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Monday, April 12, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Maybe underpitched lager?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:34 PM PDT

I brewed a version of a Munich Dunkel on Sunday in my new BIAB setup (65L digiboil) and am pressure fermenting in a 50L keg. All went great with the wort going into the fermenter at 17C and me realising I have double the wort so I pitched 2 packets of Lallemand Diamond yeast. Not sure how it's supposed to be, but the pressure was at 12.5psi after 36 hours and I plan on holding it at 14psi. The keg isn't...

Maybe underpitched lager?

Bottle capper x2, bottles (500ml german, 750ml xxxx BEB)

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

**also listed elsewhere**

Super automatica bottle capper (x2 available).

Handle on orange is cracked but still fully functional - can wrap with electrical tape or similar. Was going to 3D print a replacement but never got around to it.

I've somehow acquired 4 and only need 2 (one for regular caps, one for tirage/champagne caps).

$10 each or a couple of your best.

24x 750ml XXXX/CUB bottle exchange in crate - $20

46x 750ml XXXX/CUB bottle exchange loose...

Bottle capper x2, bottles (500ml german, 750ml xxxx BEB)

Pinch Valves for silicon tube.

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

I tempted to do another brewery build but to keep everything sanitary I'd prefer to pipe up with silicon tube and nice clean pinch valves rather than ball valves on 10-15mm id silicon tube. The valves would be controlled via Craft Beer Pi.

Has anybody done this? Were did you get the valves?

All I've seen that were affordable were messy DIY things.

Atb. Aamcle

Help!! My first recipe, any advice

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:52 AM PDT

G'day everyone,

This is my first recipe, post and brew, and I would like to get some of this forums guidance and experience before brewing. Sorry for the long post, but I thought it best to give an idea of what I am planning. Hopefully, to stop follow on questions and guessing.

I intend to make an American Brown Ale. The general profile I am aiming for could be described as bitterness, aroma, maltiness, and gravity profiles on the lower end for an American style and higher for the...

Help!! My first recipe, any advice

WLP009 is coopers yeast?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:29 AM PDT

Hey guys

So i reconditioned yeast from some coopers stubbies. I have read the forums but couldn't find an definitive answer if the coopers strain is the WLP009 Melbourne ale. I'm also under the impression that they use a different yeast for bottling from fermentation? Is this true, I'm getting an awful lot of similar traits from the recondition to the real stuff.

Is coopers yeast WLP009
Is bottling yeast same as fermented
What is your max attenuation with it?

I recently made a...

WLP009 is coopers yeast?


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