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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

Hi Guys,
I had a bit of a search and didn't see any threads matching my questions. (Not to say there were not there)

Yesterday i did 2 coopers pale ale kits. Stock standard approach as i just want to see what its like before i play with it.
I used the Brew Enhancer 2 and added 400g Dextrose (To make up for the bottling sugars in my keg.... and up the ABV a little)

SG 1.049
Yeast: Supplied on the can

I did consider US05 as majority reviews online were that they didn't like the supplied...

Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit

Straining Ginger Beer

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:03 AM PDT

Hey, Im going to do my first batch of Ginger Beer. And I have been looking up different recipes and have noticed that everyone is straining the ginger out of the wort before fermenting. I will be using the Fermzilla for fermenting. Wont all the solids drop to the bottom, so straining is not necessary? Or does it all float on the top, or stay in stasis even after a week in the fermenter?

Unsure newbie needing guidance: Kegland Helles Fire Munich Larger

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:37 AM PDT

G'day, all! I've yesterday taken my first tentative steps into the world of brewing with this kit from Kegland: Extract - Helles Fire Munich Lager - Recipe Kit

Being an insufferable nerd and never satisfied with following the instructions, I've put a few twists on the instructions:

  1. Using Wyeast 2633 Octoberfest lager yeast
  2. Fermenting under pressure in my Fermzilla All Rounder at 15PSI...

Unsure newbie needing guidance: Kegland Helles Fire Munich Larger

Westy 12 any thoughts.

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:48 PM PDT

I'm stocked up on my usual RIS's/BW's and Imperial IPA's so I've decided to do a Westy 12 for Xmas.
4.5kg Belgian pilsner (grain and grape)
2.5kg Belgian pale? Can't find it anywhere, would assume German pale pretty close but don't know, any ideas?
1.2kg D180? many options, some offer D180 others offer "dark" are they one and the same?

Recipe from Candi syrup, any thoughts/suggestions?

Old Peculier

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

Old Peculier – is a fantastic old beer I came across at the Lion Inn (1553) at Blakey, while walking across the ol' Dart.
This is a recipe that I have found:-
[SIZE=13pt]Amount Fermentable[/SIZE]
1.362Kg Dark Dry Malt Extract​
540g Golden Light DME​
454g Candi Sugar...​

Old Peculier

New User, New Brewer

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:24 PM PDT

Hi Guys, I am new to this forum.
I have come across this forum a lot however in my search for the solutions to my brewing questions.

I have been brewing now for a little over a year, mostly extracts and mini mash.
I am encountering some challenges with my latest brew which i would like some advise on.

I brewed 2 x MJ IPA kits 17 days ago on the 2nd May in to 2 separate fermenters.

I used the MJ pure malt enhancer and .5kg of dextrose as an addition to try to increase the ABV.
Pitched 1...

New User, New Brewer

Coming up from South East Melbourne into NSW in the next few days and can transport equipment?

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:00 PM PDT

If anyone is coming up from the South East side of Melbourne in the next few days and has room to transport a large piece of brewing equipment ( 120cm x 50 cm 120 cm ) that can't really be wrapped but it isn't that heavy , into NSW , I can meet you somewhere, I would pay for your help.

Balter IPA Clone

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 05:10 AM PDT


Just throwing this out to the masses... has anyone got a AG clone recipe of Balter's IPA?



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