

Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT

Been AG brewing for a while but recently I picked raspberries, rhubarb & strawberries. So I thought, I'll try a cider.
Extracted the juice by leaving with sugar on top. Simmered the juice at 70C to pasteurize, cooled, topped up with apple juice. Did not have any cider yeast, so used recycled voss and 20psi. OG 1.046 FG 1.008
The result is a little tart, sharpe, sour. The wife said bitter. Still more than drinkable. Some people might even like it this way.

I had no expectations...

Made my first cider....but


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