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Friday, June 4, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Pluto gun fittings

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:05 PM PDT

I have acquired a second hand Pluto gun and am new to kegging. I have set up my kegs and lines (4 kegs). I'm not sure if I have all the parts for the gun? Does this look right?

Also, if I want to do a force carbination, do I just disconnect the other kegs, turn up the regulator, do my stuff, turn it down and reconnect?

Sorry for the stupid questions, but I don't really want stuff anything up.


Ginger beer using beer as a base ?

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:32 PM PDT

I brewed a pale ale a few months back and i used the spent grain for a parti-gyle, so i have 20ltrs of wort that is like a very light beer with an SG of about 1.018.
Thinking of using it as a base for ginger beer with maybe a small chilli infusion ?

Dry hopping techniques

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:19 PM PDT

I have tried various methods of dry hopping including during the time the yeast is working, after the yeast has finished etc. I recently came across an article written by Drew Beechum in Craft Beer and Brewing. He has changed the way he previously dry hopped. He suggests bringing the temperatures down to lager type temperature 3 to 4c after the yeast has finished working. Then dry hop for 2 days at those temperatures. He suggests by doing it this way it maximises the sought after fragrances...

Dry hopping techniques

Beermakers bitter - kit yeast

Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

Hi all,

Just wanted some advice about a beermakers bitter kit I'm currently brewing. I'm using the kit yeast, but currently my spare room (brew room) temperature is holding my brew at about 18c.(Chilly in Victoria at the moment). Is this a little too cold for the kit yeast? There's a nice foamy Krausen this morning after about 16 hours post yeast pitch, but I'm worried it might stall.



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