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Monday, May 10, 2021

🍷 High Quality Wine Corks In Stock!

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High Quality Wine Corks, Grade 3 & More!

We have a huge selection on wine corks, including synthetic corks, agglomerated corks, plastic corks, or professional grade 3 wine corks!  Depending on how long you would like to age your wine, the cork can make all the difference.  If you need help deciding which cork is best for you, take a look at our general cork selection guideline.
To shop our complete selection of Wine Corks, click here!

Or keep scrolling to learn More! about some of our most popular types of corks.

Wine Corks - 1 3/4 in. Grade 3

A standard length and diameter single punch cork in a high quality grading at a reasonable price. Corks are typically graded on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the best score, based on the degree of porousness that the actual punch of cork exhibits. Cork trees that show a higher population of worms or fungi tend to yield cork crops which are more porous. The Grade 3 corks show less than average porousness and are on par with the quality of cork used in many commercial facilities. 

Wine Corks - 1 3/4 in Agglomerated 1+1

This is a high quality agglomerated cork with solid end caps. An agglomerated cork is a cork that is composed of many small pieces that are pressed and adhered together. As the quality of cork has declined many wineries have begun to use alternative corks, such as synthetics or these agglomerated corks to insure a good seal in their wine. These corks offer the assurance of a good seal while at the same time allowing the breathing properties that solid corks offer.

Wine Corks - 1 3/4 in. Acquamark Corks

The Acquamark cork line is a high quality colmated cork.  These corks have the ageable lifespan of Natural Cork, but are closer to the price of an agglomerated or overrun cork. Colmated corks are Natural Corks that were not quite flawless enough to make a grade, but are then filled in with agglomerated pieces, resulting in an ageable, but economical cork.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please email us at or give us a call at 1-800-600-0033


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