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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Power Up Your Yeast With A Wort Aerator

Hey there!

Breathe in, breathe out. Everyone likes a breath of fresh air now and then, including the yeast you've chosen to ferment your beer. Letting oxygen sneak in during fermentation is a definite flavor-killing no-no. But pumping up the O2 with a wort aerator before you ferment gives your yeast a boost that helps them work more efficiently.

Add a wort aerator to your homebrewing toolkit, and get ready for faster fermentation. While you're perusing the cream of the crop, take a gander at Kviek, an age-old yeast that's got the moxie to make some hot new beers. Or, if you're forever stalking strains of yeast but are tired of keeping them in your sock drawer, find out how to create a lab-worthy storage setup at home.

Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of
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