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Sunday, April 11, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Covid the jab and the final stage.

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:32 PM PDT

SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:

Best Fridge temp for clearing

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:42 PM PDT

Hi all

I will reach to the clearing stage this week (from my first brew). So I will move bottles to the cold place, my garage is pretty bright, but I have a fridge & freezer that is of course is dark inside, and I can set the temperate for:
Freezer:-14, -18, -22....
Fridge: 8, 6, 4, 3, 2.

What temp should I pick? it might control the target value +/- 1 deg C.

Ahhh, the beer is a stout from MYO kit.



Quick question on starters

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

Have prepared a starter last night for the first time in ages, but the room it was left over night was about 24c Overnight.

so will this have stressed the yeast too much? Will any phenols carry through to the brew? I was gonna brew today but have a feeling I'll need to cold crash it first overnight so I only add the yeast. It's a one litre starter with wlp007

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

I'm a bit of a cinephile, movies are probably my second love after brewing, I have a "watchlist" which is almost as long as my "brewlist" and I try to watch a couple of films off it each week.

I'm always open for suggestions and love hearing what people have watched recently, what their opinion was and why.

With such a melange of people on the forum I'm sure I'm not the only one, so what are you watching, or have you watched recently?

I'll go first, last night I watched...

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Cold conditioning

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:26 PM PDT

Hi all,

I was wondering if you can cold condition then bottle/carb or if you should bottle first?


Heat matters!

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:25 PM PDT

Hi gang

I'd like to share something with you if not already published?
I bought a gardening propagation plastic heat mat from a well known online jobby. £50.
It's a roll out plastic item that is very flexible. (When warm )
Various sizes, I got the largest which will take three buckets. It operates around 26c at this time of year but it's purpose is to increase the ambient temperature to between 5c - 12c. It recommends you purchase a regulating thermostat for too many bucks. I regulate mine...

Heat matters!

Bottle swap.

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:57 PM PDT

I didn't get any takers when I posted this in the- What are you drinking thread, so will try here.

I recently kegged a riwaka pale ale.

Recipe is in my brewday thread. Think heavy hopped hazy pale.

I am happy to bottle a few this week to send for a swap. Particularly looking for a Belgian pale, dunkelweizen or Baltic porter in return. Why those, well they are planned brews and I would like to try some before building a recipe. I am happy to send the beer first so the box can be returned...

Bottle swap.

CO2 help

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

I've never used gas for carbonation before and all of the different types of bottles and cartridges has me confused.

First off, does any that I get have to have a certain kind of fitting? I've seen screwed and blank cartridges.

What is the minimum size I would need to force carbonate a 19l corny? I assume the small 16g, etc cartridges are useless? I know economically it is better to get a big tank as the refill costs scale better, but the initial outlay on them is more than I can afford...

CO2 help

Bottle NEIPA after 9days?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

Hi guys
Brewed an extract based NEIPA on Apr 6th (1.061) and it's already at 1.015 as of today the 11th!! So I rekon it's pretty much done although I'm really amazed it is... if I chuck in my 2nd DH already tomorrow and leave for 3 days, is bottling on 15th going to be way too early?? Thats only 9days... This is my first NEIPA and they seem to be a unique beast 😊

Hard Seltzer anyone?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:49 PM PDT

Just kegged a batch of Hard Seltzer for my second eldest who turns 18 on Friday and she wanted me to make her something for her birthday.She will have 3 or 4 friends over Saturday social distancing off course and all in her school group and got the thumbs up for my efforts so chuffed to bits.
We had a sampling session and she likes it with natural as there is like a country wine flavour from the yeast which was CML five and their country wine yeast and is quite nice uncarbonated.
I force...

Hard Seltzer anyone?

Ritchies Simply Stout stuck fermentation and yeast type?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Hi all,
On my 5th home brew kit and finally hit a problem.
Started the Ritchies Simply Export Stout on 23rd adding 1kg Ritchies Extra Dark with an OG of 1040 (this seemed a little low to me).
It started bubbling away the following morning after just 12 hours and temp has been constant at 22degrees.
Yesterday, 26th the fermentation stopped dead after 48hrs of action and I've measured it at 1018 this morning, 27th.
This seems very quick and not really a gravity I want to bottle at - aiming for...

Ritchies Simply Stout stuck fermentation and yeast type?

Re-using a dry hop in a second beer?

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:50 PM PDT

I have dry hopped a IPA with 100g of Punk'd hops (from CML) and I am wandering whether to re-use these in a 2nd IPA I am just about to dry hop in other words add the new dry hop to the old ones and dump them in to give extra flavour. Has anybody ever done this?

Reiterated Mash Imperial Stout

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

Finally got back brewing after my partigyle in October, another non-standard one with a reiterated mash.

5.3 kg pale malt
400g roasted rye
400g chocolate malt
300g medium crystal
300g Simpsons DRC
500g "Black Invert"

Split this in half, first mash at 67c for a hour then sparged up to pre-boil volume, mashed the second half at 67c for about 2.5 hrs then mashed out and sparged enough to hit 22L pre-boil. Mash/Lauter efficiency was good at 78% and I had 22L of 1.073 which was 4 points above...

Reiterated Mash Imperial Stout

New to this - Help Appreciated please

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:14 PM PDT

Hi All
New member this evening. Thanks for allowing me to join. Aged 47 and thought I would give it a go!
Brewed my first batch, followed all instructions to the letter and waited with nervous anticipation to open last Saturday night.
Was way, way, way too carbonated so ended up using two 500ml bottles ( PET ) to just about fill a pint glass. Palatable but bland. It was a Young's brand pilsner (APV approx 4.8%). Been reading up on things and it sounds like I possibly primed with too much...

New to this - Help Appreciated please

Fermenting under pressure

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:43 PM PDT

I've got my Sierra Nevada clone in my new fermzilla all rounder today. Long day.

It doesn't fit in my beer fridge annoyingly so will ferment in my kitchen again.
At the moment I have an airlock in. I do want to try fermenting under pressure.

When should I switch out the airlock for the plastic pressure cap and spunging valve do you think? Immediately? After 48 hrs? Have read different things.

bottle priming

Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:36 PM PDT

I have asked this question b4 but i was looking through facebook posts and it was mentioned not to use normal sugar for priming as the brew take longer to carbonate, is that correct going to be bottle priming my juicy ipa soon


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