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Sunday, May 30, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Posted: 30 May 2021 06:32 PM PDT

I'm a bit of a cinephile, movies are probably my second love after brewing, I have a "watchlist" which is almost as long as my "brewlist" and I try to watch a couple of films off it each week.

I'm always open for suggestions and love hearing what people have watched recently, what their opinion was and why.

With such a melange of people on the forum I'm sure I'm not the only one, so what are you watching, or have you watched recently?

I'll go first, last night I watched...

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Common word pairs.

Posted: 30 May 2021 05:10 PM PDT

I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here.

It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post.

I will start it with -

Kings Head (pub)


Posted: 30 May 2021 04:31 PM PDT

Has any of you experience using iSpindel? Which software you suggest to get the data?

Starsan issue when kegging?

Posted: 30 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT


I've kegged a cerveza after sanitising my corny with starsan solution. Unfortunately, after emptying I didn't rinse, and added my brew on top of the foam that was left..

I've force carbed, and the beer seems to be carbed up properly, but there's no head at all - is this an issue starsan causes?

Windows 11 is Coming.

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:36 PM PDT

They said in 2015 windows 10 would be the final version it looks like they changed their mind.

Cheers from Brazil

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:33 PM PDT

My name is Luiz and I've started home brewing about 2 years ago, when I bought a single vessel. In this time I've gone through many errors but also produced some fantastic batches. I very much antecipate exchanging experiences and learning from you!

Kefir with whole or semi-skimmed milk

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

I'm newbie to kefir, and am having good results using whole milk. However these days we're encouraged to eat less fat, so we normally use semi-skimmed for normal use. So, apart from the obvious less creamy texture, would the kefir suffer or produce less effective pro-biotics from semi-skimmed?

Wlp007 Attenuation.

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

Attenuation wlp 007

What attenuation are people getting with this yeast? I used it a couple of months ago in a 5% smash and got 80 per cent which is what I was expecting.

I then used it a agin in a 6% english IPA, and was hoping 80 % would dry out and combat the sweetness of 5kg of Maris otter, but it went from 1061, to 1015, which is about 74%. It's in the sated range but I was hoping for higher. It's left the beer too sweet. So did fermentation stall or is that about right and I'll...

Wlp007 Attenuation.

Mark K’s Brewdays

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:25 PM PDT

Thought I'd jump on the old bandwagon and make the move on from the "what did you brew today" thread. I suppose that even if no-one reads it I'll have a record for myself 😂 Oh well, here goes 😱

Busy day today. After setting out at kegging my Old Freckled Chicken and being faced with the prospect of having an empty FV I decided today would be my second consecutive brew day.

I'm now on a mission to use up existing hop supplies with a 25kg sack of clear choice pale malt but didn't have enough...

Mark K's Brewdays

Infection risk high?

Posted: 30 May 2021 02:00 PM PDT

Hi guy's, I'm fairly new to brewing so I'm starting with some small 1 gallon brews to get a feel for things before moving to bigger batches. Anyways last week I brewed a all grain batch and when I was transferring from stock pot to fermenter I noticed a tea spoon in the bottom of my stock pot of wort!! My uncle was around doing some work and he must have found it funny to drop a tea spoon in! It was a clean spoon and I transferred as normal! A week into fermentation and I'm hoping things...

Infection risk high?

DIY help

Posted: 30 May 2021 01:32 PM PDT

Going to paint my pebble dash walls at the weekend
Got a loan of a Wagner sprayer anyone got any tips to help spred up the process please

Cummings testimony

Posted: 30 May 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Cummings giving his evidence to the Commons committees is extraordinary. Live coverage at :

Most of the political correspondents live-Tweeted it to some extent, Ian Dunt of Politico was perhaps the most comprehensive (albeit a bit sweary)


Cummings testimony

Back and brewing again in the new world.

Posted: 30 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

Hi all,
Back in a better brewing frame of mind. Been quiet dealing with other health issues. Now completing my 30m2 BIAB brewery. Oh yeah, got married in Feb so life is very good.athumb.. I have been brewing and lurking, but this is the first time I feel ready to get back and visible.:hat:

Bread Porn

Posted: 30 May 2021 01:07 PM PDT

Nothing special a wholemeal bread with pumpkin seed and caraway seed, family get together tomorrow will be making some cheese and onion bread, maybe even some tomato and basil.


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